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Yockey's Jewish friend: Alexander Benjamin Scharf

What's that bro? You're seriously making another Yockey post? Yes, fuck off.
One of the strangest things about Yockey looking through his files, about tied with his bizare popularity amongst women, was his Jewish friend of about a year before his death: Alexander Benjamin Scharf, who was in many ways as enigmatic as Yockey was. The bulk of the following information was gleamed from Kerry Bolton's Yockey: A Fascist Odyssey and from the FBI files*.*
First things first, it's highly likely his name was not Alexander Benjamin Scharf, but infact; Benjamin Junger. Exactly why he changed his name is unclear, possibly maybe because his new name was less obviously Jewish and so he would encounter less anti-Semitism? Either that or he was involved in shady shit and having multiple names would help him avoid pursuers, this seems more likely as Junger had a history of, like Yockey, employing multiple aliases, including: Britt Phillips, David Chappelle and Benjamin Younger. But any guess is as good as mine. Born in Czechoslovakia on December 12 1923, Junger and his family settled in Argentina when he was 9 and later moved with his mother to Paraguay at the age of 15. He later attended Columbia University, which he was later found to have not graduated from, as well as various Jewish theological schools.
Described by his ex as having a "Deep feeling for Orthodox Jewry", Junger was a "Very serious and Very sad" man who was "distant" with people and was very hard to get to know, yet he was "a decent man" despite being "scared as a rabbit", he "would never become friendly with a person unless he was sure he could trust them". Which makes it all the stranger that Yockey, a man widely described as obnoxious, arrogant and irritating, was one of the few able to make a connection with him; although this may have been one of the rare occassions where Yockey felt compelled to bring his charm out but who knows why Yockey took a shine to him in particular.
One part of Junger's person that I find deplorable is that he often presented himself, to the media and others, as a survivor of Auchwitz. However, by all accounts he probably faked his status as a holocaust survivor as he hadn't been in Europe since his family moved to the Americas apart from a brief stint in Paris. As a Jew, I peronally find this absolutely discraceful, but I think he may have had mental problems in any case and seems to have later convinced himself that he indeed was a survivor of the death camps.
Junger and Yockey
While visiting Reno to see his girlfriend, he made some poor decicions, as we all do after a few too many, and was left penniless after gambling away all his money. Luckily for Ben, after meeting Yockey at the same casino and he was given $20 by him to make his way home to Oakland. This occurred about a year before Yockey's arrest.
The exact nature of the relationship between the two is not known. They were not incredibly close, they only saw each other ocassionally, but Yockey was not a man prone to friendships anyway and he liked Ben enough that not only had he loaned him an amount that today is worth $175 in order to get home, but he ignored, or tolerated, his Jewishness. That one of his only friends was Jewish is very confusing to me. Considering their simmilarities; both were paranoid enough to employ aliases, both had a sense of wanderlust and both had families they had fallen out with, I think they probably saw each other as kindred spirits, despite their obvious differences; a faily devout Jew and a rabid anti-Semite. Although it must be noted that, apparently, Yockey liked to wind Junger up by mentioning that he considered himself a "Pagan" whilst quoting from the Old Testament. Junger never told any of his friends about Yockey.
Junger claimed that he was "naive in thinking Yockey was his friend" as he belives Yockey meerly wanted him to set up a business for him to use as a front. I think this is just him trying to distance himself from someone now outed as a Neo-Fascist. This also goes against information provided by Junger in the FBI files, where he refers to Yockey as a "true and faithful friend". I also do not know why Yockey could not have simply chosen someone else, especially someone more reliable, to use as a front. It also seems that Yockey often loaned Junger money.
Junger tapes
I just want to quickly mention that Bolton found out that one Professor Alexander Scharf of Lexington published a VHS tape on his "experiences" in the camps in 1990 named The Holocaust: When God looked down and wept. This person and Yockey's friend Benjamin Junger are likely one and the same. If anyone is interested in pursuing these tapes there are a few known copies that are freely given by libraries, known copies are in in MA, NH, NJ, Oh, IL and TN, so I, as a Brit, unfortunately cannot pursue them myself:
Extra: After reading through the files I found that when Yockey slammed the door on the arresting agent's hand and caused it to bleed he said genuinely "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that."
submitted by mrbobobo to TNOmod [link] [comments]

Germany: Anti-Semitism commissioner calls for removal of Nazi law leftovers

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 56%. (I'm a bot)
Germany's anti-Semitism commissioner called for the removal of 29 Nazi-era paragraphs that remain in the country's laws in comments published on Sunday.
Felix Klein, appointed two years ago by Chancellor Angela Merkel's cabinet, said the worst example was a 1938 Nazi remnant in Germany's present-day law on changing a person's name.
Jews in Nazi Germany were required under a 1939 regulation stemming from that law to insert a "Typical" Jewish forename, Israel for men, and Sara for women, if their first name was not on a "Typical" list maintained by the-then Interior Ministry.
In last year's appeal, Klein, Högl and Frei wrote that the occupying Allied Control Council had sought to annul that law, but it lingered under Article 125 of Germany's postwar constitution or Basic Law.
"Anyone who wants to change their first or last name in Germany today is [still] confronted with this anti-Semitic-motivated law from 1938," they said.
As further lingering examples, Klein cited Nazi-era paragraphs riddling Germany's current law on naturopathic healing practitioners, its gambling casino ordinance, and a mutual Greek-German law on civil legal assistance.
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ive got like a years worth of content for you Sam

1. Ching Shih

She was a Chinese prostitute who married a pirate and took over his fleet when he died. She ran her ships with an iron fist and took no shit and was super successful, to the point that the Chinese government sent out an armada to stop her. She kicked their asses and captured 63 of their ships. They fought for two years and even brought in Dutch and British ships before they gave up and offered amnesty to her and her 17,000 crewmen. She got to keep ALL of her loot, spent her later years running a brothel/casino and lived to be 69.

2. Jack Churchill

He was a WW2 Commando who served with distinction in a number of theaters, his exploits earned him the Military Cross. He was known as ‘Mad Jack’ by his men and his fellow officers for his ferociousness in combat. Unlike his more conventional peers his weapons of choice were not the traditional British fire arms of the period, instead he chose to rush in to combat with a fucking long bow, a fucking sword and his trusty bag pipes. In 1943 him and a corporal infiltrated a German held town in Sicily capturing 42 men and a mortar position. With only his bagpipes, sword and bow. When the war ended in 1945 after the dropping of the bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima, he was extremely disappointed and was quoted as saying “If it wasn’t for those damn Yanks, we could have kept the war going another 10 years.”

3. Khutulun

This Mongolian Princess insisted that any man who wished to marry her must defeat her in wrestling, forfeiting horses to her if they lost. She gained 10,000 horses defeating prospective suitors.

4. Genghis Khan

“I am the punishment of God. If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me to you.” Only someone badass enough to know they are badass enough to say that can be considered the baddest ass in history.

5. Simo Häyhä

The White Death

6. “Tank Man”

Tank Man, of Tiananmen Square fame. We tend to think that you need an army at your back to be a badass, but when you’re a true badass you face the army in front of you even when there’s no one behind you.

7. Rasputin

Trusted advisor to the Romanov family and was nearly impossible to kill (poisoned, shot, drowned).

8. Christopher Lee

*worked in military intelligence during WW2, the character of James Bond is supposed to be part based on him (Ian Fleming was his cousin.) About his war service (from wikipedia): Lee spent time with the Gurkhas of the 8th Indian Infantry Division during the Battle of Monte Cassino. -While spending some time on leave in Naples, Lee climbed Mount Vesuvius, which erupted three days later. – During the final assault on Monte Cassino, the squadron was based in San Angelo and Lee was nearly killed when one of the planes crashed on takeoff and he tripped over one of its live bombs. *played Count Dracula in a string of popular Hammer Horror films; a James Bond villain in The Man with the Golden Gun; Lord Summerisle in The Wicker Man; Saruman in The Lord of the Rings films and The Hobbit films; and Count Dooku in the final two films of the Star Wars prequel trilogy. *released a Heavy metal album at the age of 88; has won awards for his metal music; the single he released in his 90th birthday made him the genre’s oldest performer; he had a song in the Billboard Hot 100 in December 2013 making him — at 91 — the living oldest performer to ever chart; released an EP earlier this year, at 92. If he’s not the world’s baddest ass, he might still be the worlds most interesting man.

9. Subutai

Subutai, Ghengis Khan’s primary military strategist. Tore through Eastern Europe like tearing toilet paper, with only a scouting force. Check out the wiki link, because he was unbelievable.

10. Roy P. Benavidez

“Sergeant Benavidez’ gallant choice to join voluntarily his comrades who were in critical straits, to expose himself constantly to withering enemy fire, and his refusal to be stopped despite numerous severe wounds, saved the lives of at least eight men. His fearless personal leadership, tenacious devotion to duty, and extremely valorous actions in the face of overwhelming odds were in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service, and reflect the utmost credit on him and the United States Army.” – Medal of Honor citation

11. Anne Boleyn

I’ll always stand by Anne Boleyn – she manipulated an infamous king into turning away from his beloved religion, kill his supporters who objected (Cardinal Wolsey), and broke with the church to marry her. She’s usually seen as conniving, a witch and evil, but in a male dominated world she cut out her own path and went from low born to the queen of England. She’s such an interesting person in my opinion

12. Frederick the Great

Frederick the Great is one of the most underrated badasses in history. The guy took on Austria, France, Russia, Poland, Sweden, and a bunch of smaller German and Italian states and won with his tiny kingdom-Prussia. He turned a small obscure German state into the nation that would end up uniting Germany and guide it on its path to evoking the most powerful country on Earth…until WW1. He was also a very wise monarch. He was friends with Voltaire and passed reforms that helped out the serfs and Jews.

13. Boudicca

The Queen of the Iceni tribe of ancient celts, she led a ragtag army of Celtic tribes against the invading and highly organized roman army. She burnt Londonium (modern day London) to the ground and wiped out a decent portion of Roman forces. And, oh yeah, this is after the Romans came and ignored her rule, beat her up, and raped her two daughters. Boudicca didn’t mess around.

14. Albert “Hard” Jacka

On the morning of 7 August 1916, after a night of heavy shelling, the Germans began to overrun a portion of the line which included Jacka’s dug-out. Jacka had just completed a reconnaissance, and had gone to his dug-out when two Germans appeared at its entrance and rolled a bomb down the doorway, killing two of his men. Emerging from the dug-out, Jacka came upon a large number of Germans rounding up some forty Australians as prisoners. Only seven men from his platoon had recovered from the blast; rallying these few, he charged at the enemy. Heavy hand-to-hand fighting ensued, as the Australian prisoners turned on their captors. Every member of the platoon was wounded, including Jacka who was wounded seven times; including a bullet that passed through his body under his right shoulder, and two head wounds. Fifty Germans were captured and the line was retaken; Jacka was personally credited with killing between twelve and twenty Germans during the engagement.” And that was the second time he had done something like that. I suspect he was a terminator sent back to save some historically important grandfathers.

17. Daniel Inouye

Second longest serving Senators in US History (representing Hawaii since it gained statehood in 1959) and a WWII vet with this remarkable story to tell: “On April 21, 1945, Inouye was grievously wounded while leading an assault on a heavily-defended ridge near San Terenzo in Tuscany, Italy, called Colle Musatello. The ridge served as a strongpoint along the strip of German fortifications known as the Gothic Line, which represented the last and most unyielding line of German defensive works in Italy. As he led his platoon in a flanking maneuver, three German machine guns opened fire from covered positions just 40 yards away, pinning his men to the ground. Inouye stood up to attack and was shot in the stomach; ignoring his wound, he proceeded to attack and destroy the first machine gun nest with hand grenades and fire from his Thompson submachine gun. After being informed of the severity of his wound by his platoon sergeant, he refused treatment and rallied his men for an attack on the second machine gun position, which he also successfully destroyed before collapsing from blood loss. As his squad distracted the third machine gunner, Inouye crawled toward the final bunker, eventually drawing within 10 yards. As he raised himself up and cocked his arm to throw his last grenade into the fighting position, a German inside the bunker fired a rifle grenade that struck him on the right elbow, severing most of his arm and leaving his own primed grenade reflexively “clenched in a fist that suddenly didn’t belong to me anymore.” Inouye’s horrified soldiers moved to his aid, but he shouted for them to keep back out of fear his severed fist would involuntarily relax and drop the grenade. While the German inside the bunker reloaded his rifle, Inouye pried the live grenade from his useless right hand and transferred it to his left. As the German aimed his rifle to finish him off, Inouye tossed the grenade into the bunker and destroyed it. He stumbled to his feet and continued forward, silencing the last German resistance with a one-handed burst from his Thompson before being wounded in the leg and tumbling unconscious to the bottom of the ridge. When he awoke to see the concerned men of his platoon hovering over him, his only comment before being carried away was to gruffly order them to return to their positions, since, as he pointed out, “nobody called off the war!”

18. Stanley “Swede” Vejtasa

He was an American pilot during WWII. At the Battle of the Coral Sea, he shot down two Japanese Zeroes in an SBD Dauntless – a dive bomber – and rammed a third. Upon learning of this, the Navy transferred him to a fighter wing flying F4F Wildcats. Later, at the Battle of Santa Cruz, he became an “ace in a day”, shooting down seven Japanese planes in a single sortie. At least one of these kills was accomplished after running out of ammunition; he charged an enemy plane (which was also out of ammunition) head-on at low altitude and forced it to crash. He survived the war, as well.

19. Grainne Mhaol (known as Grace O’Malley by the English)

16th Irish noblewoman, when she was a child her father (the chieftain of the Uí Mháille clan) refused to take her to sea and she cut off all her hair to embarrass him into taking her (her nickname means Bald Grainne). She was born at a time when the Tudor conquest of Ireland was picking up the pace. Throughout her life she was a pirate, she was leader of fighters, under her leadership castles and forts were taken and withstood sieges, she was a revolutionary and war-leader and when Elizabeth I captured her sons and brother, she came to the royal court and negotiated their release in Latin, as she spoke no English and Elizabeth spoke no Irish. Her life would seriously fill about ten books.

20. Audie Murphy

Audie Murphy, aka real life Captain America. He was 16 in 1942, weighing 110 pounds and standing 5’5″. He applied to both the Marines and Air Force, but was turned down by both, and eventually managed to get into the Army, where he passed out halfway through training but insisted on going to fight. He contracted malaria in Italy, but was still sent into France in 1944, where he found a German machine gun crew who pretended to surrender, then shot his best friend. Murphy flipped shit, killed everyone in the gun nest, then used their weaponry to kill every Nazi in a 100-yard radius. 6 months later, his company (down to 19 men out of the original 128) was tasked with defending a critical region in France. The Nazis showed up with a ton of guys, so Murphy and his men sent out their M-10’s, which didn’t do much. They were about to be overrun when the skinny short kid with malaria ran to one of the burning M-10’s, grabbed the machine gun, and started mowing down every enemy he could see. He kept going for an hour, until he ran out of bullets, then walked back to his men as the tank exploded behind him.

