20 Best casino shuttle driver jobs (Hiring Now!) SimplyHired

my casino shuttle/driver

my casino shuttle/driver - win

OBLIGATORY FILLER MATERIAL – Just take a hard left at Daeseong-dong…5

“Hey, Viv!”, I say, as we’re all being shuttled onto the bus which will take us to our hotel, “Toss me one of those miniatures, if you please. Yeah. Of course, Vodka’ll do. It’s bloody dusty round these parts.”
Viv chuckles and asks if anyone else wants anything. He’s a consummate scrounger and somehow sweet-talked a demure and pulchritudinous female Air China cabin attendant out of her phone number, Email address, and a case of 100 airline liquor miniatures.
That he looks like a marginally graying version of Robert Mitchum in his heyday and speaks fluent Dutch, French, and Italian might explain his success. I mean, a guy with four ex-wives can’t be all wrong, right?
He’s a definite outlier in this crowd. We could be characterized as a batch of aging natural geoscientists who collectively, sans Viv, add up to an approximate eight on the “Looker” scale. Besides the years, the mileage, the climatic, and industrial ravages, it’s a good thing we all have expansive personalities, as most of us are dreadful enough to make a buzzard barf.
But, save for Viv, no one presently here is on the make. Oh, sure; we’ll all sweet talk some fair nubile into a free drink or a double when we really ordered a regular drink, but we’re all married, most terminally, that is, over 35 years and counting. The odd thing is that save and except for Viv, none of us married folk had ever been divorced.
That is strange, considering that the global divorce rate hovers around 50%, and we are often called to be apart from kith and kin for prolonged periods. However, we are always faithful and committed to our marital units and those vows we spoke all those many long decades ago.
But, hey, we’re all seriously male and not anywhere near dead; and there’s no penalty for just looking, right?
We’re all loaded on a pre-war, not certain which war, by the way, bus which stank of fish, kimchee, and diesel fuel. We really don’t care even a tiny, iotic amount. It’s free transport, we’re tired of traveling, and not keen on walking any further than we absolutely have to.
Viv has been passing out boozy little liquor miniatures, and I’ve been handing out cigars since I bought a metric shitload back in Dubai Duty-Free and somehow got them all through customs.
We didn’t light up, as there was neither a driver nor handler present. So, we figured we’d all just wait on the cigars, and concentrate on having a little ground-level “Welcome to Best Korea” party until the powers that be got their collective shit together and provided drivers, herders, and handlers.
We sat there for 15 long minutes. Being the international ambassadors of amity and insobriety, we started making noises like “Hey! Where’s our fucking driver?” and “I am Doctor Academician! Of All State Russian Geological Survey! How dare you make me wait?
Suddenly, a couple of characters in ill-fitting gray suits and fake Rays Bans are outside the bus having a collective meltdown. Somehow, someone fucked up and put us on a ‘regular’ bus and not the ‘VIP’ bus. In other words, we got to see what the locals really got to ride around Pyongyang on instead of our supposed to be impressed by the bus that wasn’t there; but was now just arriving.
A spanking new purple-and-chrome Mercedes long-haul bus shows up. It even has our group name emblazoned above the placard that normally tells where the bus is headed or who it is for: “’국제 석유 지질 과학 연합’ [Gugje Seog-yu Jijil Gwahag Yeonhab] or ‘International Union of Petroleum Geological Sciences’”.
We are brusquely ordered off our present bus and into the opulent, obviously bespoke, bright yellow faux-leather interior Mercedes-Benz Tourismo RH M. It’s so new and so obviously a ploy to get us to think that all things here are so new and opulent, it even smells of that new car, ah, bus, aroma.
“Well, we’ll take care of that soon enough”, I muse, as the bus is equipped with ashtrays and we’re going on the scenic route to our hotel, which is only 25 or so kilometers from the airport. However, it was announced that it’ll take us about 2 hours to get to our hotel since we need to see the city in its best light and get a feeling for the town if we should ever find ourselves lost and alone.
We all know what’s going on. They’re getting our rooms ‘ready’ for our arrival and need some extra time to make sure everything’s all wired in and transmitting properly.
“Guys”, I muse to our new handlers, “I’ve been to the Soviet Union, pre-wall fall. I stayed in places where I was definitely among the first westerners ever to grace their porticos. We’re a busload of natural scientists, of eight different nationalities, covering the economic spectrum from staunch capitalism to sociable socialism to hard-core communism. You even think for a second we’re going to spill any beans about anything you’d find interesting or useful? Think again.”
In fact, it would become a running joke between us all to see what sort of fake bombshells we could drop into the normal conversation what would give the listener’s the greatest case of the jibblies.
But for now, our bags were all loaded into the cargo compartment of this very, very nice, I must admit, mode of conveyance. Our handlers: ‘Yuk’, ‘No’, ‘Man’, and ‘Kong’, are all seated upfront and please with their latest tally of bodies. We have a couple of shady fellow travelers with the knock-off Ray-Bans and shiny gray suits that just appeared out of the woodwork in the back, seated by the loo, watching over all of us, and we’re going on a fucking city tour, whether we like it or not.
We’re all present and accounted for. Let’s keep our camera in our bags for the time being as the drinking and smoking lights had just been lit as the bus fired up its new German-engineered and machined precision diesel engine.
The bus rumbled to life and after a moment or two of checking that all dials, gauges, and indicators were where they were supposed to be; without so much as a cursory glance, we pulled out into traffic.
Except there was none.
Not another bus, pushbike, tap-tap, scooter, car, truck, hover-board, or motorcycle in sight.
Seems we were a big deal. They shut down the main drag so we wouldn’t be encumbered by such proletariat things like traffic jams or people-things cluttering the roadway, clambering for a look at the Western scientific cadre.
So, away we whizzed, sans traffic and into the very belly of the beast, and onward; eventually, towards our hotel.
Our handlers were very kind to point out passing scenes of interest.
“Look, look! There’s the Potong River. Notice all the lovely birds, ‘eh what? See the Norwegian Blue? Beautiful plumage!”
“See here, look. Here’s the Taedong River. Many forms of fish in the river. Maybe we’ll see some fishermen. If you like, we can stop, and ask them about today’s catch.”
We all declined, as we were certain that the fish the ‘random fisherman’ we’d talk to was flown in fresh from elsewhere earlier in the day.
Besides, we were comfortable. We had our drinks, our cigars, and we were leaving the driving to someone else.
After being driven around the city and seeing all the wonderful monuments, like the faux Arch of Triumph, which looks exactly unlike its namesake Arc de Triomphe de l'Étoile in Paris.
The Arch of Reunification, a monument to the goal of a reunified Korea, which, by necessity, is unfinished. Then there’s the Tomb of King Tongmyŏng, where people are lining up, just dying’ to get in.
Finally, we all called for our hotel, the Yanggakdo, after yet another mausoleum, the Kumsusan Memorial Palace of the Sun.
Arches or tombs. Such a stunning array of monuments and places of less than moderate interest.
We were interested in Mirae Scientists street (Future Scientists street). It is a street in a newly developed area in Pyongyang to house scientific institutions of the Kim Chaek University of Technology and its employees. But we were told that it was too late, there was not much there to see, we needed to express written permission to visit, and we’d be going there tomorrow or next week.
We wheel into the parking lot of the Yanggakdo Hotel and are immediately unimpressed by the pseudo-Baroque concrete fiasco that appears to stand, wobbly, before us. It’s a page right out of the Soviet Construction-For-The-Masses Handbook. A cold, gray concrete edifice with multitudes of seemingly little, tiny windows. A perfect metaphor for our travels thus far; look at the expansiveness of Best Korean wonders, through this pinhole.
However, we judged too soon. We were told to go inside and check-in, whilst our luggage would be de-bussed for us and handled by the expertly efficient hotel staff. The lobby was opulent, tastefully laid out in earth tones of facades of veneers of marble, granite, some garnet-mica schist, if my hand lens doesn’t lie, some Prepaleozoic anatectic migmatite, displaying intricate and intense plication, xenoliths, and graphic delineation of minerals by segregation through melting points. There was a gigantic well-appointed and well kept up aquarium, complete with snuffling sharks and nuclear-submarine sized groupers.
Very handsome indeed. Impressions increasing slightly.
Then we see that there’s a bloody casino on the bottom floor of the hotel, several bars interspersed throughout the hotel, and karaoke, of which I’m not terribly fond, but some of my European counterparts almost swooned at the prospect. There are a large pool and weight rooms/gymnasia, saunas and places to relax outside of one’s room, but still under the watchful eye of the thousands of ill-concealed video cameras at every turn.
“Covert surveillance” may be a thing in Best Korea, but it’s a practice still leaves a lot to be desired. The Eastern Siberian Russians back before the wall fell were more covert with their obvious button audio microphones woven into the fabric covering the headboard of your Intourist bed than the Best Koreans here. Their cameras were ‘disguised’ as flower arrangements, overhead lights, and speakers inexplicably placed into things like standing ashtrays, refuse bins, and randomly placed holes in the wall.
The floors were all covered with exquisite what looked to be hand-woven rugs of most vibrant crimson and gold; the usual Communistic colors. Always with some sort of floral pattern or pattern that’s supposed to be reflective of nature, as I was told. Evidently, for workers to remember what nature was as they don’t get out much with 14 to 16 hours workdays here in the Worker’s Paradise.
Enough of the travelogue; we all wander up to the front desk, and each with their own passport in hand, request our reserved rooms. We supposed that we would all have rooms on different floors as the reservations were made, expired, re-made, juggled, rebooked, allowed to expire, re-jiggered, and finally formalized a scant week before we left the UK.
Nope. No such luck. We were all on the 39th floor. The place boasts 47 floors, of which, the top floor is a revolving restaurant. Evidently, food tastes better when you’re rotating.
However, it won’t spin unless you first buy a drink.
We had that thing whirling like a NASA centrifuge after its discovery the second night.
Yeah, all 12 of us are bivouacked on the 39th floor. A floor with approximately 30 rooms.
I guess we could have played “Room Roulette” and see who got which room and who’s luggage. Or we could switch every day or two to drive our handlers nuts. Or, we could just take our assigned rooms, which were conveniently located one empty room apart.
Meaning, no one had adjoining rooms. Why? Fuck if I know. We didn’t spend much time in our rooms, and that time was either sleeping or showering. We’d all meet at the bar, casino, restaurant, karaoke, bowling alley (all three lanes) or actual meeting rooms every once in a while when we thought we should get together and compare notes. It was the most inexplicable situation.
Plus, we spent an inordinate amount of time waiting on the fucking elevators to take us to our room. These elevators, and if you think you’re going to get a batch of aging senior scientists to schlep it up 39 floor’s worth of stairs, think again; are the slowest elevators in the civilized world. And that was the consensus of scientists representing not only Europe and North America, but Russia as well. 15-25 minutes added to each journey, up or down; stopping on every floor, except 5, on the way down..
Jesus Q. Fuck, dudes. If you can’t construct a bleedin’ elevator that works better than those at the Sozvezdie Medveditsy Guest House in Lesosibirsk, Eastern Siberia; then I suggest you seriously rethink your plans for world domination and new world order.
Grako and Erwin once, while waiting for the fucking elevator, figured out that we were earning some US$25 each just to wait for the lift to arrive and take us to our rooms. Every day. Sometimes several times per day.
With that, we all agreed to toss our “waiting time” funds into a kitty and on our last day of captivity here, blow it all in the hotel casino. Whatever became of that would be donated to the Koreans we thought most deserving of our largesse.