21. Leo Major

For starters, he was part of the D-Day invasion. That very day, he killed a squad of German soldiers and captured a half-track that was loaded with intelligence information. Quite a while later, he ran into 4 SS soldiers and killed all of them. However, one hit him with a phosphorous grenade, blinding him in one eye. He refused discharge, saying that as long as he could see through the scope, he had enough eyes. During the Battle of the Scheldt, Major single-handedly captured 93 German soldiers and was offered a Distinguished Conduct Medal. He refused, saying that the man awarding it, General Bernard Montgomery, was an incompetent, so any award from him was worthless. In the beginning of 1945, he was in a vehicle that struck a landmine. He broke both ankles, 4 ribs, and fractured 3 vertebrae. He still continued, refusing evacuation. In April of that year, his unit came upon the Dutch city of Zwolle. His commander asked for two volunteers for a reconnaissance mission. Major and his friend Willie volunteered. They were expected to go see how many German soldiers were in the town. Shortly into their mission, Willie was killed, and the plan changed. Major was out for blood. He went down the street guns blazing and throwing grenades while yelling in French to convince the Germans that the Canadians had sent their whole force into the town. He captured nearly one hundred German troops who went fleeing from their cover. Later that night, he came upon the Gestapo HQ and burned it to the ground. He barged into the SS HQ later that same night, killed 4, and ran the other 4 out of town. At 4:30 a. m. He discovered that the city belonged to the Dutch again, and the Germans had been run out. He received a Distinguished Conduct Medal for single-handedly liberating the town of Zwolle. But he still wasn’t done. In the Korean War, he was asked to lead a strike team of elite snipers to support an American division. He and his twenty men took the hill single-handedly and held it while nearly 20,000 Chinese soldiers attacked their position. He was ordered to retreat. Instead, he held the hill for three days until reinforcements arrived. For this action, he received a bar to his DCM.

22. Hugh Glass

While the story is probably embellished some, it’s still amazing. While on a fur trapping expedition, he was mauled by a grizzly bear, which he killed with some help, then passed out. Later, he woke up to find his party abandoned him and he had no equipment. So he cleaned his multiple wounds, used the bear’s skin as a bandage, and spent the next six weeks making it back to civilization. Along the way he fought off wolves, made his own raft to travel down a river, and with the help of natives sewed the bear skin in place to replace his own.

23. Witold Pilecki

Witold Pilecki was a Polish soldier and resistance member who volunteered to get imprisoned in the Auschwitz concentration camp in order to gather intelligence and escape. While in the camp, Pilecki organized a resistance movement and as early as 1941, informed the Western Allies of Nazi Germany’s Auschwitz atrocities. He escaped from the camp in 1943 after nearly 3 years of imprisonment.

24. Louis Zamperini

To elaborate, he was a tiny guy that ran track for the US Olympic team in Germany. He got cleated up so bad by the other runners he was bleeding all over the place and he busted it down the final stretch, didn’t win but the crowd was going nuts for the guy so much so that hitler asked to shake his hand after the race. Plane gets shot down in ww2, survives longer a drift than anyone has ever survived while fighting off sharks. Washes ashore a Japanese prison camp, much badassery ensues here. Gets tortured for a couple years and after he’s released, this cat returns to japan to tell his torturer that he forgives him, the coward won’t meet him. This guy even died on the Fourth of July. Oh and some say he was actually the first to run a mile in under four minutes, in the sand.

25. General John J. Pershing

If Commanding General of the American Expeditionary Forces in WWI, John J. Pershing was alive today, he would probably say the following on how to deal with suicide bombers and deter Islamic terrorists: further action can be taken once they blow themselves up; there is an effective substance that can deter these bombers. Its pork, and it will deny any Muslim extremist what they seek after death. During the Philippine Wars 1899-1913, we fought another Islamic terrorist group called the Moro’s, which were decisively quelled by John J. Pershing. One tactic he employed is said to have happened in 1911, when Pershing was serving as commander of a garrison. Following numerous Islamic terrorist attacks, Pershing captured fifty of the Moro’s, and used their religion against them. Forced to dig their own graves, the terrorists were all tied to posts, for execution by firing squad. American soldiers then brought in pigs, slaughtered them, and then coated their bullets with the blood and fat from the pigs. Pershing turned the tables, and terrorized these terrorists; he ensured they saw that once struck by the firing squad’s bullets, they would be contaminated with the pig’s blood. Even worse, their bodies would be dumped in a grave with a pig carcass, meaning that they could not enter Heaven, even if they were engaged in a Jihad. Pershing followed through with the operation. Forty-nine Moro’s were shot, their bodies dumped into the graves, and the dead pig carcasses and entrails poured all over them. The Fiftieth Moro was spared, and allowed to return to his camp, to spread the word to his fellow Jihadists what happened to the others. He must have made it clear what fate awaits any Jihadists caught by the Americans from that point forward, as it brought an end to terrorism in the Philippines for the next 50 years.

26. Leroy Jenkins

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Sam Harris on Michael Bloomberg and stop-and-frisk

Hi folks. In the latest podcast episode (189) Harris made some comments about Michael Bloomberg and stop-and-frisk. Let’s first of all take a look at what Harris said:
“Let’s start with Bloomberg, because he’s someone who is getting, you know there’s at least an attempt to defenestrate him based on a few things he said as mayor which may have been politically imprudent or too candid by half, but in many respects not obviously wrong. And the arguments against him really seem to be pseudoarguments. And so, at the time of recording this this is a fairly vivid scandal or pseudoscandal in journalism now. But, the Democrats are pillorying him over remarks he made that were just unearthed from the Aspen Institute in 2015 when he was talking about stop-and-frisk. And I have the quote here, so this is Bloomberg in 2015, after he was mayor. He was I believe mayor for 11 years of New York City, and the policy for those who don’t recall it, it’s been since more or less phased out, but, the cops were stationed more in minority areas and stopping and frisking people looking for guns, mostly, and crime rates plummeted. There’s some uncertainty about the causal factor there, but it was not irrational at the time to think that stop-and-frisk was part of the policy that was succeeding in causing crime rates to plummet. Anyway, so Bloomberg said:
'95% of your murders and murder victims fit one MO. You can just take the description and Xerox it and pass it out to all the cops. They are male minorities 15-25. That is true in New York. That is true in virtually every city in America. And that’s where the real crime is. You’ve got to get the guns out of the hands of the people who are getting killed. So you want to spend the money on a lot of cops in the streets. Put those cops where the crime is. Which means minority neighborhoods.'
And then in a subsequent interview he said:
'One newspaper and one news service, they just keep saying ‘Oh it’s a disproportionate percentage of a particular ethnic group.’ That may be, but it’s not a disproportionate percentage of those who witnesses and victims describe as committing the crime. In that case, incidentally, I think we disproportionately stop whites too much, and minorities too little. It’s exactly the reverse of what they’re saying. I don’t know where they went to school, but they certainly didn’t take a math course, or a logic course.'
Alright so he’s clearly making it difficult for himself there, in hindsight, politically. But the reality is, all the data I’ve ever read about violent crime support what he’s saying here. The disproportionate number of perpetrators and the disproportionate number of victims are coming from minority communities. And what these communities suffer from is not too much policing, it’s been the wrong type of policing. There’s too much policing around petty crime, and not enough policing around solving murders, and how to get that right is a difficult question. But the people who are saying that the only way to have arrived at a stop-and-frisk policy was borne of racism, and not caring about the disparities of the way in which crime victimizes communities, that’s just clearly untrue. A completely rational and compassionate attempt to mitigate violent crime could have given you this policy. And it seems to me that the thing the Democratic party has to be able to admit at this point, in order to talk anything like sense on this topic, is that it’s a difficult social problem, that, the mayor was right in his diagnosis, that you could win money all day long in a casino that would allow you to place a bet on the age range and gender and minority identity of a perpetrator of a violent crime in New York City. You know, it’s not the ultra-Orthodox Jews who are mugging people in New York City. But that’s a politically toxic thing to make salient, and the remedy of stop-and-frisk became politically toxic, and probably wasn’t worth doing in hindsight. He could have figured that out earlier than he did, perhaps. But, the fact that he’s being castigated on the left as a racist monster, just seems to be emblematic of all of the miscalibrations in our politics on the left, that the wokeness is ensuring. And it seems, above all, a recipe for giving us four more years of Trump in the end.”
Okay, well I have some thoughts about this. Let’s break this down into what was said, and what wasn’t said.

What was said.

Firstly, Harris is generally misrepresenting the situation when he says Democrats are ‘pillorying him’ over remarks he made. If you look at the transcripts of the two recent debates, the comments aimed at Bloomberg’s stop-and-frisk policy are generally not about the comments Harris quoted, but the policy itself.
From Nevada:
Sanders: ‘In order to beat Donald Trump, we’re going to need the largest voter turnout in the history of the United States. Mr. Bloomberg had policies in New York city of stop-and-frisk, which went after African American and Latino people in an outrageous way.’
Warren: ‘Democrats are not going to win if we have a nominee who has a history of hiding his tax returns, of harassing women and of supporting racist policies like redlining and stop-and-frisk.’
Biden: Well the fact of the matter is, he has not managed his city very, very well when he was there. He didn’t get a whole lot done. He has stop-and-frisk, throwing close to 5 million young black men up against a wall. And when we came along in our administration, President Obama and said, “We’re going to send in a mediator to stop it.” He said, “That’s unnecessary.”
Biden: ‘Yes. Let’s get something straight. The reason the stop and frisk change is because Barack Obama sent moderators to see what was going on. When we sent them there to say, “This practice has to stop,” the mayor thought it was a terrible idea. We send them there, a terrible idea. Let’s get the facts straight. Let’s get the order straight. And it’s not whether he apologize or not, it’s the policy. The policy was abhorrent and it was, in fact, of violation of every right people have. We are the one, our administration sent in people to monitor it. And the very time the mayor argued against that. This idea that he figured out it was a bad idea. He figured out it was a bad idea after we sent in monitors and said it must stop. Even then he continued the policy.’
Warren: ‘When the mayor says that he apologized, listen very closely to the apology. The language he used is about stop and frisk. It’s about how it turned out. Now this isn’t about how it turned out. This is about what it was designed to do to begin with. It targeted communities of color, it targeted black and brown men from the beginning. And if you want to issue a real apology, then the apology has to start with the intent of the plan as it was put together and the willful ignorance day by day by day of admitting what was happening. Even as people protested in your own street, shutting out the sounds of people telling you how your own policy was breaking their lives. You need a different apology.’
From South Carolina:
King: ‘Mayor Buttigieg, mayor to mayor, mayor to mayor, you've certainly had your issues with the black community as well. Do you think the New York City's implementation of stop and frisk was racist?’
Buttigieg: ‘Yes, in effect, it was. Because it was about profiling people based on their race. And the mayor even said that they disproportionately stopped white people too often and minorities too little. ’
O’Donnell: ‘Senator Klobuchar, was the way that the mayor implemented stop and frisk racist?’
Klobuchar: ‘Yes, and I think that what we need to do instead of just reviewing everything from the past is talk about where we're going to go forward.’
So we can see that generally, the comments being made by Democratic rivals are about the policy, how it was implemented, or how Bloomberg responded to criticism of the policy. Ditto comments made in the press:
Repeating the phrase, “We will not beat Donald Trump with,” Sanders ticked off the issues that have dogged Bloomberg for a week: a “racist” policy like stop-and-frisk that “caused communities of color to live in fear,” his past opposition to raising the minimum wage and that he “blamed the end of racist policies such as redlining for the financial crisis.”
Biden slammed Bloomberg’s record on policing in New York and other issues important to African American voters, a crucial demographic for the Democratic nomination -- and especially for Biden, who has lost black support as Bloomberg’s support among blacks has picked up.
“You take a look at the stop-and-frisk proposals. You take a look at his ideas on redlining he’s talking about. You take a look at what he’s done relative to the African American community,” Biden said. So the idea that the criticism is simply about remarks Bloomberg made is either a misrepresentation or is misleading commentary.
Secondly, ‘the arguments against him really seem to be pseudoarguments’. Which arguments? Because lots of arguments have been made about stop-and-frisk as it relates to Bloomberg, and we’ve already seen that the criticism of Bloomberg isn’t narrowly lazered in on some comments he’s made about it, but is about the policy itself as implemented and handled by Bloomberg. Without specifying the arguments that have been made, or the people who have made them, this is just a lazy and vague assertion. Nevertheless, we can actually look at some arguments against Bloomberg’s stop-and-frisk policy:
evidence has emerged of the harms created by the strategy. We now know that students heavily exposed to stop-and-frisk were more likely to struggle in school, that young men were more likely to experience symptoms of anxiety and depression, that this exposure fostered cynicism in policing and government writ large, and that it made residents more likely to retreat from civic life.
In effect, Mr. Bloomberg’s policing record — one of his greatest liabilities as voters begin to appraise him at the ballot box — may have clouded the other accomplishments that form the strongest case for his bid as president, in areas like education, public health and good government.
Recent research by Mr. Bacher-Hicks and Elijah de la Campa found that black middle-school students exposed to more aggressive policing were more likely to later drop out of school and less likely to enroll in college.
The researchers looked at parts of New York that had many stops, not necessarily because those places had high crime or other correlated factors, but because they happened to be assigned a precinct commander who was more likely to advocate frequent stops. Within these neighborhoods, students may not have been stopped themselves. But they went to school in communities where this kind of policing was pervasive.
The negative effects on education appeared for girls, too, even though they were far less likely to be stopped by police than boys or young men. That implies, the researchers suggest, that something deeply embedded in the girls’ environment — like fear or distrust of authority that students learned from it — might have hindered their education. More police stops, the researchers found, were also associated with chronic absenteeism.
That study adds to other research in New York finding that black male students who were more exposed to stop-and-frisk had lower test scores. And other research using surveys about experiences with the police has found that students around the country who were arrested or stopped, or who witnessed these encounters or knew of others involved, had worse grades.
That these effects appear strongest for black students suggests that aggressive policing could worsen racial achievement gaps in school as well.
“All these kinds of disadvantages can accrue and build up,” said Aaron Gottlieb, a professor at the Jane Addams College of Social Work at the University of Illinois at Chicago, who has studied policing and student grades. “Let’s say a police stop reduces the likelihood that you go to college. That’s going to impact your earnings in the long run.”
Other research shows that negative interactions with the police can shape how residents think about government and civic institutions, and even democracy more broadly.
“It teaches something really important — and something really negative — about what agents of the state and bureaucracies are supposed to be doing in your community, what role they play, what their character is,” said Amy Lerman, a political scientist at the University of California, Berkeley.
She and Vesla Weaver, a political scientist at Johns Hopkins, have found that even minor encounters with police can reduce the likelihood of voting, a pattern other research of stop-and-frisk in New York has documented as well. Ms. Lerman and Ms. Weaver have shown that aggressive stop-and-frisk tactics can even have a chilling effect on whether residents use a service like 3-1-1 to report issues that have nothing to do with crime at all.
Is this a pseudoargument?
Data suggests that the vast majority of street stops made by the police in New York at the height of stop-and-frisk weren’t particularly helpful in fighting crime: Few led to arrests or uncovered weapons. But research has found that a small subset of stops, those based on specific suspicions by officers and not general sweeps or racial profiling, do appear to have helped reduce crime.
From the study itself:
Impact zones were significantly associated with reductions in total reported crimes, assaults, burglaries, drug violations, misdemeanor crimes, felony property crimes, robberies, and felony violent crimes. Impact zones were significantly associated with increases in total reported arrests, arrests for burglary, arrests for weapons, arrests for misdemeanor crimes, and arrests for property felony crimes. Impact zones were also significantly associated with increases in investigative stops for suspected crimes, but only the increase in stops made based on probable cause indicators of criminal behaviors were associated with crime reductions. The largest increase in investigative stops in impact zones was based on indicators of suspicious behavior that had no measurable effect on crime. The findings suggest that saturating high crime blocks with police helped reduce crime in New York City, but that the bulk of the investigative stops did not play an important role in the crime reductions. The findings indicate that crime reduction can be achieved with more focused investigative stops.
Is this a pseudoargument?
Thirdly: ‘There’s some uncertainty about the causal factor there, but it was not irrational at the time to think that stop-and-frisk was part of the policy that was succeeding in causing crime rates to plummet.’
While it’s not possible for me to say whether it was rational or irrational at the time to think that stop-and-frisk played some role in crime reduction, even at the time, going back to at least 1999 (predating Bloomberg’s first mayoral term), the City had been aware that stop-and-frisk involved widespread constitutional violations:
[The City has] received both actual and constructive notice since at least 1999 of widespread Fourth Amendment violations occurring as a result of the NYPD’s stop and frisk practices. Despite this notice, they deliberately maintained and even escalated policies and practices that predictably resulted in even more widespread Fourth Amendment violations. . . . The NYPD has repeatedly turned a blind eye to clear evidence of unconstitutional stops and frisks.”
Which would not seem to be a great thing for a Presidential candidate to have aggressively expanded and vigorously defended over many years, when there was awareness of widespread constitutional violations at the time.
Fourthly: ‘A completely rational and compassionate attempt to mitigate violent crime could have given you this policy.’ If such a policy were rooted in rationality and compassion, would there not have been consideration for the known widespread constitutional violations and the fact that the vast majority of those being stopped were innocent people having negative experiences with law enforcement? In addition to which, when the New York City Council passed bills which provided oversight of the stop-and-frisk policy, including an independent monitor of the police department, Bloomberg vetoed them both! Surely someone being motivated by rationality and compassion would not object to oversight of their practices?
Fifth: ‘And it seems to me that the thing the Democratic party has to be able to admit at this point, in order to talk anything like sense on this topic, is that it’s a difficult social problem, that, the mayor was right in his diagnosis, that you could win money all day long in a casino that would allow you to place a bet on the age range and gender and minority identity of a perpetrator of a violent crime in New York City. You know, it’s not the ultra-Orthodox Jews who are mugging people in New York City. But that’s a politically toxic thing to make salient…’
So Harris says that this is a politically toxic thing to make salient, but for some reason the Democratic party are supposed to say ‘Well, Bloomberg was right that it’s mostly young black or Latino people committing violent crimes, in fact you could win money all day long betting in a casino on this very proposition!’ and this is…supposed to help them in the election? This sounds utterly ridiculous and a surefire way to alienate and anger voters and depress voter turnout.
Lastly: ‘the remedy of stop-and-frisk…probably wasn’t worth doing in hindsight’. Is this all Harris can say in assessing the policy, it probably wasn’t worth doing in hindsight? No mention of its being unconstitutional in practice, of widespread constitutional violations being known since at least 1999, of the majority of those stopped being innocent people, of various harmful effects it could have caused and which may still be ongoing? This statement is so devoid of awareness or familiarity with the details that it just comes across as either callous or oblivious.

What wasn’t said.

Anyway, I have to say that, when considering both what Harris did and didn’t say about stop-and-frisk, I didn’t find him to be making much sense on this topic. What are your thoughts?
submitted by RalphOnTheCorner to samharris [link] [comments]


Here we go again!
Anti-semitic tropes
submitted by Kakamile to RSKakamile [link] [comments]

The Pedophile President, A Ponzi Scheme, and an English Madam

Donald Trump’s charm and looks were not enough to stop his failing casino and real estate businesses from collapsing despite receiving millions in an inheritance in which Trump lied about. His charm was not enough to save his marriage and his relationship with Marla Maples.
Trump’s tax returns during this period showed losses of over one billion dollars. Trump was running out of money to support his lavish lifestyle.
Born in Europe charming Glislaine Maxwell was a failing publishers daughter who’s gilded life was coming to an end since her father’s death. Maxwell was running out of money to support her lavish lifestyle.
Trump and Epstein in 1992
By the early 1990’s chance meetings with Jeffrey Epstein in New York City reversed both Trump and Maxwell’s pending fate. In 2019, Epstein was looking at life behind bars when he decided that ending his life would be a better fate. Maxwell and Trump are next in line for criminal court cases.
Richard Nixon Revisited
John Mitchell
Epstein’s story begins with an introduction by John Mitchell, former Attorney General to President Richard Nixon who served time for his role in the Watergate break in. In 1987 Mitchell introduced Epstein to Steven Hoffenberg.
Hoffenberg, former owner of the New York Post, hired Epstein as a consultant and was paid $ 25,000.00 per month. Hoffenberg and Epstein worked closely together and traveled the world.
In 1997, Hoffenberg was sentenced to 20 years in federal prison for operating a bill collection agency that was also a ponzi scheme, bilking investors out of almost a half billion dollars. Hoffenberg claims Epstein was intimately involved with this scheme.
Epstein used funds from investors in the Ponzi scheme along with loans from Deutsche bank (fined for money laundering) to buy the properties used to lure the underage girls with the assistance of Ghislaine Maxwell.Epstein did not go to jail for his role in this Ponzi scheme.
Trump Epstein and Maxwell in the 1990’s
Trump's desire for sex
Trump bragged that he could do anything with women because he was rich and famous.
In a 1990 divorce deposition, Trump's first wife and the mother of his three eldest children Ivana Trump accused her then-husband of raping her in a fit of rage in 1989.
Kristin Anderson, a photographer and former model said Trump reached under her skirt and touched her vagina through her underwear at a New York City nightclub in the early 1990s. Anderson said her friends, who were talking together around a table at the time of the incident, confirmed Trump’s assault.
Cathy Heller told the Guardian in October 2016 that she was attending a Mother's Day brunch with her husband, children, and in-laws at Mar-a-Lago in the 1990s when Trump approached her table, introduced himself to her, and forcibly kissed her.
Jill Harth, a businesswoman who worked with Trump in the 1990s, told the Guardian in July 2016 that Trump pushed her against a wall, put his hand up her skirt, and tried to kiss her at a dinner at his Mar-a-Lago resort in the early 1990s.
Epstein meets Maxwell
Jeffrey Epstein met Glislaine Maxwell in 1992. Maxwell was implicated by several of Epstein’s accusers as recruiting underage girls in addition to being Epstein’s girlfriend. There is a video showing Epstein and Trump partying in late 1992. Trump is groping one of the girls.
In 1992 Trump and Epstein, at Trump’s request at Trump’s resort in Florida were the only male guests at a party with 28 women that were part of a calendar girl competition. Epstein was quoted as saying that he wanted to have a beauty contest similar to what Trump had.
Based on Trump’s statements the two pedophiles met a few years ago when they formed business relationships that included Paul Manafort and Deutsche bank and using offshore accounts.
In the late 1990s when Trump was running low on cash he turned to Epstein and Deutsche Bank along with manafort's political Connections in Russia to help fund Trump's failing properties. No United States Banks would loan Trump money with all his bankruptcies and lawsuits.
In the early 1990s Trump and Epstein were close friends according to Epstein's brother Mark, Trump and Epstein lived next to each other in Florida.
11 year old year girl kidnapped
Maria and her mother lived in Danbury Connecticut with their 9 siblings in 1993. Maria’s dad had died one year earlier. At a pizzeria in town Maria was kidnapped only to be found with Jeffrey Epstein in Manhattan one year later.
Trump and Epstein Collaborate with young girls
I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it-Jeffrey enjoys his social life. Donald Trump 2002
In 1994, Trump had known Epstein for years. Trump had attended multiple parties at Epstein's New York residence that has been described as one of the largest townhomes in the city. It had at least 7 stories and as much as 50,000 square feet with at least 40 rooms.
Trump and Epstein would throw parties at their Manhattan homes for mostly girls of all ages then luring them to a series of underage sex parties by promising them money and modeling careers.
Sex and the Summer of 1994
Several court filings indicated that a 13 year old girl named Katie Johnson (corroborated by a witness) had four encounters with Trump and Epstein. Trump and Epstein forced Johnson to engage in various perverted and deparaved sex acts. The earliest encounter included having Johnson being forced to manually stimulate Trump with the use of her hand upon Trump’s erect penis until he reached orgasm.
Trump and Epstein's businesses take a hit
Trump sold the Plaza Hotel in New York for a 83 million dollar loss while Epstein’s bill collecting company was exposed as a Ponzi scheme that investors lost almost one-half billion dollars.
2 children performing for Trump and Epstein
Trump and Epstein, undoubtedly in foul moods from their business losses commenced to argue over who would take Katie Johnson's Virginity. Johnson overheard Trump calling Epstein a Jew Bastard and that Trump should be the one to pop Johnson’s cherry.
The third encounter had Johnson forced to engage in unnatural lesbian sex acts with her fellow minor and sex slave known as Maria from Waterbury. Maria was just 12 at the time. Trump and Epstein had the two girls perform together because when Trump met Johnson during the 4th encounter Maria was not present. Trump warned Johnson that the same thing would happen to her that happened to Maria if she did not perform or told anyone afterward.
Apparently Trump while losing Millions in real estate had won the contest with Epstein to see who would take the underage Johnson's virginity. During their fourth and final encounter, Trump took the 13 year old Johnson’s virginity. Trump tied Johnson to a bed with her pantyhose. Trump responded to Johnson’s repeated requests to stop by raping her and slapped her on the face and screaming he can do whatever he wanted. After the rape, Johnson asked Trump what would happen if Trump impregnated her. Trump threw some money at her and told her to get an abortion
Epstein also raped the girl and in the process of assaulting the girl complaining that he should have been the one to take her virginity.
Despite what Trump told Johnson about Maria it turns out that Maria was a paid agent by Epstein and Trump. Maria was employed by Epstein for over 10 years. Her job was to witness and supervise sexual encounters between Trump and Epstein and the underage girls.
Trump and Epstein repeatedly told Katie Johnson that she and her family would be killed if they ever spoke about what happened. Johnson was told that Trump and Epstein were very wealthy, powerful man and indicated that they had the power, ability, and means to carry out their threats.
Trump’s sexual assaults continue into the late 1990’s
Former Elle advice columnist E. Jean Carroll accused President Donald Trump of sexually assaulting her in a department store dressing room the mid-1990s. "The moment the dressing-room door is closed, he lunges at me, pushes me against the wall, hitting my head quite badly, and puts his mouth against my lips," Carroll wrote in an excerpt of her 2019 book,"What Do We Need Men For?".She went on, "The next moment, still wearing correct business attire, shirt, tie, suit jacket, overcoat, he opens the overcoat, unzipped his pants, and forcing his fingers around my private area, thrusts his penis halfway — or completely, I'm not certain — inside me. It turns into a colossal struggle."
Lisa Boyne, a health food business entrepreneur, told HuffPost in October 2016 that she attended a 1996 dinner with Trump and modeling agent John Casablancas during which several other women in attendance were forced to walk across a table in order to leave.As the women walked on the table, Boyne says that Trump looked up their skirts and commented on their underwear and genitals. Trump allegedly asked Boyne for her opinion on which of the women he should sleep with.
Two Sisters unheard cries for help
Maria Farmer remembers meeting Epstein at an art gallery where she was an artist. Maria was asked by Epstein if she had a father. Epstein hired Maria to act as a doorman for his New York Townhouse having people sign in when they arrived. One evening in 1996 Trump walks in and doesn’t say a word but kind of snickers as he glares at Maria. Epstein told Trump that Maria was not here for you. Farmer witnessed hundreds of girls arriving at Epstein’s townhouse many she estimated to be between 13 and 15 years old. Maria’s work relationship with Epstein enticed her sister Annie to Epstein’s ranch in New Mexico. Annie was only 16 at the time. She was told that Epstein was going to help her with College instead she defended herself against the unwanted advances of Epstein and Maxwell. Both Epstein and Maxwell gradually took advantage of the two sisters with massages and groping. The sisters reported them to the police but nothing was done for 10 years until Epstein was finally arrested.
Karena Virginia, a yoga instructor and life coach, told the Washington Post in October 2016 that Trump groped her as she waited for her car outside the US Open in New York in 1998.Virginia, then 27, said she overheard Trump talking with a group of men about her legs and that Trump then approached her, grabbed her arm, and touched her breast before asking, "Don't you know who I am?"
Trump and Deutsche Bank
Deutsche Bank which started in the 1870’s and went global about the same time that Trump started doing business with this large German Bank. Deutsche bank in the 1990’s started competing with the Wall Street Banks. The same banks that stopped lending to Trump because of his bankruptcies and lawsuits. Deutsche bank saw the price of getting into the global market was doing business with Trump.
Since 2003 American and British regulators ordered Deutsche Bank to pay penalties (the largest in banking history) for laundering 10 billion of Russian money.
Last November Deutsche Bank was raided by German law enforcement officers in a money laundering probe. Deutsche is currently under United States investigation on whether it complied with the laws regarding money laundering. Deutsche has been hit hard by these scandals and its stock is tethering losing all its value. If it is forced to turn over its records regarding Trump that will probably finish it off. Trump and his son-in-law Jarod Kushner’s accounts were flagged by Deutsche Bank's investigators but the officers above them did not proceed with investigating these two men. Tammy McFadden an anti-money compliance officer was fired by the bank when she brought up Trump’s and Kushner’s suspicious activity.
Epstein’s Island
Steve Scully worked on Jeffrey Epstein’s private Island for about 6 years starting in 1999. Scully was the father of three daughters who decided to leave his lucrative IT position because of what he saw. Scully had visited the island about 100 times during his employment. He saw revolving groups of young girls that were guests on the island. All over the island were an extensive collection of topless women images. The Miami Herald has identified 80 women who were abused by Jeffrey Epstein between 2001 and 2006.
Ghislaine Maxwell
With Epstein committing suicide, the new crimminal focus will be on his girlfriend during the 1990’s and beyond and Epstein’s circle of people that assisted in child trafficing that now number at least eight.
One of the under age girls that has filed a lawsuit indicates that she was working at Trump's Mar-a-Lago when she was approached by Maxwell about a way to earn good money, learn massage therapy, and get to know Epstein as a man who could give her a bright future. The girl indicated that she was trained by Maxwell and Epstein to become everything a man wants her to be.
A manager of Epsteins Palm Springs home indicates that he drove Maxwell to spas to look for young women who could do massages for Epstein, their code for sexual acts.
Maxwell is one of several co-conspirators listed in recent legal filings and is either cooperating with authorities to reduce her exposure or if she is evading authorities she is sure to be indicted shortly.
In early July of this year Epstein was arrested for the alledged sex trafficking of dozens of minors. In the criminal indictment federal prosecutors claimed Epstein and his accomplishes lured girls as young as 12 to his properties to perform massages then molested them and encouraged them to recruit other girls to return with them. The victims were paid a finder's fee. Hundreds of girls are involved with Epstein receiving as many as three massages a day..
A trove of court documents unsealed in early August 2019 detail allegations by an alleged victim of wealthy financier Jeffrey Epstein that while working as a teenage locker room attendant at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort nearly two decades ago she was recruited to give Epstein massages that often involved sexual activity.
submitted by jennylamb2006 to esist [link] [comments]

Trump is a traitor a pathological liar and draft Dodger and eventually will be inmate number?