Would it be our handlers? How about the Korean Scientists we’d be meeting? The affable and most accommodating concierge? Or that plucky little Korean charwoman who was always on our floor and kept everything spotless, right down to our freshly laundered and pressed field clothes and newly polished field boots; done without our requesting or knowledge?
Only time would tell.
It could be a fortune or it could be bupkiss. Just like our expectations of the Heavenly Kingdom where we were currently sequestered.
As it was, with our official protestations, they kept only photocopies of our passports as we roundly refused and threatened a full-scale karaoke battle right here in the lobby if they didn’t relinquish our passports immediately. I had broken out my nastiest cigar and was primed to offend.
With that, we all had our keys and trooped over to the elevators for our first, of many, inexplicable waits. We made many uncharitable and potentially nasty remarks about the Anti-Western posters that made up some of the wall décor. Once we finally made it to our floor, we all fanned out to find our rooms. Viv found his first and was quite pleased to report to the rest of us that there was a “Welcome” basket in his room.
We all hoped that we would be receiving one a well.
I was in room 3914; which I considered a close call, but later only wondered as there was no 3913. Upon entering, I saw it was 1980s Hotel 6 opulent, but with an excellent over-city view. True it was late, dark, and the city was only somewhat lit up; I was looking forward to the view of the town in full daylight.
The room had a ‘king’ bed; that is if the king in question was Tutankhamen, the stubby, Egyptian boy king. The bed had no mattress pad and no box spring but it was hard enough for my liking. Many of my compatriots didn’t agree and complained bitterly. They eventually received thin mattress pads for all their kvetching.
There was an ancient Japanese color television, which only had 2 English language channels - Al Jazeera and the BBC, which was on a dated news loop. Watching the local channel is amusing though; the ads for ‘personal enhancements’ were hilarious, even without understanding a word of the language.
There were a couple of chairs and a low table, built-in dresser drawers for our clothes, a rusty and probably unusable room safe with corroded batteries, a small table built out of the wall that would serve as my travel office, and would-you-believe, a rotary telephone; how’s that for nostalgia?
There was an old-model radio built into the nightstand next to the bed. I was very surprised to find it not only received AM, FM but shortwave as well. I had brought along a pair of Bose headphones and during some rainy down days, spent many fun-filled, and I mean that sincerely, hours DXing from the comfort of my ‘enormous’ king bed.
Beyond that, the room was very nondescript. Like any other of the millions of rooms in hotels around the world that unlike here, aren’t claiming a 5-star rating. I mean, it was clean, if not a little long in the tooth. But didn’t smell too terrible, even after I took care of that with my Camacho offerings. It was utilitarian, everything worked, even the water pressure, which surprisingly could strip off layers of one’s skin if you weren’t careful.
The bathroom, though no Jacuzzi, had a large enough bathtub for the occasional soaking period. Western accouterments in the bathroom were also welcome additions. My knees can’t handle the traditional squat-holes any longer.
There were an electric teapot and several brands of tea, but no coffee. A quick “Gee! I sure wish I had some coffee!” to the four walls and damned if 30 minutes later, a porter didn’t arrive to replenish my tea and courtesy in-room coffee…
There was a small Japanese brand in-room refrigerator which I thought might house a mini-bar. Oh, no! It was actually a complimentary larder stocked with all sorts of Best Korean goodies. Multiple cans of Taedonggang beer. Several bottles of Pyongyang Soju, in various flavors ranging anywhere from 16.8 to 53 percent alcohol by volume. My fridge was skewed towards the right-hand side of the bell curve; the more heavy-duty boozy side.
Evidently, my reputation had preceded me again.
There was a selection of German-style wheat beers from the Taedonggang Brewery and the more familiar ales, steam beers, and lagers. There were some imported beers like Heineken, Bavaria, Pils, a couple of Japanese brands: Asahi and Kirin, and something called ‘Hello Beer’ from Singapore.
There were also ‘sampler’ bottles of Apricot Pit wine, and a couple of high-alcohol fruity liquors made from constituents such as apple or pear, and mushrooms. There were also special medicinal liquors like ‘Rason’s Seal Penis Liquor’.
That is going home with me unopened.
There were a couple of bottles of local sake, called Chonju. Finally, there was a couple ‘samplers’ of homemade alcohol known as Makkoli. Plus there was something called ‘Corn Grotto’, which for the life of me, looks and tastes much like a very passable Kentucky Sippin’ Bourbon.
I put our concierge on instant danger money the very next day. He’s yet to source me more than a fifth of the stuff so far.
I found that there is a popular drink here which mirrors the Yorsch of Mother Russia. Beer and soju can be mixed to create *somaek’; a foamy, frothy, funky drink of many flavors, depending on the soju chosen.
Is ethnoimbibology at thing? The science of how different cultures drink and the effects of drinking culture on different societies. If not, now I have another Ph.D. to pursue after I endow a chair at some likely Asian university.
Anyways, in everyone’s room was a “welcome” basket, just chock full of Best Korean goodies. Postcards, stamps, ads for coin sets, stamp proofs and other goodies that could be purchased at the hotel. There was a field notebook, which I thought was a very nice addition, newspapers, cookies, crackers, biscuits, candies, fruit drinks, and some fresh fruit; although tamarind chewies and durian chips aren’t on my list of personal favorites.
There were a couple of tour books, just chock full of staged photos. These were very nice as well, as so far, we haven’t had much time for shopping outside of government stores or smaller family-run shops in town or out in the boonies.
A few of us were hungry and decided to see what the hotel had to offer room service-wise.
But, they did have a selection of restaurants. There is a Chinese restaurant, a European restaurant, and a Korean restaurant on site but they all serve the same food...a Best Korean attempt at western food. And it was weird being the only ones in the restaurant even though it was fully staffed.
We grazed lightly and decided to do some late-night perambulations around our hotel. Our handlers admonished us to stay within the confines of the hotel, or see them if it was absolutely necessary to go walkabout. In the hotel, we were on our own.
We found that there were tunnels in the hotel’s basement. The basement tunnels were a real bonus. There’s a bar with pool tables, a karaoke room, bowling, and a massage parlor, where I was beaten and pummeled into submission by tiny, diminutive, little Korean lassies fully 1/5th my size.
It was wonderful.
There was a hairdresser’s, who were completely befuddled by my shoulder-length silver-gray locks and full gray Grizzly Adams beard. They did provide a lovely shampoo/cranial massage though for the equivalent of US$2.
There were a couple of shops selling Chinese goods rather than local stuff, which was sort of disappointing, a cold noodle bar, and another casino. No shops selling Korean Communist propaganda posters, as I wanted to augment my Soviet-era collection. Perhaps I’ll find something in-country later on.
We were shocked to find that the casino had WiFi that was uncensored and we were able to access; after a fee of liquor miniatures and a cigar or two. We were supposed to have access to the global internet, not local intranet, from the universities that we would be visiting. However, all of that was under the heavily squinting eyes of handlers and guys in shiny suits wearing fake Ray-Bans.
I still had my secret satellite internet lash-up available, but that was iffy, a pain in the ass to set up, and ridiculously expensive. However, it did work on the 39th floor and the times I used it instead of wandering down to the tunnels, no one appeared to be the wiser. Thus far.
So typically, we’d just head to the basement casino with our laptops, iPads, and phones. Bam! Robert’s your Sister’s Husband, we could connect more-or-less free with the outside world; hence how you are reading this now.
Herro! “Yes, I’d sure like another beer. This time a porter, if you please.”
The more they overthink the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the drain. Or the more they put into locks, the easier they are to pick.
Besides, we were told we’d have access to unfettered and free internet. OK, so we just found it for ourselves. Whaddya expect? We’re scientists, motherfucker, back off.
Back to reality.
The breakfast buffet the next morning had a wide choice of Asian and Western food, although the choices seemed to be the same every day. The main event was to beat the Chinese tourists to the egg station every morning. Breakfast always included fried eggs, a limited selection of pork, kippered fish, potatoes, rice, fruit, and a very Titanium-dioxide-white white bread
After a while, I took to going to the small market behind the lobby, buying some imported Chinese or Japanese nibbly bits and heading to the tunnels for a few breakfast beers before the long hard day’s work. It took almost a week, but I gained the trust of some of the workers in the tunnels and they showed me the on-site microbrewery at the hotel. It produced very passable, and very, very cheap beers of several varieties.
Liquid bread. Beer. Is there nothing it can’t do?
After breakfast our first day at the hotel, we were told to meet in the Conference Room “Il-sung” as we were going to have a ‘Welcome foreign imperialist scientists’ introduction and indoctrination.
Besides our handlers and the shiny-suit squad, there were several Korean folks we didn’t recognize. These were students, scientists, and scholars from the Kim Chaek University of Technology, Kim Il-sung University, the Pyongyang University of Science and Technology; all hailing from Pyongyang, and the University of Geology from North Hwanghae Province.
“Oh, marvelous”, Erlen remarked, “It’s going to be a bloody Chautauqua. We’ll be here all day.”
“Well”, I replied, “It could be worse. We could be on a bus headed off on another unscheduled road trip.”
As we found our seats, our Korean counterparts were busily setting up portable screens, like the ones your grandfather had for showing his 2.1 Googleplex worth of travel slides every Christmas or Thanksgiving get-together. They had a couple of ancient Chinese brand laptops that could have doubled for body armor, they were so thick and heavy.
While they fiddled with running cords for the overhead projectors and 16mm film projector; yes, it was going to be movie time as well, the hotel’s restaurant folks wheeled in carts laden with scones, cupcakes, and other sweet sorts of bakery. Another cart was wheeled in with pump-pots of hot water, tea, and coffee. Usual scientific meeting fare.
There was one final cart that made the day bearable. It held a pony keg of hotel micro-brewed beer on ice, with several dozen frosty mugs available for all who wanted to partake.
There were instantly 12 mugs that were spoken for.
I grabbed a cold beer and wandered around the conference room, sipping beer, chewing on an unlit cigar, and just trying to be pleasant to our hosts and their scientific guests. I was surprised when one North Korean professor, who spoke amazingly British-tinged English, offered me a light for my cigar.
“Is smoking allowed here?” I asked.
“Allowed?” he laughed heartily, “My good man, it’s practically a prerequisite.”
“Here then”, I said, offering him a nice, unctuous Camacho, “Try one of mine.”
Dr. P'ung Kwang-Seon of the North Korean University of Geology became my instant and lifelong friend at that moment.
We had a very nice chat, much to the chagrin of the gray suit cadre, who could hear what we were talking about, but probably didn’t understand anything beyond every 8th word.
After a while, we were asked to take our seats, after refreshing our drinks, and introduced to the group of Korean geoscientists we’d be interacting with during our stay here in Best Korea.
I tried to record every name, but between the students, other scholars, and professors from the various universities, I decided I’d ask for a list of participants once the day had worn on. After all, they had all our names, references, and resumes if the thick folio they kept referring to was any indication.
There were a couple of hours of introductions, as every one of the Korean geoscientists there introduced themselves, mostly through translators, told of their personal area of specialty, and their latest work.
Most were what would be considered geoscientists, but oddly enough, not one that you would consider a petroleum geoscientist, however tangentially.
There were geomorphologists, structural geologists, petrologists, mineralogists, marine geologists, engineering geologists, and seismologists. However, there were no stratigraphers, sedimentologists, paleontologists, or geochemists. We were all geoscientists, but apart from the obvious Korean:English disparity, it was as if we spoke different scientific languages as well.
That would be our first hurdle to overcome.
They had no oil industry here; none whatsoever, therefore why one would bother with the geosciences that fed directly into petroleum? That, in and of itself, would make it difficult to explore for oil in the country. Couple that with the fact that they’re so insular, think their version of ‘science’ is the best, at least that’s the official line, and think all other’s ‘science’ is capitalistic, substandard, and inferior doesn’t bode well for your country discovering anything either oily or gassy.
We were having another conclave around the beer keg, ack, err…a ‘coffee break’ and I mentioned this fact to my scientific colleagues.
“Guys”, I need input here, “We’re going to get precisely nowhere if they won’t even acknowledge that they have major problems from the start.”
Ivan replies, “Very true. I’ve seen this before back home. You get a group so entrenched in their own little corner of science, they can’t even accept or acknowledge that others exist. Not only exist but actually know more about a certain problem than do you.”
Dax joins the fray, “Sure, that’s very true, but who’s going to tell them this unfortunate fact? They could take that as a personal, national, and global insult. Imagine you’re at an international conference and a bunch of foreigners walk in just to tell you you’ve been doing it all wrong for the last 75 years.”
I add, “Remember, though. These characters are scientists as well. I think it’ll be a good measure of seeing what sort of science and scientist we’re dealing with here. If they are truly researchers, they’ll listen to and evaluate what we say as for veracity and accuracy. If they’re just a bunch of Commie goons; no offense, Comrade Academician Ivan, they’ll get all pissed off, kick us out, and we get to go home and enjoy our triple Force Majeure pay.”
Ivan walks over and deliberately steps on the toes of my newly polished field boots.
“In Soviet Russia, field boots walk on YOU.” He laughs in his heavily inflected, and scary, Soviet-era speech…
“Yes, I agree”, Joon adds, “But who is going to address this issue with our hosts? Perhaps one of our Russian comrades, as they are, or were, more politically aligned with our Korean friends and perhaps best understand the issue?”
Ack speaks up, grinning maniacally, “No, I disagree. We should have the one person here who so encapsulates the ideologies and political leanings that they love to hate here so much. You know; the quiet, diminutive, and soft-spoken North American…”
Dax recoils, “Oh, no! I’m not going out in front of this mob of ornery Orientals…”
I smile wanly and tell Dax to cool out.
“Relax, Dax. They’re talking about me.”
“Oh, yes”, a collective group of voices replies, “Yes. Let out fearless Team Leader break the bad news to our Eastern Colleagues. That way we can gauge their reactions to being bounced around scientifically by a member of the Evil Capitalist Cartel.”
“OK”, I reply, “I’ll do it. But be forewarned, my fine feathered fiends. I get stuck on a topic that’s not precisely my bailiwick, I’m going to throw your ass to the wolves. Remember, we’re all in this together.”
Whoops, and catcalls were reduced to mumbles and ‘Aw, fucks.’.
Chautauqua resumption was called and I asked for the floor.
It was a bit off the agenda, but since they’ve been chewing the air for the last several hours, they understood it would be appropriate for us to at least try and get a word in edgewise.
I downed my beer, and grabbed a fresh one as what I was going to say was going to be harsh, cut-and-dried, and rather pointed. But delivered in a pleasant manner.
I hoped.
This all had to be filtered through a series of translators, one for general conversational Korean and another for the more technical and scientific transliterations. I realized I was going to be up here for a while. So, I brought a cigar.
One way or another, I was going to deliver our pronouncements and hell, I may as well be comfortable while doing it.
“Greetings and felicitations, my Eastern Colleagues. Let me first say how nice it is to be here in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea as part of the ….”
I’m going to fast-forward through all the flowery bullshit and introductory happiness; I’ll going to just cut to the guts of the matter.
“…Now, you do know why there has been virtually no oil, gas nor any other hydrocarbon related deposit discovered here in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea?” I asked by way of a rhetorical question.
I sipped my beer and lit my cigar. In for a chon, in for a won.
I let the buzzing subside on the side of our eastern counterparts.
“Because, and please do not take this as insulting or derogatory, but as a statement of irrefutable fact, no one with the proper training nor experience has been looking. You’re historically guilty of applying the science incorrectly and letting dogma and politics guide your search, instead of the scientific method and the facts. Geology, like all natural science, is just as truth based on the facts for a capitalist as it is for a communist. Reality is not influenced by your beliefs, be they scientific or political, secular or spiritual, ‘trusted’ rather than ‘thought’; any more than by your wish that it wouldn’t rain today during a raging thunderstorm.”
Little Boy over Hiroshima was dropped with less effect.
Our Democratic People's Republic of Korea colleagues erupted into a chaotic mixture of stuttering, internecine yelling, accusations, and sputtering.
Calling for decorum, I figured that since I was this far gone, I may as well push the plunger all the way to the bottom.
“Gentlemen, I do not denigrate the science of geology as taught and practiced here in Best Korea.” I actually said that, sort of a slip of the tongue. Continuing, “However, one would not fish for Bluefin tuna from a rowboat in a pond with a fly rod. One does not hunt bear in the city with a slingshot. Just as one doesn’t search for oil and gas with mining engineers, geomorphologists, and seismologists.”
I let that sink in and after the translation, they calmed a bit and wanted to hear the rest of what I had to say. I could sense a couple was less than thrilled with what I had to say, but forging onward…
“One fishes for Bluefin tuna in the deep ocean with huge rods, reels and a specialist boat captained by someone with deep experience in hunting the elusive fish. One hunts bear in the proper environment, the taiga or forest, with the proper tools and guided by one with the education, learnedness, and experience to know how to make the hunt come out successful.”
Hit them with some analogies they can relate to and digest. Now, go for the carotid.
“Just like one does not hunt oil and gas without stratigraphers, sedimentologists, geophysicists, petrophysicists, and other oil and gas experts who have the education, experience, and knowledge to know where to look. Knowing which environment looks most conductive to hide your quarry, if you’ll pardon the pun, and how best to find them, the guys who know how to corral and de-risk them once you find them, and the engineers and technologists who know how to bring them to the surface so they can be utilized.”
They had stopped being irritated and were listening in rapt attention.
“My colleagues and I have spent the last few days going over, in detail the geology of your country. There is nothing we can see that would preclude the development, entrapment, and preservation of economic quantities of oil and gas. Ture, the geology is quite complex as is the structural history of the entire peninsula. That’s one other thing you will have to accept. Geology doesn’t give the tiniest shit about political boundaries. One must look at the big picture, and that doesn’t stop at some man-made borders. Ignore that fact at your peril, because if you continue to view the geology here as not existing across political boundaries, you are preadapting yourself for failure.”
Drs. Ivan, Volna, and Morse make certain that everyone sees the ex-Soviets agreeing with the bushy-bearded, cigar-chomping American capitalist.
“So,” I said, hoping to bring this little spit-balling session to a fortuitous close, “If we can have an agreement; scientific agreement, on these points, then I am certain we can find a way forward with not only this discussion but the program we can devise for the best Korean (notice phase shift?) geologists to take the project forward both scientifically soundly and economically successful.”
My North Korean counterpart gets up from his seat in the conference room, goes to the keg, taps a couple of beers and walks up to the podium where I was standing.
“Thank you, Dr. Rocknocker, for saying what needed to be said”, he spoke in perfect English as he handed me a beer.
I grinned and gratefully accepted the beer.
“Why, Dr. Chang Kwang-Su”, I said, as that was his name, “You old fraud. You do speak English; and very well, I must add.”
“Yes, almost all of us do”, he relayed, “But, as you said, we are most reserved. We were more or less under orders of the ‘most illustrious’, to play coy, and act as if we spoke no English.”
“I see.” I said, “I’ve worked in several FSU countries as well as Russia and saw that there as well. I guess old habits die hard.”
“That they do, Doctor.”, he replied, “But, we must now tell you the truth. We knew exactly what you said is true, and we agree. We are not as totally insulated from the outside world as some suspect.”
“Well, I was going on what your superiors related to us. Like the police that had all their toilets stolen, I had nothing else to go on.” I replied.
“Ah, ha! Quite!”, he chuckled, “We had long suspected that we were lacking in certain areas of scholarship. What you said cements that fact as it was an independent conclusion. We can now present that to our superiors with the caveat that unless we bolster work and training in these areas, the hunt of hydrocarbon resources here will be for naught.”
“I am relieved”, I said, truthfully. “I was slightly concerned that some might take umbrage to being told their science is not up to specifications. I tried to be the bearer of that bad news but deliver it gently. Here, I find you need that to use that as a truncheon to smack one’s boss upside the head and tell him that an upgrade is required. And fast.”
“Ah, so”, he replies, “We are in total agreement. Now that is out of the way, we would appreciate it if you’d help in designing a course of study for up and coming local geoscientists. Then, we can go forward with a great plan to search for oil and gas here in…Korea. Correct?”
“Absolutely”, I remarked, “You’ve got over 400 man-years of science and exploration expertise here in this room alone. Let’s shoot for the moon, so to speak. Let’s get you up to speed on scientific journals and articles that are available out there in all of academia and industry. Let’s get you communicating on a global basis. Let’s prove that you can talk science with global scientists and still not have it affect your political or nationalistic aspirations one little bit. Let’s see if we can drag you, figuratively speaking, kicking and screaming, into the 21st century.”
“Doctor”, Dr. Chang remarked, “You are the embodiment of what we were always told what Americans are. Brash, loud, confident, and evil. Except for evil, you are American as we were led to believe.”
“Hey, I take that as a compliment”, I exclaim. “You think that’s bad, I’ve got a bunch of earnest Europeans, raucous Russians, and a couple of cagey Canadians on my side as well. Before we’re finished here, we’ll have you ordering hachee, dining on Caldo Verde, snacking on salmiakki, drinking Russkaya vodka with Pabst Blue Ribbon beer, eating poutine, and rooting for the Packers.”
“Doctor, I don’t know what half of that means, but I hope it comes to pass. It sounds most fascinating.” Dr. Chang chuckles.
The rest of the day was spent with various groups crystallizing and breaking off from the main crowd; then reforming as different groups. This was good, as it showed an interest across not only national borders but across ideologies and scientific specialties.
Most everyone here spoke English with some degree of fluency, so the translators were called in only occasionally.
I made certain they were included in everything that transpired that day. I want everyone to feel ‘part of the team’. How better to show the classlessness of Western science to include everyone in on both sides of every discussion and activity?
To be continued…
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The entire script of Paul Blart Mall Cop 2.