The Pedophile President, A Ponzi Scheme, and an English Madam updated September 13th 2019
Donald Trump’s charm and looks were not enough to stop his failing casino and real estate businesses from collapsing despite receiving millions in an inheritance in which Trump lied about. His charm was not enough to save his marriage and his relationship with Marla Maples.
Trump’s tax returns during this period showed losses of over one billion dollars. Trump was running out of money to support his lavish lifestyle.
Born in Europe charming Glislaine Maxwell was a failing publishers daughter who’s gilded life was coming to an end since her father’s death. Maxwell was running out of money to support her lavish lifestyle.

Trump and Epstein in 1992
By the early 1990’s chance meetings with Jeffrey Epstein in New York City reversed both Trump and Maxwell’s pending fate. In 2019, Epstein was looking at life behind bars when he decided that ending his life would be a better fate. Maxwell and Trump are next in line for criminal court cases.
Richard Nixon Revisited

John Mitchell
Epstein’s story begins with an introduction by John Mitchell, former Attorney General to President Richard Nixon who served time for his role in the Watergate break in. In 1987 Mitchell introduced Epstein to Steven Hoffenberg.

Hoffenberg, former owner of the New York Post, hired Epstein as a consultant and was paid $ 25,000.00 per month. Hoffenberg and Epstein worked closely together and traveled the world.
In 1997, Hoffenberg was sentenced to 20 years in federal prison for operating a bill collection agency that was also a ponzi scheme, bilking investors out of almost a half billion dollars. Hoffenberg claims Epstein was intimately involved with this scheme.
Epstein used funds from investors in the Ponzi scheme along with loans from Deutsche bank (fined for money laundering) to buy the properties used to lure the underage girls with the assistance of Ghislaine Maxwell.Epstein did not go to jail for his role in this Ponzi scheme.

Trump Epstein and Maxwell in the 1990’s
Trump's desire for sex
Trump bragged that he could do anything with women because he was rich and famous.
In a 1990 divorce deposition, Trump's first wife and the mother of his three eldest children Ivana Trump accused her then-husband of raping her in a fit of rage in 1989.
Kristin Anderson, a photographer and former model said Trump reached under her skirt and touched her vagina through her underwear at a New York City nightclub in the early 1990s. Anderson said her friends, who were talking together around a table at the time of the incident, confirmed Trump’s assault.
Cathy Heller told the Guardian in October 2016 that she was attending a Mother's Day brunch with her husband, children, and in-laws at Mar-a-Lago in the 1990s when Trump approached her table, introduced himself to her, and forcibly kissed her.
Jill Harth, a businesswoman who worked with Trump in the 1990s, told the Guardian in July 2016 that Trump pushed her against a wall, put his hand up her skirt, and tried to kiss her at a dinner at his Mar-a-Lago resort in the early 1990s.
Epstein meets Maxwell
Jeffrey Epstein met Glislaine Maxwell in 1992. Maxwell was implicated by several of Epstein’s accusers as recruiting underage girls in addition to being Epstein’s girlfriend. There is a video showing Epstein and Trump partying in late 1992. Trump is groping one of the girls.
In 1992 Trump and Epstein, at Trump’s request at Trump’s resort in Florida were the only male guests at a party with 28 women that were part of a calendar girl competition. Epstein was quoted as saying that he wanted to have a beauty contest similar to what Trump had.
Based on Trump’s statements the two pedophiles met a few years ago when they formed business relationships that included Paul Manafort and Deutsche bank and using offshore accounts.
In the late 1990s when Trump was running low on cash he turned to Epstein and Deutsche Bank along with manafort's political Connections in Russia to help fund Trump's failing properties. No United States Banks would loan Trump money with all his bankruptcies and lawsuits.
In the early 1990s Trump and Epstein were close friends according to Epstein's brother Mark, Trump and Epstein lived next to each other in Florida.
11 year old year girl kidnapped
Maria and her mother lived in Danbury Connecticut with their 9 siblings. Maria’s dad had died one year earlier. Maria’s mother died in 2015. Maria was kidnapped outside of Nash’s pizzeria on March 19, 1993. The girls kidnappers were involved in a child trafficking ring that provided young girls to wealthy individuals like Trump and Epstein. She was found with Jeffrey Epstein in Manhattan one year later.
In 1994, Maria Johnson was approached by an Epstein party recruiter while she was at the New York Port Authority Bus Terminal on 42nd Street in Manhattan. She was told that she might become a model if she met the right people at a fashionable party.
Trump and Epstein Collaborate with young girls
I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it-Jeffrey enjoys his social life. Donald Trump 2002
In 1994, Trump was friends with Epstein for years. Trump had attended multiple parties at Epstein's New York residence that has been described as one of the largest townhomes in the city. It had at least 7 stories and as much as 50,000 square feet with at least 40 rooms. Plenty of private space to take advantage of the young and naive.
Trump and Epstein would throw parties at their Manhattan homes for mostly girls of all ages then luring them to a series of underage sex parties by promising them money and modeling careers.
Sex and the Summer of 1994
Several court filings indicated that a 13 year old girl named Katie Johnson (corroborated by Maria from Danbury) had at least four encounters with Trump and Epstein. Trump and Epstein forced Johnson to engage in various perverted and deparaved sex acts. The earliest encounter included having Johnson being forced to manually stimulate Trump with the use of her hand upon Trump’s erect penis until he reached orgasm.
Trump and Epstein's businesses take a hit
Trump was having a bad year financially in 1994. He sold the Plaza Hotel in New York for a 83 million dollar loss. Epstein’s was a principal in a bill collecting company was exposed as a Ponzi scheme that investors lost almost one-half billion dollars. However, Epstein was not charged.
2 children performing for Trump and Epstein
Trump and Epstein, undoubtedly in foul moods from their staggering business losses commenced to argue over who would take Katie Johnson's Virginity. Johnson overheard Trump calling Epstein a Jew Bastard and that Trump should be the one to pop Johnson’s cherry.
The third encounter had Johnson forced to engage in unnatural lesbian sex acts with her fellow minor and sex slave Maria from Waterbury. Maria was just 12 at the time.
Trump and Epstein had the two girls perform together because when Trump met Johnson during the 4th encounter Maria was not present. Trump warned Johnson that the same thing would happen to her if she did not perform or told anyone afterward.
Apparently Trump while losing Millions in real estate had won the contest with Epstein to see who would take the underage Johnson's virginity. During their fourth and final encounter, Trump took the 13 year old Johnson’s virginity. Trump tied Johnson to a bed with her pantyhose.
Trump responded to Johnson’s repeated requests to stop by raping her and slapped her on the face and screaming he can do whatever he wanted. After the rape, Johnson asked Trump what would happen if Trump impregnated her. Trump threw some money at her and told her to get an abortion
Epstein also raped the girl and in the process of assaulting the girl complaining that he should have been the one to take her virginity.
Despite what Trump told Johnson about Maria it turns out that Maria became a paid agent by Epstein. Maria was employed by Epstein for over 10 years. Her job was to witness and supervise sexual encounters between Trump and Epstein and underage girls.
Trump and Epstein repeatedly told Katie Johnson that she and her family would be killed if they ever spoke about what happened. Johnson was told that Trump and Epstein were very wealthy, powerful man and indicated that they had the power, ability, and means to carry out their threats.
Trump’s sexual assaults continue into the late 1990’s
Former Elle advice columnist E. Jean Carroll accused President Donald Trump of sexually assaulting her in a department store dressing room the mid-1990s. "The moment the dressing-room door is closed, he lunges at me, pushes me against the wall, hitting my head quite badly, and puts his mouth against my lips," Carroll wrote in an excerpt of her 2019 book,"What Do We Need Men For?".She went on, "The next moment, still wearing correct business attire, shirt, tie, suit jacket, overcoat, he opens the overcoat, unzipped his pants, and forcing his fingers around my private area, thrusts his penis halfway — or completely, I'm not certain — inside me. It turns into a colossal struggle."
Lisa Boyne, a health food business entrepreneur, told HuffPost in October 2016 that she attended a 1996 dinner with Trump and modeling agent John Casablancas during which several other women in attendance were forced to walk across a table in order to leave.As the women walked on the table, Boyne says that Trump looked up their skirts and commented on their underwear and genitals. Trump allegedly asked Boyne for her opinion on which of the women he should sleep with.
Two Sisters unheard cries for help
Maria Farmer remembers meeting Epstein at an art gallery where she was an artist. Maria was asked by Epstein if she had a father. Epstein hired Maria to act as a doorman for his New York Townhouse having people sign in when they arrived. One evening in 1996 Trump walks in and doesn’t say a word but kind of snickers as he glares at Maria. Epstein told Trump that Maria was not here for you. Farmer witnessed hundreds of girls arriving at Epstein’s townhouse many she estimated to be between 13 and 15 years old. Maria’s work relationship with Epstein enticed her sister Annie to Epstein’s ranch in New Mexico. Annie was only 16 at the time. She was told that Epstein was going to help her with College instead she defended herself against the unwanted advances of Epstein and Maxwell. Both Epstein and Maxwell gradually took advantage of the two sisters with massages and groping. The sisters reported them to the police but nothing was done for 10 years until Epstein was finally arrested.
Karena Virginia, a yoga instructor and life coach, told the Washington Post in October 2016 that Trump groped her as she waited for her car outside the US Open in New York in 1998.Virginia, then 27, said she overheard Trump talking with a group of men about her legs and that Trump then approached her, grabbed her arm, and touched her breast before asking, "Don't you know who I am?"

Trump and Deutsche Bank
Deutsche Bank which started in the 1870’s and went global about the same time that Trump started doing business with this large German Bank. Deutsche bank in the 1990’s started competing with the Wall Street Banks. The same banks that stopped lending to Trump because of his bankruptcies and lawsuits. Deutsche bank saw the price of getting into the global market was doing business with Trump.
Since 2003 American and British regulators ordered Deutsche Bank to pay penalties (the largest in banking history) for laundering 10 billion of Russian money.
Last November Deutsche Bank was raided by German law enforcement officers in a money laundering probe. Deutsche is currently under United States investigation on whether it complied with the laws regarding money laundering. Deutsche has been hit hard by these scandals and its stock is tethering losing all its value. If it is forced to turn over its records regarding Trump that will probably finish it off. Trump and his son-in-law Jarod Kushner’s accounts were flagged by Deutsche Bank's investigators but the officers above them did not proceed with investigating these two men. Tammy McFadden an anti-money compliance officer was fired by the bank when she brought up Trump’s and Kushner’s suspicious activity.
Epstein’s Island
Steve Scully worked on Jeffrey Epstein’s private Island for about 6 years starting in 1999. Scully was the father of three daughters who decided to leave his lucrative IT position because of what he saw. Scully had visited the island about 100 times during his employment. He saw revolving groups of young girls that were guests on the island. All over the island were an extensive collection of topless women images. The Miami Herald has identified 80 women who were abused by Jeffrey Epstein between 2001 and 2006.
Ghislaine Maxwell
With Epstein committing suicide, the new crimminal focus will be on his girlfriend during the 1990’s and beyond and Epstein’s circle of people that assisted in child trafficing that now number at least eight.
One of the under age girls that has filed a lawsuit indicates that she was working at Trump's Mar-a-Lago when she was approached by Maxwell about a way to earn good money, learn massage therapy, and get to know Epstein as a man who could give her a bright future. The girl indicated that she was trained by Maxwell and Epstein to become everything a man wants her to be.
A manager of Epsteins Palm Springs home indicates that he drove Maxwell to spas to look for young women who could do massages for Epstein, their code for sexual acts.
Maxwell is one of several co-conspirators listed in recent legal filings and is either cooperating with authorities to reduce her exposure or if she is evading authorities she is sure to be indicted shortly.
In early July of this year Epstein was arrested for the alledged sex trafficking of dozens of minors. In the criminal indictment federal prosecutors claimed Epstein and his accomplishes lured girls as young as 12 to his properties to perform massages then molested them and encouraged them to recruit other girls to return with them. The victims were paid a finder's fee. Hundreds of girls are involved with Epstein receiving as many as three massages a day..
According to Maxwell, Epstein had a video recording system in his New York Townhouse that was used to blackmail important people and leverage their sexual activities for future favorable business dealings.
A trove of court documents unsealed in early August 2019 detail allegations by an alleged victim of wealthy financier Jeffrey Epstein that while working as a teenage locker room attendant at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort nearly two decades ago she was recruited to give Epstein massages that often involved sexual activity.
Trump has indicated that all of the above girls are lying and that without providing any details to dispute their stories we should believe Trump when he says is is innocent. Trump has lied approximately 13 times a day or 12 thousand times since becoming President. Trump has lied more times than the 44 other Presidents combined with plenty of room to spare.
House panel approves impeachment inquiry rules.
On September 12th, 2019, the United States House of Representatives Judiciary panel voted to consider procedures for future hearings in the first step towards impeachment of Trump. The basis for impeachment include
Felony assault against underage girls
obstruction of justice
violations of the Foreign Emoluments Clause and Domestic Emoluments Clause of the United States Constitution;
conspiring with others to: (a) commit crimes against the United States involving the solicitation and intended receipt by the Donald J. Trump campaign of things of value from a foreign government and other foreign nationals; and (b) conceal those violations;
advocating illegal violence, giving aid and comfort to white supremacists and neo-Nazis, and undermining constitutional protections of equal protection under the law;
abusing the pardon power;
recklessly threatening nuclear war against foreign nations, undermining and subverting the essential diplomatic functions and authority of federal agencies, including the United States Department of State, and engaging in other conduct that grossly and wantonly endangers the peace and security of the United States, its people and people of other nations, by heightening the risk of hostilities involving weapons of mass destruction, with reckless disregard for the risk of death and grievous bodily harm;
directing or endeavoring to direct law enforcement, including the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, to investigate and prosecute political adversaries and others, for improper purposes not justified by any lawful function of his office, thereby eroding the rule of law, undermining the independence of law enforcement from politics, and compromising the constitutional right to due process of law;
undermining the freedom of the press;
cruelly and unconstitutionally imprisoning children and their families; and
making and directing illegal payments to influence the 2016 election.
It is believed this process will last through the campaign season next year with impeachment to occur in early fall 2020. Trump will be the first president to be impeached and sent to jail.
submitted by jennylamb2006 to fucktrump [link] [comments]

Gravity's Rainbow and the secret integration.