OVER BLACK: BLART (V.O.) The road of life is always under construction... FADE IN: SUNRISE.* (* fromthe first movie) BLART (V.O.) ... thejourney is hard, but once you reach the top, the view is amazing. Amy and Blart getting married.* BLART (V.O.) And that view is even more beautiful when you have someone to share it with... Blart and Amy DANCE ON SEGWAYSat their reception.* INT. BLART’S MOM’S FRONT DOORWAY - DAY22Blart opens the door and is handed a LETTER by a STERN MAN. BLART (V.O.) ...forsix days. INT. BLART’S MOM’S HOUSE - LATER33Blart sits in his Mom’s living room, holding the letter. She rubs his back as he CRIES HYSTERICALLY. BLART (V.O.) My beautiful wife of almost a week let me know by letter that she had, what I like to call “some regrets.” Her doctor called it, “uncontrollable vomiting.” Her lawyer... “dissolution of marriage.” He looks up at his Mom, cries a little more... and then RUNS out of the room. BLART (V.O.) That’s okay, I needed a little time to myself. Like the song says: I’ve been to paradise, but I’ve never been to me. (MORE) David Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIALSPE CONFIDENTIAL // That’s okay, when life knocks Page 2/88 you down, calmly get back up, smile, and very politely say, “you hit like a small boy.” And... (then) At least I still had the one thing that never seemed to let me down... security. INT. WEST ORANGE PAVILLIONMALL - DAY3A3AWe see Blart at the mall, throwing himself into his work. He rides through the mall, UP-NODDING to passing customers. BLART (V.O.) I spent the next two years losing myself in the sweet escape of keeping the West Orange Pavilion Mall safe. Blart spies a SMALL CHILD who appears lost. He rolls up to him on the segway and takes his hand, leading him to find his mom. Seeing the MOM, Blart reunites her with the boy. The mom is overjoyed. MOMThank you! (then to boy) Now give the fake cop a hug Andy. Blart is flattered and leans in for the hug. Andy is having none of it. Blart goes in again -- nothing. MOM (CONT’D) (getting agitated) Andy... hug him. BLARTUh... he doesn’t want a hug that’s okay. Blart is now frozen in the hug lean position. MOM(still to son) You are embarrassing me. Blart back away and leans in one more time, but the kid just BELTS HIM and runs away. The mom runs after him. Blart awkwardly gets on his segway and rides away. BLART (V.O.) (CONT'D) Salmon (05/02/2014)2. David Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIALDavid Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIAL BLART (V.0) And, on the home front... I always had Mom. Page 3/88 EXT. BLART’S MOM’S HOUSE - MORNING44Mom, in a fuzzy bathrobe, walks out into the street... BLART’S MOMOh, here’s the paper. ...and is DRILLED by an old-fashioned MILK TRUCK. BLART (V.O.) That is until she got drilled by a milk truck. Didn’t know they even had those anymore. INT. BLART’S MOM’S HOUSE - DAY55Blart once again sits in his mom’s living room looking at a FRAMED PHOTO of his mom... CRYING, uncontrollably. Maya, who is now 19 years old, rubs his back. He once again gets up and RUNS out of the room. BLART (V.O.) Besides my Maya, it didn’t seem like I had very much to look forward to. // INT. BLART’S MOM’S HOUSE - MORNINGBlart once again sits in his mom’s living room looking at a FRAMED PHOTO of his mom... he begins to CRY, uncontrollably. In the picture, we see: His MOTHER standing in a sun dress and big, floppy CHURCH HAT, surrounded by AFRICAN HUNTERS on SAFARI in AFRICA. Salmon (05/02/2014)2A. David Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIALDavid Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIAL BLART (V.O.) That is until her church group travelled to Africa, where she went on safari, and while snapping pictures, and getting a little too close, caught the business end of a Dicerosbicornis... a black rhino. Maya, who is now 19 years old, rubs his back. He once again gets up and RUNS out of the room. INT. WEST ORANGE PAVILLIONMALL - DAY66We see a melancholy Blart as he rides through the mall. BLART (V.O.) I guess I was the last one to get the memo -- Paul Blart had officially peaked... INT. DINING ROOM - DAY77Blart is opening mail at the table, he reads a LETTER that Page 4/88 has SECURITY OFFICERS TRADE ASSOCIATIONletterhead. INSERT LETTER: selected to join us for an all expense paid trip to the Security Officers Trade Association Expo and Award ceremony in Las Vegas, Nevada.” BLART (V.O.) ... orhad I? INT. MAYA’S ROOM - CONTINUOUS88Maya reads a different LETTER with UCLAletterhead. INSERT LETTER: accepted to the incoming freshman class.” BLART (O.S.) Maya! Come down here! I have some great news! MAYAMe too! Maya excitedly runs out of her room. INT. DINING ROOM - MOMENTS LATER99Maya bounds in. Blart can’t contain himself. Buff (04/30/2014)3. David Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIALDavid Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIAL BLARTHoney... we’ve been invited to the Security Officers Trade Association Expo and Award ceremony, in LasVegas, Nevada! MAYAVegas? Wow! BLARTI think they’re finally recognizing me for getting the mall out of that jam. MAYAJam? Dad, you savedthe mall! They shouldhonor you. I’m so proud of you. Maya hugs him. BLARTThank you honey. Blart breaks the hug and then holds Maya by the shoulders. BLART (CONT’D) I’ll tell ya, times have been tough, but no matter what happens as long as I have you by my side, I’ll be okay. (then) Alright, enough about me... what’s Page 5/88 your great news? Maya realizes it’s not the time to tell her dad about UCLA. She secretly tucks the letter into her back pocket. MAYAYeah, umm... BLARTWell, c’monSweetie, you got me on pins and needles here. // yougot me on top of the roller coaster here. MAYAI just remembered that... we have left-over baked ziti. Blart stares blankly at Maya... Is he on to her? Then... BLART(even bigger smile) What a day!! // Weeeeee!! What a ride!! 4. David Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIALDavid Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIAL The heroic MALL COP SCORE kicks in and we... CUT TO: CREDITS wiping behind the dented and worn SECURITY OFFICER 1010BADGE rotating through space. Finally settling on... TITLE: FLY-OVER1111The resort is bathed in golden sun, surrounded by the beautiful Las Vegas strip. EXT. WYNN HOTEL SOUTH VALET AREA - DAY1212Blart and Maya slam the trunk on their tiny RENTAL CAR. Blart, struggling with four bags of luggage, is dressed in tourist civvies and has a large laminated SECURITY OFFICERS TRADE ASSOCIATION EXPO pass hanging around his neck. A sweet faced valet, LANE (18), approaches. LANEMay I help with your bags, sir? BLARTNo, no. That’s how they get’cha. I’ll be fine on my own, thank you. LANENo problem, sir. Lane notices Maya and gives her a slight smile. Maya BLUSHES. INT. WYNN HOTEL SOUTH ENTRANCE LOBBY - DAY1313Blart and Maya enter the spectacular lobby. Blart drops his bags in AWE. For Blart, this is like going to the SUPERBOWL. BLARTTake it in, cupcake... 400,000 square feet of casino and retail Page 6/88 space, sitting atop 215 luxurious acres... all protected by the finest security this side of the//Uh... I got nothin’. Top notch security though. // Mississip... andthe other side, actually. Both sides. (then) Welcome to the show. // Showtime. 5. David Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIALDavid Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIAL SPE CONFIDENTIALDavid Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIAL BLARTYeah, I definitely would stand down for Robocop. DONNA ERICONEHe’s not real. BLARTNo, I knew that. Wow, glad I packed my dress whites. DONNA ERICONEGood thing. Just don’t tell anyone I told you. BLARTTell anyone what? DONNA ERICONEAbout the keynote -- (realizing) Oh, you got me... She punches Blart in the arm, hard. DONNA ERICONE (CONT’D) ... You done gone and gotme! I’ll see you tonight. BLARTRoger that, Officer Ericone. Donna exits. Blart turns to Maya, rubbing his arm. BLART (CONT’D) You were right princess... things just keep getting better. MAYA(feeling guilty) That’s great dad. An energized Blart strides up to a male RECEPTIONIST. BLARTYello-ha. RECEPTIONISTGood afternoon sir, welcome to the Wynn Resort. Blart hands him his ITINERARY. He reads it. Taps on his computer. BLARTChecking in. Page 7/88 7. David Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIALDavid Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIAL RECEPTIONISTAbsolutely... Mr. Blart. BLARTMr. Blart... (chuckles to himself) I’m sure you were thrown by the travel wear. It’s actually Officer. People often forget there’s a human face to law enforcement. Maya’s horrified. RECEPTIONISTOh. Okay... sorry about that. (then) Oh, yes... “Officer” Blart, I see we have you in a partial mountain view and you requested a “bottomless” bowl of Peanut M&M’s... BLARTI didn’t... my doctor probably... it’s strictly medicinal. Unfortunately, I am cursed with hypo-glycemia. “The hidden hell.” Sugar level drops and so do I. RECEPTIONISTOkay. BLART(not letting it go) It is okay because... fun fact for ya... Author Stephen King and comedian Sinbad, // R&B diva Patty LaBellealso have hypo-glycemia. So, I’m in pretty good company. RECEPTIONISTOf course. (taps a few more keys) Ooh... I’m sorry, but your room isn’t ready yet. In fact, we don’t have you checking in until three. But you can leave your luggage and I will have it delivered to the room. MAYADad, I’m starving. Can we just get some lunch? BLARTWhoa! Hold the mayo. (to receptionist) Page 8/88 (MORE) 8. David Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIALDavid Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIAL I’m sure you didn’t know this, uh... (reads name tag) Heath, but if you check the Grand ballroom and see what group’s booked there tonight, I think your tune might change a wee bit... The receptionist HITS A KEY, reads the screen. RECEPTIONISTMini-Kiss... the cover band. BLARTWow, they’re good. RECEPTIONISTYes, they are. BLARTYeah, I’m not with them. Is there a manager, I could talk to? RECEPTIONISTI’m sorry she’s not available right now. Blart makes a decision... SIGHS. BLARTAlright... I hate doing this. Blart reaches in his SHOULDER BAG. MAYAOh no, Dad... not the maga-- BLARTSorry dumplin’, got no choice. MAYA(to receptionist) Terrace Cafe open for lunch? RECEPTIONISTYes it is. MAYAI’m out. Maya goes. Blart drops the MAGAZINE on the counter and then with GREAT FANFARE turns it to face the receptionist and SLOWLY SLIDES it towards him. BLART (CONT'D) 9. David Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIALDavid Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIAL RECEPTIONISTI’m sorry sir, what am I looking at? BLART“Perimeter Check,” the official trade journal of the security industry, Feb. ‘09. RECEPTIONISTDid you print this yourself? Page 9/88 BLARTAbsolutely not -- it’s published biannually. Big seller in Canada. (then) Take a gander at the inside of the back cover, I think it should clear things up. RECEPTIONIST(reading) “Say goodbye to toenail fungus...” BLARTOpposite page... toward the bottom. RECEPTIONIST : Oh. (then) Is that you? BLARTIt is. (leans in) This is not public information, but it seems I’m going to be delivering the keynote speech at the Security Officer convention, tonight. RECEPTIONIST(remembering) Oh you know, I think they cancelled that... (checks computer) Wup, no, they didn’t. But it was downsized to conference room “C”. Nope, “F.” The Receptionist retrieves a MAP, and opens it. RECEPTIONIST (CONT’D) Okay, here’s a map of our property. Blart looks at it quickly and slides it back. 10. David Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIALDavid Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIAL BLARTThank you. RECEPTIONISTNo, that’s yours to keep. BLARTDon’t need it. It’s been scanned. (re: It’s all in here. Locked and loaded. Time for lunch. Blart exits. After a beat: RECEPTIONISTSir, your daughter and the Page 10/88 restaurant are that way. He points in the opposite direction. BLARTYup... themap was upside down when I scanned it. Blart exits the other way. OMIT 1515INT. TERRACE CAFE / (EUROPEAN POOL) - DAY1616Blart arrives at an outdoor table to find Lane talking to Maya, who is already in the middle of an appetizer. LANEWas I lying about the conch fritters? MAYAYou were not! They’re amazing! With just the right amount of zip! LANEGotta love the zip! MAYAOh, I do... I was born to zip! LANEPut my hand up on my hip, whenI zip... MAYA...youzip, 11. David Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIALDavid Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIAL MAYA (CONT’D) ...we zip. LANE...we zip. They share a LAUGH. There’s obviously a little connection between them. Blart clocks this. Lane turns to him. LANE (CONT’D) Oh, you forgot your valet ticket sir. He hands Blart the TICKET and then turns back to Maya, smiles and exits. Maya blushes once again. Blart plops down and stares at Maya. MAYAWhat? BLARTYou were bornto zip? Since when do you use the word “zip?” MAYAI always use the word zip. BLARTI don’t like it. Hipster talk. Maya shakes her head. MAYALook, Dad... you’re gonnahave to get used to the fact that I’m a big girl now. BLARTOkay, first of all, we’re all big... we’re Blarts. Wide hips, thick ankles and a low center of Page 11/88 gravity, that’s how the good Lord made us. That’s why we’re so good at moving furniture. Blart pulls something from his pocket. It’s a MECHANICAL VIBRATING FORK. He begins to pick at the conch fritters. MAYAWhat is that? BLARTMy vibrating fork. It forces me eat slower. You think I eat fast at home? On vacation, I’m like a greyhound chasing a bunny. Blart takes a QUICK TWO BITES and it indeed VIBRATES and a RED LIGHT light FLASHES. 12. David Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIALDavid Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIAL BLART (CONT’D) See? Blart waits for it to STOP vibrating, and the light to turn GREEN. He then takes another bite. This time slower. BLART (CONT’D) There we go. (quietly to himself) It’s just fuel. Just fuel. VOICE (O.S) Mr. Blart? Blart turns around WAY TOO FAST for the situation. BLARTSHANGHAI! But it’s only the smoking hot general manager, DIVINA MARTINEZ, who has two ROOM KEYS in her hand. DIVINAOh. Sorry to startle you, sir. BLARTIt’s okay, sometimes it’s just hard to turn off. // You hit the trip wire is all. Divina has no idea what he is talking about. DIVINAOkay. Well, I’m Divina Martinez, the hotel’s general manager. I wanted to apologize about the confusion regarding the convention and let you to know how happy we are to have your group staying with us. (beat) And good news -- I upgraded your Page 12/88 room. It has a view of the strip, it’s ready right now, and I wanted to give you the keys personally. Divina sets the keys down on the table and accidentally BRUSHES HER FINGERS against Blart’s. DIVINA (CONT’D) Oh, sorry about that. (having fun) Although, I must say you have very soft hands. Blart immediately reacts. 13. David Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIALDavid Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIAL BLARTWhoa. Pump the brakes. // Whoa, pffffffffft... airbag! DIVINAExcuse me? BLARTI sense what you’re doing... (off her name tag) Divina. DIVINAWhat am I doing? BLARTTruthfully? Being a bit transparent. DIVINA(confused) I’m sorry. I don’t follow-- BLARTLook, I understand it’s the 21st century and a woman can go after hers just like a man. Maya is now dying a slow death. MAYADad, I really don’t think she was-- BLART(puts his hand up) This is grown-up stuff, tadpole. (back to Divina) Look, it takes two to tango and my dancing shoes are currently out for repair. DIVINASir... I’m sorry if I -- BLARTApology not needed, just know I’m working my way through a maze of personal fire and until the flames of chaos subside... I’m just not ready for public consumption. Divina decides it’s best to just let the customer be right. Page 13/88 DIVINAUm... I understand, sir. Have a great stay. 14. David Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIALDavid Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIAL Divina walks off. BLART(to Maya) It’s not just me, right? She was relentless. Divina, still totally confused, turns back to look one more time. EXT. WYNN HOTEL SOUTH VALET AREA - CONTINUOUS 1717A custom Harley Davidson MOTORCYCLE blows into the valet area and comes to a stop. The rider takes off his helmet to reveal... EDUARDO FURTILLO, HEAD OF SECURITY for the Wynn Resort and Casino. He is immaculately dressed in a GREY SUIT, with an EAR PIECE inconspicuously tucked into his collar. Two AGENTS from Casino Security join his side as Eduardo confidently enters the hotel. One wears a BLACK SUIT, AGENT PARSONS The other wears a PURPLE SUIT (like the one Henkwore,) this is AGENT JENKINS. EXT. TERRACE CAFE (EUROPEAN POOL) - MOMENTS LATER1818Divina stands there, lost in thought. Eduardo strides up. EDUARDO : Hola, mi amor. Divina, still a tad thrown, gives Eduardo a little kiss. He senses something is off. EDUARDO (CONT’D) What troubles you, my pet? DIVINAI just had the strangest exchange with that guy over there. Divina points to Blart. P.O.V: EDUARDOEl Gordo? DIVINA(this is absurd) Yeah -- he accused me of hitting on him. 15. David Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIALDavid Kaminow Page 14/88 SPE CONFIDENTIAL EDUARDO(chuckles) Funny -- they say overweight people use humor to achieve affection. DIVINAYou know what? Okay, yes -- I also heard that. // -- that makes sense. They share a laugh, as they both look at Blart. P.O.V: VIBRATING and the LIGHT to turn off. A VIP RECEPTIONIST arrives and clears her throat. VIP RECEPTIONISTExcuse me, Ms. Martinez, our VIP guest has arrived. INT. WYNN VIP RECEPTION AREA - MOMENTS LATER1919Divina and Eduardo enter. Divina extends her hand to... VINCENT SOFEL, 40’s, TWO DIFFERENT COLORED EYES, a three piece suit, sits in a chair, sipping an espresso. A BRIEFCASE sits at his feet. Behind him is ROBINSON, mid 30’s, African American and Vincent’s bodyguard, SCOTT, tall, black suit. Vincent stands. DIVINAWelcome back to the Wynn, Mr. Sofel. We have the accommodations you requested all ready for you. If you need anything at all, please don’t hesitate to call either myself or our head of security, Mr. Furtillo. Divina points to Eduardo, who nods. VINCENTYou guys took me for a lot of money on my last visit. DIVINAWell, I hope you’re able to turn that around this time. Vincent smirks. VINCENTOh, I plan to. 16. David Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIALDavid Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIAL INT. WYNN BASIC SINGLE ROOM -- LATER2020Blart finishes unpacking and notices that there is one QUEENSIZE BED and one folded ROLL AWAY. He calls to Maya. BLARTI don’t know how this is an upgrade. You take the bed, I’ll Page 15/88 take the roll away. MAYA (O.S.) Dad, this is your convention, you can’t sleep on the roll away. BLARTI certainly can. I once fell asleep in a hurdler’s stretch. // climbinga fence. // rakingleaves. // duringa snowball fight. MAYA (O.S.) We’ll figure it out later. I gotta get going. Maya comes out wearing a ONE PIECE BATHING SUIT, with puffy flowers. She’s holding her beach bag, and heads for the door. Blart panics... BLARTWhoaaa, okay, thanks for telling me, Victoria’s secret! (averts his eyes) What do you think you’re wearing young lady? MAYAUm, a bathing suit? BLARTMaybe for an elf // maybe for a cabbage patch doll... how about leaving a little to the imagination. // leavinga little for your wedding night. MAYAI was going to hang out by the pool. BLARTNot in that. Maya rolls her eyes, grabs a COVER UP and puts it over her bathing suit. MAYAFine. Then I’m going exploring. 17. David Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIALDavid Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIAL Maya starts for the door. BLARTHold up. You got your extra phone battery? MAYAYup. BLARTFlashlight? MAYAAlways. BLARTHot pepper spray? MAYACheck. BLARTPocket knife-key chain, window Page 16/88 smasher? MAYAI do. BLARTBaby road flares? MAYAYes! I’ve got it all! Finally, Blart produces a small consumer WALKIETALKIE. BLARTHere take this. It’s set to monitor, so I can hear everything that’s going on. MAYANo way -- I already feel like a SWAT unit! BLARTMaya, security is a mission, not an intermission. Blart looks long at Maya, until this sinks in... Yellow (04/22/2014)18. David Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIALDavid Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIAL BLART (CONT’D) Okay. Head on a swivel. She exits. INT. WYNN PRESIDENTIAL SUITE - DAY - HIGH CEILING2121We are in a beautiful, two story suite. There is a flurry of activity as several people (NADIA, CARLOS, KIRA, and Scott) move DIFFERENT SIZE WOODEN CRATES into the suite. Vincent hands Robinson the BRIEFCASE he’s been carrying. Robinson opens it and places it on the coffee table. He then unfolds three pencil-thin COMPUTER MONITORS from the case, revealing a KEYBOARD. We see that the briefcase has now become an elaborate COMPUTER SYSTEM. Robinson looks impressed. Vincent leans over Robinson’s shoulder. VINCENTLet’s see if I bankrolled the right NSA agent. Robinson hits a few keystrokes, then a PASSWORD and we see that he’s hacked into the entire Wynn surveillance system. ROBINSONHow’s that? VINCENTSo far, so good. Suddenly there is a knock at the door. All activity stops dead. Scott pulls a SILENCED PISTOL, puts it behind his back and opens the door. A Wynn security agent, HENK, enters. He wears the signature WYNN, PURPLE SUIT with a NAME TAG and an EAR BUD. HENKWe had a complaint about the noise. Page 17/88 Robinson stands and approaches the security guard. He looks him up and down for a tense beat, then... ROBINSONThat’s why we have you. Vincent steps up. VINCENTI gotta say Henk, -- nice uniform. 19. David Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIALDavid Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIAL And Henk, the fake security agent, smiles wide. HENKYou don’t want to know what it took to get the real deal. VINCENTI don’t -- The activity once again starts. Henkwinks and... HENKGotta get back to keeping the Wynn Resort safe. Henkshuts the door behind him. Nadia, the art expert, holds up her phone as she approaches Vincent. NADIAThey’ve moved several of the pieces in the last few days. Here’s the new locations of all thirteen. On the screen is a hi-tech “3DRENDERING” of the entire hotel with RED DOTS marking the locations of the art. She hits send on her phone. Vincent then gathers his troops. VINCENTPerfect. I want to be in and out in less than nine hours people. Robinson holds up his phone next to Vincent’s, a timer is CLICKING DOWN from 9:00:00... 8:59:59... 8:59:58, etc. Robinson hits a BUTTON and the TIMER on Vincent’s phone perfectly syncs up. We now see the crew start to change their clothes into Wynn “EMPLOYEES: Even Robinson puts on a PURPLE security coat and EAR PIECE. INT. WYNN CASINO (ENCORE CASINO) - DAY2222Blart strolls through the casino, when he hears an ERUPTION of CHEERS at a nearby CRAPS TABLE. He weaves his way over. BLART(to gambler) What’s all the hoopla friend? GAMBLER # 1(re: This guy’s crushing! I’m literally running out of room for my chips! Page 18/88 20. David Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIALDavid Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIAL SPE CONFIDENTIALDavid Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIAL WAITRESSIt’s complimentary, sir. BLART(keeps getting better) Complimentary? (signaling for all) Then root beers around the horn! She stares at him. BLART (CONT’D) (sotto) Just one. She exits. BLART (CONT’D) I have never felt more alive! The High Roller THROWS the dice. CRAPS DEALERSeven! Craps! A HUGE GROAN from the crowd. Gambler # 1 GLARES at Blart. GAMBLER # 1Boo. The dealer turns to Blart. CRAPS DEALERYou lost everythingBLARTBut, don’t I get -- CRAPS DEALEREverything. Devastated, Blart stares straight ahead and slowly backs away from the table. Just then his complimentary ROOT BEER arrives. Blart blankly grabs the mug, CHUGS the entire thing and slowly walks away in a daze. EXT. WYNN SOUTH ENTRANCE LOBBY - DAY2323Still stung, Blart walks through the lobby when he sees Maya talking to Lane at the Valet stand! He stealthily makes his way to get a better look, when Maya notices him. Busted, Blart tries to get away but he just slams into a LUGGAGE CART. 22. David Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIALDavid Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIAL INT. WYNN HOTEL SOUTH VALET AREA - CONTINUOUS23A23ALane notice Blart, struggling with the luggage cart. LANEHey, is that your dad? MAYAI wish I could say “no” right now. Page 19/88 (then) I’ll be right back. Maya leaves and approaches Blart. MAYA (CONT’D) Dad, are you spying on me? BLARTSpying? No, I’m -- I just wanted you to know something... MAYAWhat? Beat. Thinks. BLARTThe door to safety swings on common sense. MAYAGo. Please. BLARTMaya. MAYADad! You are embarrassing me. BLART(heartbroken) Sorry you feel that way. I’ll leave you alone. MAYAPlease. Maya returns to talk to Lane, as Blart walks away, crushed. Just then, Blart is approached by SAUL GUNDERMUTT, a poorly dressed man with a mouthful of huge VENEERS, a thick Afro of RED HAIR and sporting large GOLD FRAMED EYE GLASSES. 