I've read Gravity's Rainbow four times and thought I understood it pretty well. However, reading Beckett's Molloy/Malone Dies/The Unnameable trilogy and the Beckett biography Damned to Fame, and a lot of Jung, and going through some difficult times made me realise how much within me that I had previously repressed. The slow process of integrating everything I was in denial about has allowed me to find peace that I never thought I would attain, having been clinically depressed and suicidal for around ten years. I started reading GR again with this new understanding of myself and realised that I actually hadn't understood it properly at all. I thought I'd share a few things I realised in case they might be of interest to any of you. I will discuss the book from a psychoanalytical perspective and a political perspective here, but I do not wish to reduce what is such a brilliant novel in its own right to these elements alone; I feel like the literary perspective has been discussed far more than these aspects though, and strongly doubt I would be able to add anything new to that excellent body of existing work. Even though I have realised that the political and psychoanalytical aspects are examined and explored very overtly in GR, I think they are often underexamined because the readers themselves haven't come to terms with their own inner conflicts, and are therefore in denial about certain things in themselves, such as their own possible complicity (through inaction or otherwise) with the System - much like Pokler. Therefore I am only going to be discussing the book within the very narrow frameworks of psychoanalysis and politics, while acknowledging that this comprises only a fraction of what it really is.
The sheer density of GR can make it hard to tell what the hell is going on even just in terms of things like the plot. But maybe this isn't such a surprise, Pynchon's intelligence and education, how long he spent writing it, and and how much research he had to do in the process. It's only after doing a lot of the background reading that he refers to that things started to come together for me. With subjects such as Pavlov's theories of conditioning, statistics, physics, engineering, Pynchon reproduces key concepts within the text. For example:
Pavlov was fascinated with “ideas of the opposite.” Call it a cluster of cells, somewhere on the cortex of the brain. Helping to distinguish pleasure from pain, light from dark, dominance from submission... . But when, somehow—starve them, traumatize, shock, castrate them, send them over into one of the transmarginal phases, past borders of their waking selves, past “equivalent” and “paradoxical” phases —you weaken this idea of the opposite, and here all at once is the paranoid patient who would be master, yet now feels himself a slave... who would be loved, but suffers his world’s indifference, and, “I think,” Pavlov writing to Janet, “it is precisely the ultraparadoxical phase which is the base of the weakening of the idea of the opposite in our patients.” Our madmen, our paranoid, maniac, schizoid, morally imbecile—
However, for much of the history, particular that regarding intelligence agencies (whether that is WWII activity such as the O.S.S. or the S.O.E., or CIA activity in the 60s and 70s around the time that Pynchon was writing GR in a Californian beach house, very near where groups such as the Black Panthers were operating, targets of programs such as COINTELPRO and Operation CHAOS), the books had not even been written yet. I think the first few pages, with the carriage full of evacuees, can be interpreted as moving into the darkest parts of lost or repressed history, e.g.:
and it is poorer the deeper they go... ruinous secret cities of poor, places whose names he has never heard..
These names he has never heard could range from the Herero tribe whose genocide he discovered while writing V. ten years before, to Novi Pazar (with the Adenoid passage), to the all other hidden history in the book. I have also read people remarking on how in The Crying of Lot 49 it seems like Pynchon was somehow aware of MK-Ultra (which Dr Hilarius was involved with) before well the documents were leaked and the program confirmed. However, fortunately, many these history books have since been written. If anyone is interested, a great place to start is The Devil's Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America's Secret Government, published in 2016, which follows Dulles from his time at the Wall Street law firm Sullivan and Cromwell to his time in the O.S.S. in Switzerland, working with Nazis in Operation Paperclip, to his directorship of the CIA through the 50s and 60s. Reading about this Cold War history, and also the writing of Huey Newton (who I strongly believe Enzian is in part based on), made a lot of GR far clearer. It is important to recognise that these histories of intelligence agencies contain irrefutable documented facts that the public at large is collectively in denial about - because they are too dark for them to acknowledge and face. For them to acknowledge these facts requires integrating that darkness into their conscious minds, before anything can be done about it on the political level. I think that, through the incorporation of all the world's darkness, from politics to history to sexual and paedophilic fantasies to etc..., this is the Secret Integration that Pynchon is trying to accomplish, and which concept he wrote a story about, published in Slow Learner. Reading this book causes the beginnings of this process, as all of the darkness is brought into one's mind by reading it.
Another crucial area for me was understanding a bit about Freud and Jung. Particularly Freud's tendency to project his own incredibly powerful repression onto his patients, because of his own compulsion to analyse and differentiate everything, much in the Western tradition, seen in, for example, his five stages of psychosexual development, oral, anal, phallic, latent and genital stages. Some people don't need to delve into the darkest aspects of their unconscious to find peace, but since Freud did, he felt the need to inflict this also on his patients - seen in the many cases where he would tell victims of childhood sexual abuse that it was due to their own subconscious desires to be raped, which could, obviously, do enormous damage to his patients. His compulsion to do this might have stemmed from, alongside his overanalytical compulsions, the truth that anything we are in denial of or repress causes inner conflicts that manifest in our daily lives, and the only way to get rid of them is to integrate them into the conscious mind. Jung's equivalent of this is his statement that “until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” Jung's thinking on the unconscious, and particularly the notion of the collective unconscious - this idea that all the darkness in humanity is also within ourselves, and vice versa, much as in Daoism, another critical source for GR - is very useful to help understand the book.
An interesting thing to consider is that the old psychoanalytic approach, more directive/authoritarian (going back to Mesmer powerfully dominating his hypnotic subjects), where the analyst would attempt to integrate these repressions into the conscious mind of the patient by force, has fallen out of favour - it is now seen that the permissive style, in which the therapist tries to help the patient realise things themselves without use of force, is a much healthier approach for the average person (though there are still some cases where the directive style can be more effective). The former's effects can be seen in GR when, after many sessions with Freud, Greta's darkest parts of her unconscious mind rise up and she begins murdering children. Pynchon links Freud's repressions to trauma carried down by Jews from life under the Romans, and elsewhere, slavery under the Ancient Egyptians, which is fundamental to their religious texts (linked itself with attitudes and trauma in the black population about the more recent black slavery).
The trouble with Sigmund was the place he happened to be living in, a drafty, crenelated deformity overlooking a cold little lake in the Bavarian Alps. Parts of it must have dated back to the fall of Rome. That was where Sigmund brought her.
She had got the idea somewhere that she was part Jewish. Things in Germany by then, as everyone knows, were very bad. Margherita was terrified of being “found out.” She heard Gestapo in every puff of air that slipped in, among any of a thousand windways of dilapidation. Sigmund spent whole nights trying to talk it away. He was no better at it than Rollo. It was around this time that her symptoms began.
However psychogenic these pains, tics, hives and nauseas, her suffering was real. Acupuncturists came down by Zeppelin from Berlin, showing up in the middle of the night with little velvet cases full of gold needles. Viennese analysts, Indian holy men, Baptists from America trooped in and out of Sigmund’s castle, stage-hypnotists and Colombian curanderos slept on the rug in front of the fireplace. Nothing worked. Sigmund grew alarmed, and before long as ready as Margherita to hallucinate. Probably it was she who suggested Bad Karma. It had a reputation that summer for its mud, hot and greasy mud with traces of radium, jet black, softly bubbling. Ah. Anyone who’s been sick in that way can imagine her hope. That mud would cure anything. Where was anybody that summer before the War? Dreaming. The spas that summer, the summer Ensign Morituri came to Bad Karma, were crowded with sleepwalkers. Nothing for him to do at the Embassy. They suggested a holiday till September. He should have known something was up, but he only went on holiday to Bad Karma—spent the days drinking Pilsener Urquelle in the cafe by the lake in the Pavilion Park. He was a stranger, half the time drunk, silly beer-drunk, and he hardly spoke their language. But what he saw must have been going on all over Germany. A premeditated frenzy.
This is a similar process to what Slothrop goes through in the Abreaction Ward, when under sodium amytal ("truth serum") and the supervision of psychoanalysts, Slothrop explores the parts of his unconscious that he has repressed, including his feelings towards race and homosexuality.
PISCES: We want to talk some more about Boston today, Slothrop. You recall that we were talking last time about the Negroes, in Roxbury. Now we know it’s not all that comfortable for you, but do try, won’t you. Now—where are you, Slothrop? Can you see anything?
Slothrop: Well no, not see exactly...
By the presence of Red (Malcolm X) in the scene where Slothrop flees the black men at the jazz club trying to rape him down the toilet (which leads through a trip not only through Slothrop's own unconscious racism but also through the repressed histories, all the Preterite lost and forgotten.
Either he lets the harp go, his silver chances of song, or he has to follow. Follow? Red, the Negro shoeshine boy, waits by his dusty leather seat. The Negroes all over wasted Roxbury wait. Follow? “Cherokee” comes wailing up from the dance floor below, over the hi-hat, the string bass, the thousand sets of feet where moving rose lights suggest not pale Harvard boys and their dates, but a lotta dolled-up redskins. The song playing is one more lie about white crimes. But more musicians have floundered in the channel to “Cherokee” than have got through from end to end.
Here, among other things, if we consider Slothrop's mouth harp a (Rilke-referencing) metaphor, in part, for Pynchon's own tools of artistry, I feel like these floundering musicians can be seen as other writers who have not come to terms with the darkest parts of history, and thus their own unconscious. And the decision to delve into these things as an artist necessitates exposing one's own unconscious repressions, which causes you to be in a vulnerable position - particularly since They like to use these aspects of people to control them, as with Prentice and the drawing of the Scorpia Mossmoon lookalike he is given to activate the Kryptosam. In Pynchon's case, this means exposing his own racism and homophobia:
If Slothrop follows that harp down the toilet it’ll have to be headfirst, which is not so good, cause it leaves his ass up in the air helpless, and with Negroes around that’s just what a fella doesn’t want, his face down in some fetid unknown darkness and brown fingers, strong and sure, all at once undoing his belt, unbuttoning his fly, strong hands holding his legs apart—and he feels the cold Lysol air on his thighs as down come the boxer shorts too, now, with the colorful bass lures and trout flies on them. He struggles to work himself farther into the toilet hole as dimly, up through the smelly water, comes the sound of a whole dark gang of awful Negroes come yelling happily into the white men’s room, converging on poor wriggling Slothrop, jiving around the way they do singing, “Slip the talcum to me, Malcolm!” [*] And the voice that replies is who but that Red, the shoeshine boy who’s slicked up Slothrop’s black patents a dozen times down on his knees jes poppin’ dat rag to beat the band... now Red the very tall, skinny, extravagantly conked redhead Negro shoeshine boy who’s just been “Red” to all the Harvard fellas—“Say Red, any of those Sheiks in the drawer?” “How ’bout another luck-changin’ phone number there, Red?”—this Negro whose true name now halfway down the toilet comes at last to Slothrop’s hearing—as a thick finger with a gob of very slippery jelly or cream comes sliding down the crack now toward his asshole, chevroning the hairs along like topo lines up a river valley—the true name is Malcolm, and all the black cocks know him, Malcolm, have known him all along—Red Malcolm the Unthinkable Nihilist sez, “Good golly he sure is all asshole ain’t he?” Jeepers Slothrop, what a position for you to be in! Even though he has succeeded in getting far enough down now so that only his legs protrude and his buttocks heave and wallow just under the level of the water like pallid domes of ice. Water splashes, cold as the rain outside, up the walls of the white bowl. “Grab him ’fo’ he gits away!” “Yowzah!” Distant hands clutch after his calves and ankles, snap his garters and tug at the argyle sox Mom knitted for him to go to Harvard in, but these insulate so well, or he has progressed so far down the toilet by now, that he can hardly feel the hands at all...
GR can be seen even as a process of abreaction that Pynchon underwent. If the rumours that he used drugs through writing it are true, then that would mean exposing things in him unconscious even to himself while writing it. Worth at this point also to note Jung's criticisms of Freud's use of abreaction, and thus the possible dangers of doing this.
Though traumata of clearly aetiological significance were occasionally present, the majority of them appeared very improbable. Many traumata were so unimportant, even so normal, that they could be regarded at most as a pretext for the neurosis. But what especially aroused my criticism was the fact that not a few traumata were simply inventions of fantasy and had never happened at all.
However, as Daoism asserts, light and darkness is in everything. For the Pavlovian Pointsman, who views things in binary, this is impossible to accept - the idea that for between every extreme - like black and white - lies a spectrum, a continuous rainbow. As Western humans understand things through this differentiation and analysis, this continuity causes an inherent conflict. Pointsman, the pure cause-and-effect man, the "Antimexico" (since Mexico, the statistician who thinks all can be explained through independent variables and probability distributions, takes the opposite position), says this on Daoist thinking early on.
“Pierre Janet —sometimes the man talked like an Oriental mystic. He had no real grasp of the opposites. ‘The act of injuring and the act of being injured are joined in the behavior of the whole injury.’ Speaker and spoken-of, master and slave, virgin and seducer, each pair most conveniently coupled and inseparable—The last refuge of the incorrigibly lazy, Mexico, is just this sort of yang-yin rubbish.
But by the end of Beyond the Zero, he's having a breakdown, as his unconscious is trying to tell him the truth of the Daoist wisdom he was so quick to reject in his scientific arrogance.
“Talking to myself, here. Little—sort of—eccentricity, heh, heh.”
“Yang and Yin,” whispers the Voice, “Yang and Yin... .”
With all that out of the way, the plot of what GR is actually about can perhaps begin to be discussed. I'm going to make a lot of assumptions here that many of the male characters are based on Pynchon himself. You may disagree with this approach, which is very understandable, given my total lack of evidence. My justification for it is the following passages from Slothrop's trip down the toilet:
Here now is Crutchfield or Crouchfield, the westwardman. Not “archetypical” westwardman, but the only. Understand, there was only one. There was only one Indian who ever fought him. Only one fight, one victory, one loss. And only one president, and one assassin, and one election. True. One of each of everything. You had thought of solipsism, and imagined the structure to be populated—on your level—by only, terribly, one. No count on any other levels. But it proves to be not quite that lonely. Sparse, yes, but a good deal better than solitary. One of each of everything’s not so bad. Half an Ark’s better than none.
Then slightly later on:
Isn’t there supposed to be only one of each?
A. Yes.
Q. Then one Indian girl...
A. One pure Indian. One mestiza. One criolla. [*] Then: one Yaqui. One Navaho. One Apache—
Q. Wait a minute, there was only one Indian to begin with. The one that Crutchfield killed.
A. Yes. Look on it as an optimization problem. The country can best support only one of each.
Q. Then what about all the others? Boston. London. The ones who live in cities. Are those people real, or what?
A. Some are real, and some aren’t.
Q. Well are the real ones necessary? or unnecessary?
A. It depends what you have in mind.
Q. Shit, I don’t have anything in mind.
A. We do.
However, given the extent to which Pynchon has managed to keep his life quiet, I'm aware that this assumption could be projection from me. I think might be by design of the book though:
“Pre cise-ly why,” leaps Rozsavolgyi, “we are now proposing, to give, Slothrop a com plete- ly dif-ferent sort, of test. We are now de sign- ing for him, a so called, ‘projec-tive’ test. The most famil-iar exam- ple of the type, is the Rorschach ink-blot. The ba- sic theory, is that when given an un struc-tured stimulus, some shape-less blob of exper-ience, the subject, will seek to impose, struc- ture on it. How, he goes a -bout struc-turing this blob, will reflect his needs, his hopes—will pro vide, us with clues, to his dreams, fan- tasies , the deepest re-gions of his mind.”
With those disclaimers out the way, here's what I think. I think Mexico is the "cheap nihilist" of Pynchon as a younger man, before he's delved into his own darkness, and still very much without belief in any sort of spiritualism:
“It makes no sense unless we also consider those who’ve passed over to the other side. We do transact with them, don’t we? Through specialists like Eventyr and their controls over there. But all together we form a single subculture, a psychical community, if you will.”
“I won’t,” Mexico says dryly, “but yes I suppose someone ought to be looking into it.”
Pointsman is his analytical side, obsessed with cause-and-effect, which eventually, he comes to realise, necessitates delving in the darkest regions of Slothrop's mind, but still obsessed with control, never losing control:
Sign and symptoms. Was Spectro right? Could Outside and Inside be part of the same field? If only in fairness... in fairness... Pointsman ought to be seeking the answer at the interface... oughtn’t he... on the cortex of Lieutenant Slothrop. The man will suffer—perhaps, in some clinical way, be destroyed—but how many others tonight are suffering in his name? For pity’s sake, every day in Whitehall they’re weighing and taking risks that make his, in this, seem almost trivial. Almost. There’s something here, too transparent and swift to get a hold on—Psi Section might speak of ectoplasms—but he knows that the time has never been better, and that the exact experimental subject is in his hands. He must seize now, or be doomed to the same stone hallways, whose termination he knows. But he must remain open—even to the possibility that the Psi people are right. “We may all be right,” he puts in his journal tonight, “so may be all we have speculated, and more. Whatever we may find, there can be no doubt that he is, physiologically, historically, a monster. We must never lose control. The thought of him lost in the world of men, after the war, fills me with a deep dread I cannot extinguish...”
Prentice, the employee, the seasoned intelligence veteran, strikes me as a maturation from Pynchon's earlier Mexico phase, into a more realistic and experienced person and, by the time he gets into the Counterforce, "activist". This could be projection but given that the book was written from around the mid-60s until 1973, and how much changed in that time, I feel like this could be based on his own experiences with political activism in California around that time. Might be totally wrong about that, but I just got that impression from reading the weird "interview" towards the end of the book with the Wall Street Journal between the interviewer and the "spokesman for the Counterforce". Who knows, read it again and see what you think.
And Slothrop, the experimental subject, is a model of Pynchon himself, rather than a differentiated portion of his own psyche which he turned into a character.
So, what I think is going on:
PISCES is using Slothrop (conditioned by Jamf) to exploit the racism of the Germans in psychological warfare with the whole Schwarzkommando thing. Pointsman is following his own pathological drive to analyse every facet of Slothrop's psyche. This includes Bloat taking photographs of Slothrop's map of girls linked to rockets, which we find out later might partly be falsified, which I interpret perhaps as Pynchon's recognition of his own attempt to impose his sexual interpretation system onto the world at large - interestingly something touched on early on in Bleeding Edge, though I can't find the passage right now, he quietly references the sexual hysterias of youth or something like that.
Prentice is an employee of the Firm, a greater They than either PISCES or Pointsman, using his ability to have other people's fantasies, notionally for Pointsman, but really for some even grander scheme. This is reflected in the discussion of the message which Prentice picks up from the rocket which he and Slothrop see at the beginning of the book. From the Kryptosam message with the Scorpia lookalike:
Slowly then, a revelation through the nacreous film of his seed, in Negro-brown, comes his message: put in a simple Nihilist transposition whose keywords he can almost guess. Most of it he does in his head. There is a time given, a place, a request for help. He burns the message, fallen on him from higher than Earth’s atmosphere, salvaged from Earth’s prime meridian, keeps the picture, hmm, and washes his hands. His prostate is aching. There is more to this than he can see. He has no recourse, no appeal: he has to go over there and bring the operative out again. The message is tantamount to an order from the highest levels.
This "highest orders" thing can be compared with Slothrop seeing the hand of God pointing down at him.
There is in his history, and likely, God help him, in his dossier, a peculiar sensitivity to what is revealed in the sky. (But a hardon?) On the old schist of a tombstone in the Congregational churchyard back home in Mingeborough, Massachusetts, [*] the hand of God emerges from a cloud, the edges of the figure here and there eroded by 200 years of seasons’ fire and ice chisels at work, and the inscription reading:
In Memory of Constant
Slothrop, who died March
ye 4th 1766, in ye 29th
year of his age.
Death is a debt to nature due,
Which I have paid, and so must you.
6:43:16 BDST—in the sky right now here is the same unfolding, just about to break through, his face deepening with its light, everything about to rush away and he to lose himself, just as his countryside has ever proclaimed... slender church steeples poised up and down all these autumn hillsides, white rockets about to fire, only seconds of countdown away, rose windows taking in Sunday light, elevating and washing the faces above the pulpits defining grace, swearing this is how it does happen—yes the great bright hand reaching out of the cloud...
I think Pynchon recognised that with his unique abilities, perception, intelligence, and even privilege, it was his duty to delve into these hidden histories and play his role in bringing about this integration of the darkest levels of the unconscious. But Beyond the Zero is all about systems, and as Pynchon is well aware all systems are inherently limited because there are irrational elements in the world. So after this we have the briefer section in the Casino Hermann Goering, where the role of chance - or fate, depending on your interpretation - is recognised, and systems are examined, particularly language systems, like the drinking game Prince. So after that, with the third part, In the Zone, I think he may have been using drugs and various other techniques to bring out unconscious things in himself, to get past these conscious systems. And then completed with the Tarot reading performed at the end, where it says "here are the cards, exactly as they came up" - I think it's very possible that he did an actual Tarot reading at this point. Maybe I'm wrong about this though, I don't want to make too many assumptions given the lack of information we really have on him. If that thing with the drugs is true, it would explain that infamous quote Jules Seigal attributed to him, "I was so fucked up while I was writing it... that now I go back over some of those sequences and I can't figure out what I could have meant." But it's unclear whether that quote is real or not.
How does this play into politics? I've written far too much already, but I'll just leave things with a couple more quotes and the observation that the final part, the Counterforce, contains some very valid criticisms of the countercultural movement as it manifested in the 60s through 70s. There's this critical passage when Enzian is motorbiking around the Zone, high on Pervitins, and realises that everything has come together for this. There's definitely a sense that Pynchon is acknowledging here the importance of his work, the fact it has done things that no other book had before. But in it too there's also, in it, the mocking of the temptation to view everything as an ordered conspiracy, and not acknowledge the non-rational and non-causal forces also at work, and mocking of his own self-seriousness.
There doesn’t exactly dawn, no but there breaks, as that light you’re afraid will break some night at too deep an hour to explain away—there floods on Enzian what seems to him an extraordinary understanding. This serpentine slagheap he is just about to ride into now, this ex-refinery, Jamf Ölfabriken Werke AG, is not a ruin at all. It is in perfect working order. Only waiting for the right connections to be set up, to be switched on... modified, precisely, deliberately by bombing that was never hostile, but part of a plan both sides—”sides?” —had always agreed on... yes and now what if we—all right, say we are supposed to be the Kabbalists out here, say that’s our real Destiny, to be the scholar-magicians of the Zone, with somewhere in it a Text, to be picked to pieces, annotated, explicated, and masturbated till it’s all squeezed limp of its last drop... well we assumed—natürlich!—that this holy Text had to be the Rocket, orururumo orunene the high, rising, dead, the blazing, the great one (“orunene” is already being modified by the Zone-Herero children to “omunene,” the eldest brother)... our Torah. What else? Its symmetries, its latencies, the cuteness of it enchanted and seduced us while the real Text persisted, somewhere else, in its darkness, our darkness... even this far from Südwest we are not to be spared the ancient tragedy of lost messages, a curse that will never leave us... . But, if I’m riding through it, the Real Text, right now, if this is it... or if I passed it today somewhere in the devastation of Hamburg, breathing the ashdust, missing it completely... if what the IG built on this site were not at all the final shape of it, but only an arrangement of fetishes, come-ons to call down special tools in the form of 8th AF bombers yes the “Allied” planes all would have been, ultimately, IG-built, by way of Director Krupp, through his English interlocks—the bombing was the exact industrial process of conversion, each release of energy placed exactly in space and time, each shock-wave plotted in advance to bring precisely tonight’s wreck into being thus decoding the Text, thus coding, recoding, redecoding the holy Text... If it is in working order, what is it meant to do? The engineers who built it as a refinery never knew there were any further steps to be taken. Their design was “finalized,” and they could forget it. It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted... secretly, it was being dictated instead by the needs of technology... by a conspiracy between human beings and techniques, by something that needed the energy-burst of war, crying, “Money be damned, the very life of [insert name of Nation] is at stake,” but meaning, most likely, dawn is nearly here, I need my night’s blood, my funding, funding, ahh more, more... . The real crises were crises of allocation and priority, not among firms—it was only staged to look that way—but among the different Technologies, Plastics, Electronics, Aircraft, and their needs which are understood only by the ruling elite...
Yes but Technology only responds (how often this argument has been iterated, dogged and humorless as a Gaussian reduction, among the younger Schwarzkommando especially), “All very well to talk about having a monster by the tail, but do you think we’d’ve had the Rocket if someone, some specific somebody with a name and a penis hadn’t wanted to chuck a ton of Amatol 300 miles and blow up a block full of civilians? Go ahead, capitalize the T on technology, deify it if it’ll make you feel less responsible—but it puts you in with the neutered, brother, in with the eunuchs keeping the harem of our stolen Earth for the numb and joyless hardens of human sultans, human elite with no right at all to be where they are—”
We have to look for power sources here, and distribution networks we were never taught, routes of power our teachers never imagined, or were encouraged to avoid... we have to find meters whose scales are unknown in the world, draw our own schematics, getting feedback, making connections, reducing the error, trying to learn the real function... zeroing in on what incalculable plot?
Up here, on the surface, coaltars, hydrogenation, synthesis were always phony, dummy functions to hide the real, the planetary mission yes perhaps centuries in the unrolling... this ruinous plant, waiting for its Kabbalists and new alchemists to discover the Key, teach the mysteries to others...
And if it isn’t exactly Jamf Ölfabriken Werke? what if it’s the Krupp works in Essen, what if it’s Blohm & Voss right here in Hamburg or another make-believe “ruin,” in another city? Another country? YAAAGGGGHHHHH!
Well, this is stimulant talk here, yes Enzian’s been stuffing down Nazi surplus Pervitins these days like popcorn at the movies, and by now the bulk of the refinery—named, incidentally, for the famous discoverer of Oneirine—is behind them, and Enzian is on into some other paranoid terror, talking, talking, though each man’s wind and motor cuts him off from conversation.
Some words of wisdom from the seasoned veteran Prentice:
“You’re a novice paranoid, Roger,” first time Prentice has ever used his Christian name and it touches Roger enough to check his tirade. “Of course a well-developed They-system is necessary—but it’s only half the story. For every They there ought to be a We. In our case there is. Creative paranoia means developing at least as thorough a We-system as a They-system—”
“Wait, wait, first where’s the Haig and Haig, be a gracious host, second what is a ‘They-system,’ I don’t pull Chebychev’s Theorem on you, do I?”
“I mean what They and Their hired psychiatrists call ‘delusional systems.’
Needless to say, ‘delusions’ are always officially defined. We don’t have to worry about questions of real or unreal. They only talk out of expediency. It’s the system that matters. How the data arrange themselves inside it. Some are consistent, others fall apart. Your idea that Pointsman sent Gloaming takes a wrong fork. Without any contrary set of delusions—delusions about ourselves, which I’m calling a We-system—the Gloaming idea might have been all right—”
“Delusions about ourselves?”
“Not real ones.”
“But officially defined.”
“Out of expediency, yes.”
“Well, you’re playing Their game, then.”
“Don’t let it bother you. You’ll find you can operate quite well. Seeing as we haven’t won yet, it isn’t really much of a problem.”
Roger is totally confused.
And finally, amid all this darkness, in a superlatively dark book, some hope at last, to hold onto, that makes life worth living, and why I think that despite what many say, GR is not a nihilistic work at all (Tchitcherine, the born nihilist, is almost a parody of this position). It starts with Slothrop's awakening to nature:
Trees, now—Slothrop’s intensely alert to trees, finally. When he comes in among trees he will spend time touching them, studying them, sitting very quietly near them and understanding that each tree is a creature, carrying on its individual life, aware of what’s happening around it, not just some hunk of wood to be cut down. Slothrop’s family actually made its money killing trees, amputating them from their roots, chopping them up, grinding them to pulp, bleaching that to paper and getting paid for this with more paper. “That’s really insane.” He shakes his head. “There’s insanity in my family.” He looks up. The trees are still. They know he’s there. They probably also know what he’s thinking. “I’m sorry,” he tells them. “I can’t do anything about those people, they’re all out of my reach. What can I do?” A medium-size pine nearby nods its top and suggests, “Next time you come across a logging operation out here, find one of their tractors that isn’t being guarded, and take its oil filter with you. That’s what you can do.”
And then, after Slothrop's harp makes its trip down the toilet, and through all of the darkness of the book until that point, where does it next show up? After he draws a rocket mandala, scrawls Rocketman was here on a wall, after the sequence with the Magician using black magic and a mandrake to multiply money, and a delegate from the Committee on Idiopathic Archetypes shows up to visit:
Crosses, swastikas, Zone-mandalas, how can they not speak to Slothrop? He’s sat in Säure Bummer’s kitchen, the air streaming with kif moires, reading soup recipes and finding in every bone and cabbage leaf paraphrases of himself... news flashes, names of wheelhorses that will pay him off enough for a certain getaway... . He used to pick and shovel at the spring roads of Berkshire, April afternoons he’s lost, “Chapter 81 work,” they called it, following the scraper that clears the winter’s crystal attack-from-within, its white necropolizing... picking up rusted beer cans, rubbers yellow with preterite seed, Kleenex wadded to brain shapes hiding preterite snot, preterite tears, newspapers, broken glass, pieces of automobile, days when in superstition and fright he could make it all fit, seeing clearly in each an entry in a record, a history: his own, his winter’s, his country’s... instructing him, dunce and drifter, in ways deeper than he can explain, have been faces of children out the train windows, two bars of dance music somewhere, in some other street at night, needles and branches of a pine tree shaken clear and luminous against night clouds, one circuit diagram out of hundreds in a smudged yellowing sheaf, laughter out of a cornfield in the early morning as he was walking to school, the idling of a motorcycle at one duskheavy hour of the summer... and now, in the Zone, later in the day he became a crossroad, after a heavy rain he doesn’t recall, Slothrop sees a very thick rainbow here, a stout rainbow cock driven down out of pubic clouds into Earth, green wet valleyed Earth, and his chest fills and he stands crying, not a thing in his head, just feeling natural...
And later:
Slothrop moseys down the trail to a mountain stream where he’s left his harp to soak all night, wedged between a couple of rocks in a quiet pool. ... Through the flowing water, the holes of the old Hohner Slothrop found are warped one by one, squares being bent like notes, a visual blues being played by the clear stream.
There are harpmen and dulcimer players in all the rivers, wherever water moves. Like that Rilke prophesied,
And though Earthliness forget you,
To the stilled Earth say: I flow.
To the rushing water speak: I am.
It is still possible, even this far out of it, to find and make audible the spirits of lost harpmen. Whacking the water out of his harmonica, reeds singing against his leg, picking up the single blues at bar 1 of this morning’s segment, Slothrop, just suckin’ on his harp, is closer to being a spiritual medium than he’s been yet, and he doesn’t even know it.
There's hope after all, and I think it's reflected in how much more positive all his later works have been. Thanks so much for reading, I hope it was at least vaguely interesting, not too much of an unstructured ramble. Also, this is such a great subreddit, really I love the community here. My very best to you all!
submitted by pynchon_as_activist to ThomasPynchon [link] [comments]