23. David Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIALDavid Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIAL SAUL GUNDERMUTTBlart. Saul Gundermutt, head of the Security Officers Trade Association. I catch you at a bad time? BLART(recovering) No, no, it’s a pleasure, sir. SAUL GUNDERMUTTPleasure’s mine and I just want you to know, I got you sitting at my table tonight. Blart can barely contain himself. This confirms it! BLARTWow, I’m just so excited. I heard rumblings.... Saul looks CONFUSED. SAUL GUNDERMUTTRumblings? BLART(leading) About the keynote... SAUL GUNDERMUTTOh... with good reason -- NickPanero’sgiving it. Great guy. Great guard. Page 20/88 Blart looks gut punched. He quickly tries to cover. BLARTYeah, no. NickPanero. Those were the rumblings. That’s terrific. That is SO good. (then) Love to meet him sometime... pick his brain... SAUL GUNDERMUTTLooks like your lucky day, here he comes. Saul nods in the direction of.... Officer NICKPANERO, 40’s, GOOFY, JITTERY wearing a MALL OF MIAMI T-SHIRT, and Officer GINO CHIZETTI, 50’s, wearing an ill-fitting TANK TOP. They approach Blart. Pink (04/21/2014)24. David Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIALDavid Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIAL SAUL GUNDERMUTT (CONT’D) Blart. Officer NickPaneroand Officer Gino Chizetti. BLARTOfficer Manero. Nice to-- NICKPANEROHold the applesauce, hot shot. I heard‘ayou. Rumor has it, you thought youwere giving the keynote tonight. (turns to Chizetti) He thought he was giving it. GINO CHIZETTIYou thought you were giving it? BLART(covering) No. I didn’t -- NICKPANEROMan. You gotta stop bringing up that Black Friday thing, Blart. It was six years ago. GINO CHIZETTIGotta let it go. BLART(confused) I never brought up Black Friday. GINO CHIZETTIYa did... ya just did. SAUL GUNDERMUTTActually, the Black Friday thing’s why you’re here, Paul. BLARTHmm? SAUL GUNDERMUTTTo show some appreciation. Let you check out the latest in security technology and sit at the table of honor when Nick gives the keynote. Page 21/88 BLARTAnd what an honor it is. (to Nick) I’m sorry, what did you do again? Pink (04/21/2014)25. David Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIALDavid Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIAL NICKPANERO(incredulous) What’dI do? GINO CHIZETTI(incredulous) What’dhe do? NICKPANEROLast year I thwarted a ring of frozen yogurt thieves. You know those punch cards where if you hit a certain amount you get a free yogurt? BLARTSure. SAUL GUNDERMUTTWe got ‘em in the mid west. NICKPANEROWell, these animals made their own hole-punch, and next thing you know the place is hemorrhagingyogurt. I had no choice but to take ‘em down. GINO CHIZETTITake ‘em down. NICKPANERO(to Chizetti) You gotta stop that. GINO CHIZETTIYup. SAUL GUNDERMUTTPretty impressive, huh? BLARTYeah, bad day to be a yogurt thief. NICKPANEROThat’s right, slingshot. Well, no hard feelings. Tell you what. After I bring down the house tonight... Chizetti and I’ll take you out for a cold one. BLART(through the pain) I don’t drink. That’s when a Segway EMPLOYEE rides behind them and pulls up to a Segway RENTAL KIOSK. Pink (04/21/2014)26. David Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIALDavid Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIAL Blart’s eyes GO WIDE. Gino Chizetti leans in... GINO CHIZETTIHeard you’re pretty good on one of Page 22/88 those. BLARTI’ve been known to dabble. Blart jumps on the Segway... BLART (CONT’D) (trying to appear humble) I really shouldn’t. SEGWAY EMPLOYEEActually sir, you can’t. I would need a valid driver’s license if you want to take it for a test drive. Blart holds his LAMINATE in front of his face. BLARTI think if you peep the laminate, you’ll see I’m all access. Let me just nudge her out of whisper mode. Blart hits a BUTTON and the Segway gives off an acceptance CHIRP. SEGWAY EMPLOYEEOkay, well I see you know your way around a p133. BLARTI do, but this old gal’s a bit tired... I have a modified i2commuter myself. SEGWAY EMPLOYEEWow, that’s really cool... still gonnaneed a valid license though. Blart easily does a couple of quick moves. Growing in confidence... BLART(re: Whoa... THAT just took place. // Whoa... THAT was valid. SEGWAY EMPLOYEESir, please be careful. It’s about weight distribution. Make sure both hands are firmly on the grips. 27. David Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIALDavid Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIAL BLARTOh, really? So I’m guessing you wouldn’t want me to do THIS! Blart takes BOTH HANDS off the Segway and leans forward taking off towards the Valet stand and Maya. Blart WINKS at Maya, she’s horrified. MAYAPlease don’t... Blart aggressively executes a series of impressive, ONE-ARMED SPIN MOVES, gaining speed and confidence. Blart takes off BACKWARDS into the driveway. Page 23/88 The crowd is impressed, until a SHUTTLE VAN pulls up and everyone GASPS... It’s going to DRILL Blart... But NO! Blart pulls off the move of the century and avoids certain disaster!! Just as he looks over to the impressed crowd and cracks a sly smile... he backs the Segway directly into a moving CONVERTIBLE! Blart back flips into the back seat and the car pulls away. Maya’s mortified. Lane is stunned. After a beat... LANEWell, I better get back to work. I’m off in a half hour. Maybe I’ll see you around. MAYAI’d like that. As Blart drunk-walks his way back into the valet area... BLART(mumbling) Shuttle van...// Still got the laminate... INT. WYNN BASIC SINGLE ROOM - AFTERNOON2424Blart, still in pain, lays on the ROLL AWAY. Maya enters from the bathroom wearing a Wynn robe. BLARTLottafun today... great fun! MAYADad, you okay? You should really get checked out. 28. David Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIALDavid Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIAL Blart musters the courage to tell her. BLARTPumpkin, my body’s fine... it’s my ego that took a hit. Turns out I’m not giving the keynote tonight. Maya feels terrible. MAYAWell you know what? You should call a cop, because you got robbed. BLARTThanks kitten... but technically I wouldn’t need a cop -- MAYAIt’s a figure of speech, daddy. BLART : I know, it’s just, cops think they’re all that. Don’t like it. Do not... like it. Blart checks his WATCH. BLART (CONT’D) Page 24/88 Whoa, we got a meet-and-greet in fifteen... we should get a move on. Blart painfully gets off the roll away. MAYAAs exciting as that sounds, I think I’m just gonnatake a bath and a nap. I’m kindatired. BLART(a bit hurt) Sure. Right. You should get some rest. (beat) I’ll come back to get you for dinner at Bartolotta. We have reservations at six. It’s supposed to be the real deal. MAYA(short) Gotcha. Blart deflates, opens the door. MAYA (CONT’D) Hey dad... Yellow (04/22/2014)29. David Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIALDavid Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIAL SPE CONFIDENTIALDavid Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIAL MAYA (CONT’D) Sorry about the speech. I’ll see you later. I love you. She gives Blart a KISS and heads into the bathroom. He can’t help but SMILE. EXT. EUROPEAN POOL/ CABANA BAR - AFTERNOON2525Blart stands with Gino and Donna listening to Nick. They all hold FRUITY DRINKS. NICKPANEROSo I got this one kid against the wall and I turn to the other and say, “hand over the yogurt.” It was over that fast. Lights out. GINO CHIZETTILights out. (turns to Blart) Hey, how much you pay for your belt? BLART(confused) Um... I don’t know it was a gift. GINO CHIZETTIYou gotta guy? ‘Cause I gotta guy. Page 25/88 BLARTA belt guy? No, I don’t have a belt guy. Just then an older, Indian man, KHAN MUBI, joins the group. As he greets each one of them, he HUGS them... KHAN MUBIKhan Mubi. Nice to meet. (hug) Khan Mubi. Nice to meet. (hug) Khan Mubi. Nice to meet. Blart takes the hug. BLARTThank you. It’s been one heck of a day. That embrace helped. Khan pulls Blart in for ANOTHER hug. BLART (CONT’D) Yup. First one warmed me up... but this one brought it home. Pink (04/21/2014)30. David Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIALDavid Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIAL Khan releases the hug. BLART (CONT’D) We should probably go... They all make their way into the... INT. ENCORE CONVENTION HALL - MOMENTS LATER2626Where many KIOSKS are set up under banners...“NON-LETHAL WEAPONS... ETC.” Blart is impressed. BLARTWow... INT. WYNN BASIC SINGLE BATHROOM - SAME2727Maya lights a CANDLE and sets it on the edge of the tub. She takes out her acceptance letter, sits and reads it again. She is interrupted by her phone BEEPING. It’s a text from Lane. ON SCREEN: EXT. WYNN ASIAN SCULPTURE HALLWAY - SAME2828An incredible ASIAN SCULPTURE is being admired by two TOURISTS. Nearby, an attractive WOMAN drops her PURSE, scattering her belongings onto the floor. We’ve seen her before in the presidential suite, her name is Kira. KIRAOh, no! As soon as the tourists move over to help her, Robinson, dressed as purple coated security, takes out a REPLICA DOME and hits “play.” Page 26/88 ON SCREEN: He quickly moves under the SECURITY CAMERA and ATTACHES the replica dome, so it’s broadcasting what’s playing in a 360 degree field of view. He then holds out what looks like a hand held metal detector. A BLUE LIGHT emits from the device and SCANS the glass case. A light on the back of the device turns GREEN. Robinson then NODS to Kira. She nods back and Robinson moves off. 31. David Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIALDavid Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIAL INT. ENCORE CONVENTION HALL "F" - SAME2929Blart, Khan, Gino and Donna move to the first kiosk where REP #1 lifts up what looks like a SAWED OFF SHOTGUN. Nick heads off in a different direction. REP #1I’d like to introduce you to “The Big Sticky Mess,” a sawed off shotgun that shoots glue foam. You get this on you and it’s stickier than a work shoe in an IHOPbathroom. The group moves to the NEXT KIOSK: Blart greets REP #2. BLARTWhat’s the latest, friend? REP #2Marbles... you release this tie, and two hundred marbles are at your disposal. It’s your best answer to crowd control. You can’t run with these under your feet. Heck, you can’t even stand. THE NEXT KIOSK: BLARTFlashlight? REP #3Nope. The VitruSonic Taser. Renders your assailant incapacitated for five seconds at a time. The group walks along, when Blart notices... THE KIOSK ACROSS THE WAY: Saul Gundermutt attends to a large CURTAINED BOX. Blart drifts away from the group and up to Saul. SAUL GUNDERMUTTHey Paul. BLARTHey Saul. What’chagot there? Page 27/88 SAUL GUNDERMUTTIt’s getting revealed tomorrow at the luncheon. It’s a prototype. Not supposed to show anybody. (looks around) (MORE) 32. David Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIALDavid Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIAL But since you’re into gyroperformance vehicles.... takea gander. Saul peels back the curtain. We don’t see what Blart sees. SAUL GUNDERMUTT (CONT’D) Things will never be the same. Blart is shaken to the core. NEXT KIOSK: rejoins the group. REP #4When it’s time to make them pay the price, reach for “The Finisher,” * the most effective, non-lethal bean bag firearm on the market. The officers are impressed. The Rep turns to Blart. REP #4 (CONT’D) Why don’t you take her for a spin. BLARTMe? Um... sure. The Rep hands the gun to Blart who takes careful aim. There are FOUR TARGETS set up. Blart fires off four quick shots... MISS. MISS. MISS. MISS. We hear a CHUCKLE off screen. The group turns to reveal... Eduardo, Agent Parsons (black coat) and Agent Jenkins (purple coat). EDUARDOPaul Blart, Mall Cop. BLARTYes sir. EDUARDOEduardo Furtillo, Headof Security for the Wynn Resort and Casino.. BLARTOh, nice to meet a fellow brother in arms. (then, to his group) Fun fact for ya. You may notice that Mr. Furtillo here, being the head of security is in a grey coat. While... I’m sorry son, I didn’t Page 28/88 get your name. SAUL GUNDERMUTT (CONT'D) Cherry (05/13/2014)33. David Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIALDavid Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIAL The security agent next to Eduardo speaks. AGENT JENKINSJenkins. BLARTWhile Jenkins here is wearing a purple coat. See, they have a hierarchy of coat colors based on their security responsibilities... Grey, black, pine, and then finally... purple. (to Jenkins) Sorry. No offense. AGENT JENKINSYou’re wearing a polyestershirt with spanxunderneath. BLARTYep. Good catch. // Today I am... yes. (then, to Eduardo) By the way, as a professional courtesy, happy to keep my eyes peeled for any irregularities while I’m here. JENKINSOh, I think we’re good. BLARTYou’re great, the best -- just honoring the code of the badge. If you’re ever in my barn, I hope you’d do the same. EDUARDO(to Jenkins) He’s adorable, right? Jenkins and Parsons share a laugh. EDUARDO (CONT’D) (back to Blart) I see you admiring the “non lethals”. Guess they don’t trust you with the real stuff. I mean what are you really “guarding” anyway? Cell phone covers and Cinnabon? BLARTWell, there’s also three ATM’s and a Dave and Buster’s, so -- Pink (04/21/2014)34. Page 29/88 David Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIALDavid Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIAL EDUARDOHey. (motions to Blart) Closer. Gonna let you in on a little secret. Since I was named head of security five years ago, we have not had so much as a towel go missing. The Wynn hotel is the most secure place in the entire world. Without breaking eye contact, Eduardo GRABS the bean bag gun and fires off FOUR SHOTS with one hand, KNOCKING DOWN all four targets. EDUARDO (CONT’D) We don’t need your help, amateur hour. But please, have fun at your little get together tonight. Eduardo drops the bean bag gun and walks away. Blart turns to the group. BLARTWow, that was impressive. And is it me, or did he smell like tobacco and vanilla? INT. WYNN BASIC SINGLE ROOM - AFTERNOON3030Blart enters his hotel room. BLARMaya... you still in the bath? (knocks on door) Sunshine? Concerned, Blart opens the door to find... the BATHTUB FILLED, candles STILL LIT, her ROBE lying on the floor. BUT NO MAYA! He grabs the phone in the bathroom. BLARTGET ME SECURITY! EXT. ENCORE BEACH CLUB POOL BAR - AFTERNOON3131As several youngpeople hang out, wefindMayaand Lane each enjoy a SODA. LANEIt’s so cool you got into UCLA. You must be stoked. 35. David Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIALDavid Kaminow SPE CONFIDENTIAL MAYANot really. I haven’t been able to tell my dad. Page 30/88
submitted by Barblesnott_Jr to OneWordBan [link] [comments]

How to get home from Lac-Leamy casino

I'll be taking an Uber there, but from my understanding they wont be able to pick me up at the casino.
Is there some sort of shuttle service to get back to Ontario so I can Uber from there, or am I stuck cabbing it?
Update: Thanks for your help everyone. Here's how it went.
Left the casino at 1:30 am intending to hop on a bus. No dice, service had stopped.
Checked Uber, and there was only one driver in the area. Thankfully he accepted the fare, but I had to wait 15 minutes for him to reach me.
When I put in my pick up location as the front entrance of the casino, the app said the location was out of range, and I had to walk past the line of cabs before it said I was within pick up range.
Bottom line, a little inconvenient that time of day, but given the time of day and mid-week, understandable. Probably very likely that I wouldn't have been able to get an Uber at that time.
$18 plus tip for the fare, so probably saved $5 to $10 over a cab I'd guess.
submitted by oldirtydrunkard to ottawa [link] [comments]

My time in Portland is coming to an end. It was a good 20 years. Here is some word vomit about my time as a cabbie.

Hey all. I posted this in another thread but wanted to share my incoherent rambling about my time as a cab driver for Radio Cab. Most cabbies had a hustle working airport runs, doing bars, etc. I avoided bars. Can't stand amateur drunks. They puke a lot and don't know their address. I worked where the humanity was extra thick. The 205 corridor. Only had a few times where I was in fear of my life. Most of it was harmless enough but it took a deep toll on my person. My worldview got bleak. When you're surrounded by shit, it's hard not to have it soak in a bit. Anyways. I have hours of stories. But this was just stream of consciousness about stuff I saw working around the 205 corridor. And fwiw, I'd rather deal with crack smoking pimps and junkie street walkers than the wealthy any fucking day. The wealthy were the worst. Entitled brats that rarely tipped for half of shit. Cheers everyone.
I was a cabbie at Radio Cab for a bit. Also have lived in that area of SE going on something like 15 years.
It's like Reno if downtown is Vegas. If you fuck up enough in Vegas and get booted from all the casinos, you set up camp in Reno. That's what 82nd and east is for the types of folks you see taking dumps in the trash can at 4am in front of that 7-11.
But it's far from the worst one. The very worst one is that next one south on like 82nd and I think Duke or so.
Portland that hasn't done work like being a cabbie and working the 205 corridor, you have no idea what goes on out there. I took so many god damned people to go buy crack at that tiny trailer park just off Johnson Creek. I ferried dozens of pimps to take their girls to go to work to make money to go buy that crack. I picked up Vietnamese dishwashers getting hustled by street walkers and watched them get robbed. Pretty sure I was lookout for a guy that broke into an ex gf's house to go get his shit back right after he got out of jail, then off to one of the jack shacks near 82nd and Fremont to go pick up his new girl. I watched strippers getting picked up from one strip club, half drugged out of their minds by their pimps, shuttled to the next strip club to audition because they just got fired for being fucked on heroin while she was supposed to dance. I watched a guy walking down 82nd in front of that 7-11. Guy had no shoes so he used boxes used to ship gatorade to cover his feet in the rain. That one made me cry. I shuttled destitute seniors that could never afford their cab rides. I gave away a LOT of free cab rides to little old ladies with groceries. Always carried them for them. They were my favorites. Got a lot of hugs. I remember the guy that had a gun on me. He was a junkie. His stripper gf warned me he was trouble and I needed to be careful with him. No idea what made him change his mind but he left peacefully. I remember some lady at shimmers trying to set me up to be robbed. She tried to get me to go down some dark alley in my cab to go to her house where her wallet was. When I refused she became irate. It was a mess. She started screaming that I was a piece of shit, her sister had been murdered and I was making it worse, just an utterly wretched human. Told another cabbie about her and they said yeah, she's banned from RC but would slip in sometimes using fake names or not using her cell phone. I remember the strippers a lot. I had my regulars. All headed to the hourly/no-tell motels. Always very suspicious of me. And that fucking 7-11 south of the one on Powell. Can't for the life of me remember the cross street. But that was the hub. You guys think the Powell one was you're way off. That other one was the fucking hub. That's where you went to get a $10 blowjob. That's where you went to find crack and heroin. All those bars and all those motels around there were part of it. Drugs. Hookers. Pimps. Gang bangers. And everything in-between. They were all there. They all rode in my cab. Fucking brutal job. You see a side of humanity you never knew existed. Cabs service some of the most difficult, troubled, dangerous, destitute, and sketchy parts of society. The more of the cutesy bullshit (Doe's Donuts) that moves in, they all get pushed further out. But they're still here. Getting their dicks sucked for $12 in a bar on SE 82nd.
submitted by Vikingdiapers to Portland [link] [comments]

Boston 10 Day Trip Report: A Total Immersion Travel Experience in New England's Flagship City

I went to Boston for the first time in a few years and got the chance to visit family and friends. I spent 10 days in the area and got the chance to immerse myself in the city.
Weekend 1 Pics: https://www.flickr.com/gp/158149703@N04/5n5HDu
Monday Pics: https://www.flickr.com/gp/158149703@N04/yzKR35
Tuesday Pics: https://www.flickr.com/gp/158149703@N04/44E7x2
Wednesday Pics: https://www.flickr.com/gp/158149703@N04/2rwX3x
Thursday Pics: https://www.flickr.com/gp/158149703@N04/Lq59F0
Friday Pics: https://www.flickr.com/gp/158149703@N04/5BR296
Weekend 2 Pics: https://www.flickr.com/gp/158149703@N04/99Zx6i

Boston is a coastal flagship city which is one of the oldest cities in the country. The history carries on to this day and as the 10th largest metropolitan area in the country it leads the nation (and world) in education, healthcare, public transportation, and athletics. There is a distinct culture around the city, a substantial depth of fine arts and a defining resilience that makes Boston unique. While the area is very populated it does feel extremely close knit, there is no wonder why it is called ‘The Town.’
When I visit places I like to do what I call a ‘total immersion,’ where I become a local as best as possible and see and do things from all walks of life. I experienced delays on the T, crazy drivers on the Mass Pike, experienced the opening of the Ballet and felt the energy of an evening game at Fenway. I climbed up many hills from Savin Hill, Bunker Hill, Telegraph Hill, Prospect Hill, Corey Hill and many others. I went to farmers markets, grocery stores and local neighborhood eats. I visited libraries, parks and countless universities. I took a variety of transit trips on foot, bike, bus, ferry and rail. I took in the skyline from all angles near and far, from the seaport to South Boston and beyond to the Noanet Woodlands. I did my best to get a clear picture of all facets of life in Beantown.
In the 3 days I had a BlueBike I rode 92 miles utilizing 36 stations. I rode on all 5 major T lines: Blue, Green (B,C,D,E) Orange, Red (Ashmont, Braintree), Silver (SL4) and utilized 30 stations.
I visited 41 different parks, from small urban gardens to large forests with lush views.
Boston is a city that feels extremely vibrant and academic but at the same time it can be quite blue collar, it just depends on where you go. From the youthful energy of Cambridge to the more mature and laid back Brookline, from the ritzy Back Bay to the gritty winding streets of Roxbury... Boston carries on with confidence, for this is Titletown a city core to the formation of our country. This is where our founding fathers made history, this is where English civilization came to fruition in North America.
I had an incredible time in Boston, it is a truly wonderful city and up there with the finest in the world. It is a large, open and welcoming community with a small town at heart. Thank you Boston for the great experiences I will always have the city on my mind.

-Tons of vibrancy in the core city, lots of pedestrians and cyclists
-Hospitals and medical institutions
-Parks with great views and variety of landscapes
-Arts institutions, public libraries
-BlueBike system, tons of stations with bikes in good condition and $10 day pass
-Fenway park, an absolute treasure and finest ballpark in baseball with the best ushers and staff
-Cheap and convenient public transit system, week unlimited pass is a deal
-Tons of history throughout the city and surrounding areas
-Vibrancy goes down significantly after hours, not much open at night past 9pm
-Old and slow trolley and subway system
-Road network makes no sense whatsoever

Blue Bike Stations Used:
30 Dane St
Alewife MBTA at Steel Place
Ball Sq
Beacon Street & David G Mugar Way
Beacon Street & Massachusetts Avenue
Broadway T Stop
Cambridge Main Library at Broadway / Trowbridge St
Central Square Post Office Bluebikes Stations
Centre Street & Seaverns Avenue
Chinatown T Stop
Columbia Rd at Tierney Community Center
Dartmouth Street & Boylston Street
Franklin Park - Seaver St. at Humbolt Ave
Green Street T Bluebikes Station
Harrison Avenue & Bennet Street
Harvard Square at Mass Ave/ Dunster
Hayes Square - Vine St at Moulton St
Hyde Square - Barbara St at Centre St
ID Building East
ID Building West
Ink Block - Harrison Ave at Herald St
Jackson Square Bluebikes Station
JFK/UMass T Stop
Kennedy-Longfellow School 158 Spring St
Main St at Thompson Sq
MIT at Mass Ave / Amherst St
One Broadway
Roslindale Village - Washington St
S Huntington Ave at Heath St
Savin Hill T Stop - S Sydney St at Bay St
Stony Brook T Stop
Stuart St at Charles St
Union Square - Somerville
University of Massachusetts Boston - Campus Center
Upham's Corner T Stop - Magnolia St at Dudley St
Wentworth Institute of Technology - Huntington Ave at Vancouver St

MBTA Stations Utilized:
Back Bay Station
Boston Univ. East
Chestnut HIll
Cleveland Circle
Downtown Crossing
Dudley Square Government Center
Green Street
Harvard Avenue
Haymarket Station
Jackson Square
JFK / UMass
Massachusetts Ave
Museum of Fine Arts
North Station
Quincy Center
Stony Brook
Summit Avenue
Symphony Station

Bazaar on Cambridge
City Feed and Supply
Courthouse Seafood
Dunkin (original location)
Exodus Bagels
Faneuil Hall Marketplace
Finagle A Bagel
Gene’s Chinese Flatbread Cafe
J.P. Licks (original location)
Joe’s Famous Steak Subs
JP Whole Foods Market
Kupel’s Bakery
Market Basket
South End Whole Foods Market
Sweet Rice JP Thai Sushi
Tasty Burger (original location)
Trader Joe’s Back Bay
Trillium Brewing Company

Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University
Assabet River National Wildlife Refuge
Back Bay Fens
Berkeley Community Garden
Blackstone Square
Boston Common
Boston National HIstorical Park
Boston Public Garden
Bunker HIll Monument
Castle Island
Channel Park
Chester Park
Copley Square
Corey HIll Overlook Park
Dorchester Heights
Dorchester Shores Reservation
East Boston Greenway
Fan Pier Park
Forest Hills Cemetery
Franklin Park
Franklin Square
Harriet Tubman Memorial
Jamaica Pond
Larz Anderson Park
LoPresti Park
Louisburg Square
M Street Beach
Malibu Beach
Millennium Park
Noanet Woodlands
North Point Park
Olmsted Park
Paul Revere Park
Peters Park
Prospect Hill Park
Reservoir Walking Trail (Weston Reservoir)
Riverbend Park
Savin HIll Park
Seven Hills Park
Thomas J Butler Memorial Park
Titus Sparrow Park

Boston City Hall
Boston College
Boston Opera House
Boston Public Library
Boston Symphony Hall
Boston University Bridge
Cambridge Public Library
Chinatown Gate
Coolidge Corner Farmers Market
Copley Place
Copp’s Hill Burying Ground
Drydock Center
Dugout Cafe
Encore Boston Harbor
Fenway Park
Gillette World Shaving Headquarters
Hancock Cemetery
Harvard Bridge
Harvard Business School
Harvard Stadium
Harvard Yard
Honan-Allston Branch of the Boston Public Library
John Fitzgerald Kennedy National Historic Site
John W. Weeks Footbridge
Long Wharf (South)
Longwood Medical and Academic Area
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Massachusetts State House
Medford Square
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Northeastern University
Paul Revere Statue
Samuel Adams Boston Brewery
Seaport World Trade Center
Shirley-Eustis House
Skywalk Obervatory
Sowa OPen Market
The James Blake House 1661
The Old House at Peace Field- Adams National Historical Park
Thomas Crane Public Library
Tuft University

Detail Notes:

-Fly from Cincinnati CVG to Boston Logan while making a connecting flight stop in DCA
-Arrive at Logan in terminal B, I love the new terminal with large glass windows with the view of downtown
-My family picks me up and we immediately head to East Boston
-We walk around East Boston and check out the skyline views from LoPresti Park
-There is a lot of new development in the neighborhood, it feels like Boston’s version of Long Island City
-Walk back to the car and go by the East Boston Greenway
-We drive under the tunnel into downtown and then drive to the Seaport and park on A St.
-Grab beers at Trillium Brewing Company from the outdoor patio
-Then we go for a walk first around Fan Pier Park and then cross the Fort Point Channel into downtown
-Walk to Faneuil Hall Marketplace and get dinner, I get a platter from the Indian vendor, I love that there is a Magnolia Bakery vendor which I remember getting the banana pudding at the Upper West Side location in NYC
-Drive out to Natick to stay in Hotel

-Go out with family to Assabet River National Wildlife Refuge
-Walk around the beautiful Puffer Pond
-Walk on the trails and see some of the ammunition storage bunkers
-Go to Bat-Mitzvah with family

-Spend more time with family, go to relatives house in Jamaica Plain where I would stay for the week
-Go for a run around the Weston Reservoir
-Go out to the JP Licks on Centre St.
-Walk to the Jamaica Pond at night