Beginner's guide to F/GO Lingo

Although most of you will find this redundant, but I've found myself absolutely lost when i first came onto this forum. Even though i had a bit of prior experience with phone game lingo, it still took me a month after i joined this community to get what you guys are saying.
Note: Use Ctrl+F to search for a specific term.

In-game Lingo

F2P= Free to(2) Play. DW= Delight Works, the company that made the game. Although for NA players, Aniplex would be the one hosting and distributing content. AP= Action Points, player stamina. MP= Mana Prisms, used for trading items in shop, acquired by selling any 3★ or higher card(Craft Essence/Experience cards/Servants). RP= Rare prisms, used for trading items in shop, acquired by selling 4 ★ servants(This, however, does not apply for event obtained servants. E.i. Nobu, Elizabeth(Caster)) QP= Quantum Particle, basic currency used for all matters of enhancement(Ascension,Skill upgrades, etc). Burning= Found in shop, used to sell items. Mats = Materials, Generally referencing Ascension/skill upgrade materials. (E.i. Phoenix Plume, Infinity Gears,etc). Interlude= Servant-specific quests when certain criteria is met, Ascension/Completed Singularity/Bond Level. CE= Craft Essence, cards that can be equipped onto servants for additional effects. Apolegems= Saint's Quartz given to players after an extended maintenance(Reference to JP players). Salt= Is used to describe a player's frustration and inability to cope, expressing such emotions through various mediums.


Gacha: Refers to the lottery system, and also the genre of mobile game that is built around said lottery as its primary way of generating revenue. A form of gambling. Roll/Rolling: Refers to a pull on the gacha. 10 roll: A 30 Quartz roll. Single/Memeroll: A single roll. Some advocate the practice of only doing single rolls, on the belief that it will yield better results. Reroll: Refers to the practice of continually uninstalling and reinstalling the game to take advantage of the first free 10 roll to get a specific Servant or combination. YOLO roll: An impulse roll on the gacha. Usually used when one brags about a rare Servant falling into their lap from a lucky roll.

Various tiers of players

Casuals/F2P= Players who spend very little money to none at all, often relying solely on event items and dedication. P2W= Pay to Win, players who spend a fair amount of money into the game. They are reliant on cash more than time and dedication.(a.k.a Pay to Waifu) Whales= Players who spend copious amounts of cash into the game. They often noted to be "hardcore" players. Term was originally coined in gambling casinos for "High Stake Gamblers".

Action Cards

[These are usually used in together, e.i. NPBBExtra] NP= Noble Phantasm AOE NP= Area-Of-Effect Noble Phantasms, targets multiple enemies but less damage that ST. ST= Single Target Noble Phantasms, targets a single enemy but significantly more damage than AOE. B= Buster Cards Q= Quick Cards A= Arts Cards Extra= Extra card when servant triggers Brave Chain. BBC/BBB/TripleBuster= Buster Brave Chain or Buster(BusterBuster) Chain, commonly found on Berserkers, this chain is the most powerful card chain in the game. Gorilla= is used to describe triple Buster deck on non-Berserker. E.i. Gawain

Star Ranking

1 ★ 2 ★ 3 ★ SR(Super rare)= 4 ★ SSR(Super Super rare) Should this not be ultra rare?= 5 ★

CE Upgrade

Limit Break= When a Craft Essence is leveled up 4 times, achieving increase effects and higher level cap.
(Why aren't we calling each "level up" a limit break? Wouldn't it make more sense to call each level Limit break? e.i. LB0,LB1,LB2,LB3,MLB[Max Limit Break] You're literally "breaking the limit" for the maximum level cap.)


Zasshu = Mongrel, a phrase used by Gilgamesh to refer to everyone else. Umu ≈ Mhmm("umu" does not really have a direct translation), catchphrase used by Nero Claudius. Good/Bad Civilization, is a phrase coined(unconfirmed) by the Fate/Grand Order comic page "Learning With Manga". Used by Atilla the Hun/Altera before she uses her Photon Ray sword (Which looks like a Popsicle) to destroy "the civilization". Among fans it's generally used as a joke to describe when something is good or bad. KIRA KIRA KIRA KIRA KAGAYAKU NO, Sparkling, sparkling, shiny. This phrase is used by Marie Antoinette before she uses her skills. This is in reference to her AI spamming Beautiful Princess back before invincibility piercing was added into player skill sets. Oppressor, used by Spartacus to describe any enemy he encounters. His madness enhancement causes him to attack anyone he perceives to oppress others. Golden, Used to describe Kintoki and his facination for anything golden. Yorokobe shounen, Rejoice Boy, is used to bitterly refer to getting Black Key CE from rolls. Now used either as a humorous way to congratulate somebody else's rolls or to describe really bad rolls. Spook, when a player gets a gold servant one is not after, several times. This is sometimes referred to obtaining Black Key CE's. Welfare Servant, servant's that can be obtained for free from events. E.i. Saber Lily. KOTR, is the acronym for Knights of the Round (Table)

Character Nicknames

Gudako: Protagonist(Female), Fate/GrandOrder. Combination between Gurando Oda (Grand Order) and "ko" is a common affix for a female. (Ripped straight from here) Gudao/Ritsuka Fujimaru: Protagonist(Male), Fate/GrandOrder. With the confirmed name of Ritsuka Fujimaru from the movie adaption Fate/Grand Order:First Order. Intern-kun: Intern-kun is to blame for typos and errors on the Japan Servers. Gajintern-kun: Gajintern-kun is to blame for translation errors and English typos in NA Servers. TM: Type-Moon, the circle who wrote the original Fate works. Mushroom: Kinoko Nasu's, the main writer for the Fate franchise, nickname in the Type Moon franchise is "Mushroom" occasionally "Mushroom Wizard" (which is why there are flying mushrooms in that Illya's Castle game the VAs played during Carnival Phantasm). His avataimage is normally shown to be a yellow and green mushroom. Takeuchi: Takashi Takeuchi, the artist responsible for most of the original designs.
SabeAltria Face: This is a nickname given to multiple servants that are drawn by Takeuchi.(E.I. Jeanne,Shiki,etc) His template-style facial features that makes every character he draws hold a "Altoria" face. Jalter: Jeanne D'Arc(Alter), found in the Orleans Singularity. A shorted name between "Jeanne" and "Alternate". Salter: Altoria/Altria Pendragon (Alter), found in the Fuyuki Singularity. A shorted name between "Saber and "Alternate". Salter can also be referred to the Santa Artoria Alter (Rider), from the JP Christmas event. Jailter: Jeanne Alter Santa Lily (Because of the Loli status). Nasu himself also refers to Jeanne D'Arc Alter Santa Lily as "JDASL". Mentioned in a "Nasu Diary" translation posts. LAlter: Artoria Pendragon Alter (Lancer) Tituria: Artoria Pendragon (Lancer) Archuria/Asstoria/Squirtoria/Saber Archer: Summer Artoria Pendragon (Archer) Chichiue: Altoria Pendragon. The romaji for "father" in a casual sense. This is usually used by Mordred to address her father in fanart/Fluff posts. Moedred/Moe-san: Mordred. An endearing nickname for the character, the origins may come from the cute depictions between Mordred and Altoria. Moedred is preferred among the English-speaking community while Moe-san was more common in the Japanese community. Mode Red: Mordred. Used to describe Mordred's general color scheme. MXH: Mysterious Heroine X MHXA/Xalter: Mysterious Heroine X Alter
Umu: Nero Claudius, Emperor of Rome."Umu" is a cute catchphrase that she uses often. Fans have found this phrase cute and often identify her by it. AUO: Gilgamesh, King of Hero's. "eiyuu ou" is the phonetic pronunciation of the Japanese romaji for King of Hero's. Waver: Zhuge Liang (Lord El-Melloi II). A pseudo-servant between Lord El-Melloi II(Waver) and Heroic Spirit of China's Zhuge Liang. ROMA: Romulus, Founder of Rome. His catchphrase of ROMA stuck more than his actual name. Regend/Savior of France: Sasaki Kojiro(Fate/StayNight). His effectiveness against the Rider-class Wyverns in The Orleans Singularity made him a really effective servant for clearing out the singularity. This began the phrase "'Dragons are just bigger swallows". His other nickname 'REGEND" came to be because of a typo in interlude,"REGEND OF SAMURAI". Although this has been corrected, the title stuck within the community. Bersercar, Bestzerker: Heracles(Carnival Phantasm/GrandOrder) Within the game(Grand Order), Hercules is known to be the Best(zerker) of the starter servants. His second nickname, Bersercar, is a reference to his ridiculous transformation in Carnival Phantasm.
Eggplant: Mash Kyrielight (Fate/GrandOrder). First referenced in the "Learning with Manga" comic page, as well as her overall purple color scheme. Best Kouhai: Mash Kyrielight(Fate/GrandOrder). "Kouhai" is romaji for youngelower classmen in Japanese school hierarchy. This can be seen as response to Mash's "Senpai"(Japanese romaji for upper classmen) Dadcelot: Lancelot(Fate/GrandOrder)
CuLance Dog: Cu Chulainn, (Fate/StayNight and Prototype). His name literally means "Guard dog of Culann or Savage dog of Culann" after an incident in his legend. Furthermore he is a running gag in Carnival Phantasm, where he dies in every episode. Fortunately he is resilient as his legend states he is, boasted by the 5-turn Guts ability he's given in-game. Due to his great survivability he is jokingly called a "cockroach" by the players. Cuzilla: Cu Cu Chulainn Alter, for his godzilla-like appearance. Shishou: Scathach (Shishou is Jap. for "Master" and is refering to her being the Master of Cu) Brock: Fergus Mac Roich, this is reference to his "-_-" face which is similar to a character within the pokemon series. Furthermore his sword, Caladbolg, bears a striking resemblance to the iconic drill of the Gurren Lagann series.
Mumei/No Name: EMIYA(Fate/Extra). Mumei is the Japanese romaji for No Name. Because of his contract with the Moon Cell in Fate/Extra he became a Heroic Spirit with no name. Actually Satan: Emiya(Fate/UnlimitedBladeWorksAbridged). A reference to the nickname given to Emiya in BlazingAzureCrow's Abridged Series. Demiya: Emiya Alter, short for Detroit Emiya. A nickname coined by Tamamo Cat in the CCC event. Bob/ Bobmiya: Emiya Alter's JP nickname before Shinjuku release.
Casko: Tamamo-no-Mae (Caster), (Fate/Extra) Caster-ko = Caster girl, since her true name wasn't revealed when Fate/Extra was being promoted. The "ko" in Casko is written as キャス狐, with the 狐 character meaning fox, so it can also mean Caster fox girl. Mikon: Tamamo-no-Mae (Caster). Mikon is just Tamamo's verbal tick, a combination of Miko (shrine maiden) and kon (the sound associated with foxes in Japanese). Tama-MOG: TamaCAT, one of the Tamamo-Nine. Coined by user Atelier-Lynette in his/her MMM guide. Quote: "Some people have been asking me why I call TamamoCAT Tamamog. The reason is simple - Mog is a cat that has been immortalized in a series of children's books. Tamamocat is a... cat fox. Hence, Tamamog. It's easier to type, and is really just shorthand."
Sumanai: Siegfried, Saber of Black(Fate/Apocrypha). "Sumanai" is the Japanese romaji for sorry. This too, is a phrase that Siegfried often says. Furthermore, despite his invulnerability lore-wise, in-game he is a lackluster servant. When people roll him, he is the "I'm sorry you rolled me" and "I'm sorry I suck" disappointment. Trap: Astolfo, The Rider of Black(Fate/Apocrypha). Known as the series poster boy "Trap", a cross-dresser who fans lust at. Uncle Vlad: Vlad III, Lancer of Black (Fate/Apocrypha). Uncle Vlad came to be because everyone started calling him that since the first JP Halloween event where it is revealed that he sewed all Halloween costumes by hand. Fanart generally depicts Vlad as doting uncle-type character, kind of like this. Nyata: Atalanta, Archer of Red (Fate/Apocrypha). Combination between the stereotypical cat noise "Nyaa" and "Atalante" because of her cat-like ears. Cardboard-kun: Sieg, Main Protagonist(Fate/Apocrypha). Named cardboard because of his bland personality, equivalent to "a wet piece of cardboard".
Gramps: "The Old Man of the Mountain" King Hassan. Nicknamed such because of how he's portrayed in the line of comics made by ERRI Faber: Julius Caeser. This is a portmanteau between "Saber" and "Fat", referencing Caeser's plumpness. STELLA: In reference to both Arash's legend and Suicidal Noble Phantasm. SPARTA: Leonidas I. A reference to the famous phrase, "THIS IS SPARTA" from 2006 movie, 300. COOOL Caster: Gilles de Rais(Fate/Zero). Within the anime series, Gilles is often found enthusiastically spouting "SAIKO NO COOL" with his master. THICC: Scheherazade,Caster of Nightless City. The nickname THICC refers to her thighs and how her thighs are so thick that her jewelry is literally squeezing her. Mama: Minamoto no Yorimitsu, Raikou. A berserker that retains her intellect, but her Madness Enhancement has manifested in the form of a "bizzare maternal love". Players call her mother for that reason. Ozzy: Ozymandias. Abby: Abigail Williams. Iba-chin: An endearing nickname for Ibaraki Douji. Leomon: Thomas Edison, for his ridiculous appearance. Riceman: Tawara Touta, in reference to his [Bale of Inexhuastibility] and his infinite rice supply. dogo: Avenger of Shinjuku for being a "FLUFFEH DOGO" Angry Manjew: Angra Mainyu(Fate/HollowAtaraxia). The nickname stems from his backstory in the religion of Zoroastrianism. A ordinary villager turned human scapegoat of his village, he was ritualistically tortured under the belief that he would absolve the village of their sins. Paralleling the strife's and ostricizations of the Jews through history. Upon his summoning as a servant he manifests as "All the Evils in the World" who's sole purpose is to bring the destruction of humanity.
submitted by FileLoop to grandorder [link] [comments]

The Pedophile President, A Ponzi Scheme, and an English Madam

Donald Trump’s charm and looks were not enough to stop his failing casino and real estate businesses from collapsing despite receiving millions in an inheritance in which Trump lied about. His charm was not enough to save his marriage and his relationship with Marla Maples.
Trump’s tax returns during this period showed losses of over one billion dollars. Trump was running out of money to support his lavish lifestyle.
Born in Europe charming Glislaine Maxwell was a failing publishers daughter who’s gilded life was coming to an end since her father’s death. Maxwell was running out of money to support her lavish lifestyle.
Trump and Epstein in 1992
By the early 1990’s chance meetings with Jeffrey Epstein in New York City reversed both Trump and Maxwell’s pending fate. In 2019, Epstein was looking at life behind bars when he decided that ending his life would be a better fate. Maxwell and Trump are next in line for criminal court cases.
Richard Nixon Revisited
John Mitchell
Epstein’s story begins with an introduction by John Mitchell, former Attorney General to President Richard Nixon who served time for his role in the Watergate break in. In 1987 Mitchell introduced Epstein to Steven Hoffenberg.
Hoffenberg, former owner of the New York Post, hired Epstein as a consultant and was paid $ 25,000.00 per month. Hoffenberg and Epstein worked closely together and traveled the world.
In 1997, Hoffenberg was sentenced to 20 years in federal prison for operating a bill collection agency that was also a ponzi scheme, bilking investors out of almost a half billion dollars. Hoffenberg claims Epstein was intimately involved with this scheme.
Epstein used funds from investors in the Ponzi scheme along with loans from Deutsche bank (fined for money laundering) to buy the properties used to lure the underage girls with the assistance of Ghislaine Maxwell.Epstein did not go to jail for his role in this Ponzi scheme.
Trump Epstein and Maxwell in the 1990’s
Trump's desire for sex
Trump bragged that he could do anything with women because he was rich and famous.
In a 1990 divorce deposition, Trump's first wife and the mother of his three eldest children Ivana Trump accused her then-husband of raping her in a fit of rage in 1989.
Kristin Anderson, a photographer and former model said Trump reached under her skirt and touched her vagina through her underwear at a New York City nightclub in the early 1990s. Anderson said her friends, who were talking together around a table at the time of the incident, confirmed Trump’s assault.
Cathy Heller told the Guardian in October 2016 that she was attending a Mother's Day brunch with her husband, children, and in-laws at Mar-a-Lago in the 1990s when Trump approached her table, introduced himself to her, and forcibly kissed her.
Jill Harth, a businesswoman who worked with Trump in the 1990s, told the Guardian in July 2016 that Trump pushed her against a wall, put his hand up her skirt, and tried to kiss her at a dinner at his Mar-a-Lago resort in the early 1990s.
Epstein meets Maxwell
Jeffrey Epstein met Glislaine Maxwell in 1992. Maxwell was implicated by several of Epstein’s accusers as recruiting underage girls in addition to being Epstein’s girlfriend. There is a video showing Epstein and Trump partying in late 1992. Trump is groping one of the girls.
In 1992 Trump and Epstein, at Trump’s request at Trump’s resort in Florida were the only male guests at a party with 28 women that were part of a calendar girl competition. Epstein was quoted as saying that he wanted to have a beauty contest similar to what Trump had.
Based on Trump’s statements the two pedophiles met a few years ago when they formed business relationships that included Paul Manafort and Deutsche bank and using offshore accounts.
In the late 1990s when Trump was running low on cash he turned to Epstein and Deutsche Bank along with manafort's political Connections in Russia to help fund Trump's failing properties. No United States Banks would loan Trump money with all his bankruptcies and lawsuits.
In the early 1990s Trump and Epstein were close friends according to Epstein's brother Mark, Trump and Epstein lived next to each other in Florida.
11 year old year girl kidnapped
Maria and her mother lived in Danbury Connecticut with their 9 siblings. Maria’s dad had died one year earlier. Maria’s mother died in 2015. Maria was kidnapped outside of Nash’s pizzeria on March 19, 1993. The girls kidnappers were involved in a child trafficking ring that provided young girls to wealthy individuals like Trump and Epstein. She was found with Jeffrey Epstein in Manhattan one year later.
In 1994, Maria Johnson was approached by an Epstein party recruiter while she was at the New York Port Authority Bus Terminal on 42nd Street in Manhattan. She was told that she might become a model if she met the right people at a fashionable party.
Trump and Epstein Collaborate with young girls
I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it-Jeffrey enjoys his social life. Donald Trump 2002
In 1994, Trump was friends with Epstein for years. Trump had attended multiple parties at Epstein's New York residence that has been described as one of the largest townhomes in the city. It had at least 7 stories and as much as 50,000 square feet with at least 40 rooms. Plenty of private space to take advantage of the young and naive.
Trump and Epstein would throw parties at their Manhattan homes for mostly girls of all ages then luring them to a series of underage sex parties by promising them money and modeling careers.
Sex and the Summer of 1994
Several court filings indicated that a 13 year old girl named Katie Johnson (corroborated by Maria from Danbury) had at least four encounters with Trump and Epstein. Trump and Epstein forced Johnson to engage in various perverted and deparaved sex acts. The earliest encounter included having Johnson being forced to manually stimulate Trump with the use of her hand upon Trump’s erect penis until he reached orgasm.
Trump and Epstein's businesses take a hit
Trump was having a bad year financially in 1994. He sold the Plaza Hotel in New York for a 83 million dollar loss. Epstein’s was a principal in a bill collecting company was exposed as a Ponzi scheme that investors lost almost one-half billion dollars. However, Epstein was not charged.
2 children performing for Trump and Epstein
Trump and Epstein, undoubtedly in foul moods from their staggering business losses commenced to argue over who would take Katie Johnson's Virginity. Johnson overheard Trump calling Epstein a Jew Bastard and that Trump should be the one to pop Johnson’s cherry.
The third encounter had Johnson forced to engage in unnatural lesbian sex acts with her fellow minor and sex slave Maria from Waterbury. Maria was just 12 at the time.
Trump and Epstein had the two girls perform together because when Trump met Johnson during the 4th encounter Maria was not present. Trump warned Johnson that the same thing would happen to her if she did not perform or told anyone afterward.
Apparently Trump while losing Millions in real estate had won the contest with Epstein to see who would take the underage Johnson's virginity. During their fourth and final encounter, Trump took the 13 year old Johnson’s virginity. Trump tied Johnson to a bed with her pantyhose.
Trump responded to Johnson’s repeated requests to stop by raping her and slapped her on the face and screaming he can do whatever he wanted. After the rape, Johnson asked Trump what would happen if Trump impregnated her. Trump threw some money at her and told her to get an abortion
Epstein also raped the girl and in the process of assaulting the girl complaining that he should have been the one to take her virginity.
Despite what Trump told Johnson about Maria it turns out that Maria became a paid agent by Epstein. Maria was employed by Epstein for over 10 years. Her job was to witness and supervise sexual encounters between Trump and Epstein and underage girls.
Trump and Epstein repeatedly told Katie Johnson that she and her family would be killed if they ever spoke about what happened. Johnson was told that Trump and Epstein were very wealthy, powerful man and indicated that they had the power, ability, and means to carry out their threats.
Trump’s sexual assaults continue into the late 1990’s
Former Elle advice columnist E. Jean Carroll accused President Donald Trump of sexually assaulting her in a department store dressing room the mid-1990s. "The moment the dressing-room door is closed, he lunges at me, pushes me against the wall, hitting my head quite badly, and puts his mouth against my lips," Carroll wrote in an excerpt of her 2019 book,"What Do We Need Men For?".She went on, "The next moment, still wearing correct business attire, shirt, tie, suit jacket, overcoat, he opens the overcoat, unzipped his pants, and forcing his fingers around my private area, thrusts his penis halfway — or completely, I'm not certain — inside me. It turns into a colossal struggle."
Lisa Boyne, a health food business entrepreneur, told HuffPost in October 2016 that she attended a 1996 dinner with Trump and modeling agent John Casablancas during which several other women in attendance were forced to walk across a table in order to leave.As the women walked on the table, Boyne says that Trump looked up their skirts and commented on their underwear and genitals. Trump allegedly asked Boyne for her opinion on which of the women he should sleep with.
Two Sisters unheard cries for help
Maria Farmer remembers meeting Epstein at an art gallery where she was an artist. Maria was asked by Epstein if she had a father. Epstein hired Maria to act as a doorman for his New York Townhouse having people sign in when they arrived. One evening in 1996 Trump walks in and doesn’t say a word but kind of snickers as he glares at Maria. Epstein told Trump that Maria was not here for you. Farmer witnessed hundreds of girls arriving at Epstein’s townhouse many she estimated to be between 13 and 15 years old. Maria’s work relationship with Epstein enticed her sister Annie to Epstein’s ranch in New Mexico. Annie was only 16 at the time. She was told that Epstein was going to help her with College instead she defended herself against the unwanted advances of Epstein and Maxwell. Both Epstein and Maxwell gradually took advantage of the two sisters with massages and groping. The sisters reported them to the police but nothing was done for 10 years until Epstein was finally arrested.
Karena Virginia, a yoga instructor and life coach, told the Washington Post in October 2016 that Trump groped her as she waited for her car outside the US Open in New York in 1998.Virginia, then 27, said she overheard Trump talking with a group of men about her legs and that Trump then approached her, grabbed her arm, and touched her breast before asking, "Don't you know who I am?"
Trump and Deutsche Bank
Deutsche Bank which started in the 1870’s and went global about the same time that Trump started doing business with this large German Bank. Deutsche bank in the 1990’s started competing with the Wall Street Banks. The same banks that stopped lending to Trump because of his bankruptcies and lawsuits. Deutsche bank saw the price of getting into the global market was doing business with Trump.
Since 2003 American and British regulators ordered Deutsche Bank to pay penalties (the largest in banking history) for laundering 10 billion of Russian money.
Last November Deutsche Bank was raided by German law enforcement officers in a money laundering probe. Deutsche is currently under United States investigation on whether it complied with the laws regarding money laundering. Deutsche has been hit hard by these scandals and its stock is tethering losing all its value. If it is forced to turn over its records regarding Trump that will probably finish it off. Trump and his son-in-law Jarod Kushner’s accounts were flagged by Deutsche Bank's investigators but the officers above them did not proceed with investigating these two men. Tammy McFadden an anti-money compliance officer was fired by the bank when she brought up Trump’s and Kushner’s suspicious activity.
Epstein’s Island
Steve Scully worked on Jeffrey Epstein’s private Island for about 6 years starting in 1999. Scully was the father of three daughters who decided to leave his lucrative IT position because of what he saw. Scully had visited the island about 100 times during his employment. He saw revolving groups of young girls that were guests on the island. All over the island were an extensive collection of topless women images. The Miami Herald has identified 80 women who were abused by Jeffrey Epstein between 2001 and 2006.
Ghislaine Maxwell
With Epstein committing suicide, the new crimminal focus will be on his girlfriend during the 1990’s and beyond and Epstein’s circle of people that assisted in child trafficing that now number at least eight.
One of the under age girls that has filed a lawsuit indicates that she was working at Trump's Mar-a-Lago when she was approached by Maxwell about a way to earn good money, learn massage therapy, and get to know Epstein as a man who could give her a bright future. The girl indicated that she was trained by Maxwell and Epstein to become everything a man wants her to be.
A manager of Epsteins Palm Springs home indicates that he drove Maxwell to spas to look for young women who could do massages for Epstein, their code for sexual acts.
Maxwell is one of several co-conspirators listed in recent legal filings and is either cooperating with authorities to reduce her exposure or if she is evading authorities she is sure to be indicted shortly.
In early July of this year Epstein was arrested for the alledged sex trafficking of dozens of minors. In the criminal indictment federal prosecutors claimed Epstein and his accomplishes lured girls as young as 12 to his properties to perform massages then molested them and encouraged them to recruit other girls to return with them. The victims were paid a finder's fee. Hundreds of girls are involved with Epstein receiving as many as three massages a day..
According to Maxwell, Epstein had a video recording system in his New York Townhouse that was used to blackmail important people and leverage their sexual activities for future favorable business dealings.
A trove of court documents unsealed in early August 2019 detail allegations by an alleged victim of wealthy financier Jeffrey Epstein that while working as a teenage locker room attendant at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort nearly two decades ago she was recruited to give Epstein massages that often involved sexual activity.
Trump has indicated that all of the above girls are lying and that without providing any details to dispute their stories we should believe Trump when he says is is innocent. Trump has lied approximately 13 times a day or 12 thousand times since becoming President. Trump has lied more times than the 44 other Presidents combined with plenty of room to spare.
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Ace Rothstein: Running a casino is like robbing a bank with no cops around. For guys like me, Las Vegas washes away your sins. It's like a morality car wash. Ace Rothstein: In the casino, the cardinal rule is to keep them playing and to keep them coming back. Casino Quotes. Greed, deception, money, power, and murder occur between two mobster best friends and a trophy wife over a gambling empire. Nicky Santoro: I think in all fairness, I should explain to you exactly what it is that I do. The best quotes from Casino (1995). Add more and vote on your favourites! CASINO By Nicholas Pileggi EXT. RESTAURANT PARKING LOT, LAS VEGAS, 1983 - DAY SAM 'ACE' ROTHSTEIN, a tall, lean, immaculately dressed man approaches his car, opens the door, and g Nicky Santoro quotes that will really inspire you. There are so many Nicky Santoro quotes that can help you when you are tired of being in the same old rut, and all you need is a little push, a little inspiration, a smile on the face, change of mood, bring you out of the banality of life, make you laugh a little, or may even make you cry a bit, and these Nicky Santoro quotes exists just do that. Check out our collection of funny gambling jokes. We are sure they will make you laugh. If you have any gambling jokes as good, upload them at the bottom of this page. 1) I just bet £100 at the bookies that they would find Maddie, at 1000-1 odds. That... Nicky Santoro: Get this through your head you Jew motherfucker, you. You only exist out here because of me. That's the only reason. Without me, you, personally, every fuckin' wise guy skell around'll take a piece of your fuckin' Jew ass. Then where you gonna go? You're fuckin' warned. Don't ever go over my fuckin' head again. You motherfucker, you. While there is no explicit Jewish prohibition on gambling, the rabbis of the Talmud did not have a positive view of the practice. The clearest statement on the matter is in the Mishnah in Sanhedrin, which rules that someone who “plays with dice” is barred from serving as a witness.There is a dispute, however, about the particulars of this prohibition. Voila! Finally, the Casino script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the movie directed by Martin Scorsese and starring Joe Pesci, Sharon Stone, Kevin Pollak, James Woods, yadda yadda This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of Casino. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking Casino quotes: the most famous and inspiring quotes from Casino. The best movie quotes, movie lines and film phrases by Movie Quotes .com

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Quote: Get this through your head you Jew motherfucker, you!Actor: Joe PesciMovie/Show: CasinoI do NOT own these clips. They are property of their respective... From Habermann (2010):, contains violent scenes.I don't own the copyright to this footage but I watched ... Casino (1995)Syalis D.A.Légende EntreprisesDe Fina / CappaUniversal Pictures "Casino" is a 1995 American epic crime drama film directed by "Martin Scorsese" and starring "Robert De Niro, Joe Pesci & Sharon Stone".Casino was released o... Casino movie clips: THE MOVIE:'t miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS: DESCRIPTION:Ace (Ro... GO TO MY CHANNEL FOR MORE CLIPS please subscribe... im tired of all these low quality casino movie clips soo i made really good quality ones of some the best scenes on casino please go to m... I do not own this video. It is for entertainment purposes only. a great scene describing how sam and ginger meet.please subscribe. Pesci & Dinero have harsh words out in the desert: "You Jew Mother F$%^&Ker"

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