-Wake up and go to the Centre St/Seaverns Ave Blue Bike station and pick up a bike
-Ride bike to Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University and bike up to the top of Peters Hill and catch the great view
-Bike down through Roslindale Village then to the Forest Hill station, I love all of the bike/walk trails and bike parking
-I then enter the SW Corridor Park and bike up to the Jackson Square station
-There are tons of other bike commuters making for an enjoyable ride with other fellow people on the trails
-I go to the Stop & Shop to get some chewy bars
-I continue biking down past the JP Whole Foods and make my way to Jamaica Pond where I bike around the Pond counter-clockwise
-A person lets me know I cannot bike on the path in the SW portion of the park so I head for the road on Francis Parkman Dr. and feel very uncomfortable with all of the cars, but once I get to Perkins St. I go back to the trail
-I then make my way up the Emerald Necklace, passing through Olmstead Park
-I go by Longwood Medical area, the MFA and the Back Bay Fens
-I make it to the Massachusetts Ave and take in the views of Cambridge and the Boston skyline
-I bike down through the Back Bay and to the Boston Public Library
-Inside former governor Bill Weld is doing an interview with WGBH and I sit in for a few minutes
-I then walk around and check out the Norman Leventhal map room which I love
-I then check out the various rooms in the old section of the library including the main reading room, which is beautiful and not too crowded or swarmed with tourists (unlike the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building in NYC public library)
-Bike over to the Boston Public Garden and check out the landscaping
-Then walk through Beacon Hill, I love the historic streets and architecture
-Check out Louisburg Square, which feels like a small version of Gramercy Park
-Walk to the Massachusetts Statehouse and go inside
-Check out the House of Representative Chamber and Senate Chamber
-I talk with one of the guards (who has a very strong Boston accent) who tells me I should visit the Governor's Foyer and tells me to look for Bill Weld’s portrait which is different from all the others, so I go and visit and it is very different!
-I leave the statehouse and go to the Granary Burying Ground, it is amazing to see such and old Cemetery and I check out the graves of John Hancock and Paul Revere
-Walk to Downtown Crossing (DTX) and I am very impressed by the pedestrian only streets and vibrancy
-I get noodles with a lamb skewer at Gene's Chinese Flatbread Cafe which is very good
-I then walk through Chinatown by the Chinatown Gate and love seeing all of the elderly people playing card games at Mary Soo Hoo Park
-I bike over through the seaport to the Seaport World Trade Center and catch the amazing views
-Continue to bike over to the Reebok World Headquarters and checkout the store/crossfit studio
-I bike around the drydocks, I really like the AT-AT looking cranes
-I then bike over Summer St. and then to 1st street to Thomas J Butler Memorial Park and then make my way to Castle Island
-I dismount my bike (not suppose to bike along the paths on Castle Island) and walk around the Fort Independence and check out the views of planes landing at Logan, I do see quite a few large jets landing from overseas
-I walk around Pleasure Bay to Head Island and then get back on my bike after going to the Harbourwalk
-I bike along M Street Beach and then make my way up to Dorchester Heights up on Telegraph Hill. This area has great views of downtown and feels somewhat like San Francisco
-I bike back over Traveler St. through Channel Park and then go to the Chinatown Orange Line and Ride to Stony Brook
-I then bike over to Franklin Park where I check out White Stadium as there is a high school soccer game going on
-Then bike around the park stopping by the gates of the Zoo and then the Franklin Park Overlook Ruins
-Then I go back where I am staying in JP and go for a run...making a loop from the Pond to the SW Corridor Park then down to Forrest Hills then back up to the Pond

-Walk to Green street and take Orange Line to DTX...then transfer to Red Line, it is very crowded on the platford at the crossing
-Ride North on Red Line crossing the Charles River and to Alewife
-Station feels very Eurpean as there are lots of buses and bike parking
-Bike along Somerville Community Path to Davis station
-Bike north to Medford and check out Tufts University Campus, I love the buildings and greenery
-Bike north across the Mystic River and then to Medford Square
-Continue biking south to Magoun Square, checking out the very residential streets of Somerville
-Go to Market Basket to get some more chewy bars and get a sports drink
-Bike down to Harvard
-Check out the Harvard campus, I first start on the east side of campus and then make my way to the Harvard Yard and Harvard Square
-Bike over to the Cambridge Public Library for a quick phone charge
-Bike over through Inman Square and Union Square
-Bike up to Prospect Hill Park and check out the views of downtown Boston
-Bike through the Central Redline stop and bike over to the west side of the MIT campus to BU bridge
-Bike across BU bridge and check out all of the students crossing the street during class changes on Commonwealth Ave
-Bike back across the bridge taking in the view and then bike along the river on the Dr. Dudley White Bike Path
-When I get to Massachusetts Ave I walk around campus (I get a tour guide map) and check out some of the cool buildings such as Kresge Auditorium and the great dome. The MIT campus is much more visitor friendly than Harvard, you can really go in a lot more buildings
-Then I bike over to check out the Kendall Square area and check out MIT Sloan
-I make my way up to East Cambridge and have a salmon platter at Courthouse Seafood
-I then bike down through North Point Park and Paul Revere Park to Charlestown
-I check out the Boston National Historical Park on the water and then make my way into Charlestown
-I like Charlestown is does have a similar feeling to South Boston and is surprisingly nicer than I thought it would be and lots of very nice looking housing
-I make my way to the Bunker Hill Monument
-Then I run down to catch the ferry (which is included with 7-day MBTA pass) at the Charlestown Navy Yard Ferry Terminal
-Take 7 minute Ferry ride to the Aquarium Terminal and get great views of the harbour and downtown
-I take the Blue Line from the Aquarium to Government Center
-Then I take the D train Green Line to Kenmore
-Get off at Kenmore and walk to Fenway Park, I walk around the park before the gates open and get in line
-Go inside the park (get Bathan Eovaldi bobblehead giveaway) then check out the team store
-Inside awesome teamstore, I go to the back room where there is memorabilia and get an autograph from Julian Tavarez
-I walk into the stadium and I walk right down to home plate, then over to left field and onto the Green Monster, then on the upper deck around to right field, then down to the bleachers then back behind home plate. I love how you are allowed to go nearly everywhere in the park before the game starts (as opposed to Wrigley Field or Yankee Stadium). The ushers are so friendly and really go out of their way to make a great experience.
-Go to 5th row in Grandstand section 19 to watch the game which is a great view
-See a lot of Red Sox Legends in the Park (Pedro Martinez and Carlton Fisk)
-See Mike Yastrzemski hit a home run and the crowd gives a standing ovation
-Leave game and head to Tasty Burger
-Walk across the Fens and see a movie being filmed at the MFA coming to Netflix called ‘The Sleepover’
-Catch 39 Bus back to accommodation
-Wake up and bike over to Exodus Bagels, I get a plain with cream cheese
-Bike through Roxbury, go by Boston Latin Academy and up through Dudley Square
-Check out the Shirley-Eustis House
-Bike to Upham’s Corner and check out the Dorchester North Burying Ground. I love all of the street art murals in Roxbury and Dorchester, while these are some of the poorer neighborhoods in the city, they still are not that down looking and have a good community feel
-Check out the James Blake House (built in 1661!)
-Bike to the JFK/UMass Red Line stop and head south to Quincy Center
-Check out downtown Quincy and visit Hancock Cemetery which is very cool (set apart in 1640!)
-Walk up to check out the Adams National Park Visitor Center and then the The Old House at Peace Field, then I walk to the Quincy Homestead
-Walk through Faxon Field and then go to the Original Dunkin Donuts on Southern Artery and get a 10 pcs munchkins (and immediately eat all of them)
-Walk back downtown and check out inside Thomas Crane Public Library
-Take Red Line back to JFK/UMass and bike along Dorchester Shores Reservation
-Bike around JFK Presidential Library and then check out the UMass Boston Campus, I take a break in the beautiful cafeteria overlooking the water and charge my phone and rest for a few minutes
-I then bike down around Savin Hill Cove past the Vietnam War Memorial and over to Malibu Beach
-Then I bike up to the top of Savin Hill but the view is disappointing as there really isn’t a view
-I then take the Red Line from Savin Hill to Broadway and check out the Gillette HQ complex and take in the views from the city
-I bike to the South End Whole Foods and get a turkey sandwich
-I then go to Emerson and check out the buildings there and eat my turkey sandwich and then walk through the North End
-I check out the Paul Revere Statue, Old North Church and Copp’s Hill Burial Ground
-Go to North Station and catch the Green E line to the MFA
-Check out the MFA which is very very impressive, my favorite section is the American landscape paintings. I also see some work done by Frank Duveneck who is from where I live in Covington, KY (right across the bridge from Cincinnati)
-Bike over to meet a friend at Harvard, to get there I bike through Longwood and catch the stunning sunset John W. Weeks Footbridge
-Take Red Line from Harvard Square to DTX then take Orange line to Jackson Square
-Bike to the JP Whole foods and get 2 cans of beans to eat
-Bike back to accommodation, eat beans and go to sleep

-Wake up and take Orange Line to Wellington, there is a Dunkin in the stop and there are many locals waiting to get their fix
-Take the Encore shuttle to the Encore Casino (originally I got on the employee shuttle)
-Walk through the Casino and grounds, the physical plant is amazing and there are some nice views of the Mystic but overall I am not that impressed as the shopping is not that high end and the minimums are high for the table games
-I take the shuttle back to Wellington and then take Orange Line to Back Bay Station then I take the Green B line from Copley Square to Harvard Ave
-I then walk to Bazaar on Cambridge and get ½ pound of lox and a loaf of dark brown sourdough rye 'Borodinsky bread.'
-I eat outside at a local park right next to the Honan-Allston Branch of the Boston Public Library and then check out the library inside
-I then walk over to Harvard Stadium and check it out and the Harvard Business School and check out the campus and meet with a friend there briefly
-I catch the 66 bus back down to Harvard Ave into Brookline where I grab a bagel at Kupel's Bakery walk around and check out the JFK National Historic Site
-Then make my way down to Coolidge Corner and then check out the Brookline Farmers Market
-Then walk on Beacon Street and up Summit Ave to Corey Hill Overlook Park which the views are ok but then walk back down and catch the Green Line C train
-Get off at the end of the C train at Cleveland Circle and walk around Chestnut Hill Reservoir from the north side
-I then walk through Boston College Football stadium and the campus, which is very beautiful
-I then walk down Hammond St. to the Chestnut HIll D train and take it to Longwood station
-I walk through Longwood at all of the world class medical schools and institutions and walk by Boston Latin School
-I then walk through Northeastern campus and go to Ruggles station and catch a brand new Orange Line train which I take to Chinatown
-I then walk though the Boston Common and grab a Mcdonalds burgefries/McChicken and eat on a bench in the common and do some people watching
-Then I go to the Boston Opera House to see the premiere the 2019-2020 Boston Ballet which is a performance of Giselle which I love
-After the show then check out the new downtown Taco Bell but it is a complete mess so I just take an Uber back

-Wake up and go to Green St. Orange Line, there is a brand new train but it is going outbound to Forrest Hills so I take an old train to Massachusetts Ave station and walk through the SW Corridor Park. I love the juxtaposition of the historic walk ups to the towering skyscrapers
-I make my way to Harriet Tubman Square, Chester Park, Franklin Square and Jackson Square
-I walk through the Berklee Community Garden
-I then walk up to check out the Boston Marathon Bombing Memorial Finish Line and get a bagel w/cream cheese at Finagleabagel
-Then I meet some friends and walk through the Copley Place shops and then go up to the Skydeck on the top of the Prudential Building
-The views are great but I do not think worth the $20+ price of admission. Its is cool though to see all of the places I have been from a birds eye view, especially the water and all of the rowhouse neighborhoods
-Then take Prudential Green Line to Haymarket and check out the farmers market
-I then head to City Hall Plaza and take in the Boston Climate Strike
-Next I take Green Line E train from Government Center to Symphony Hall and go inside
-I see performance of the Boston Symphony I get a seat on the first balcony to have a view of the two piano concerto. There is also a world premiere piece commissioned by the BSO and Beethoven's Fantasia featuring The Tanglewood Festival Chorus.
-After the Symphony I take the Orange Line to Stoney Brook and get some bagels from City Feed
-In evening head to Millenium Park and go for a run, take trail down to the Charles River and then take in the sunset from atop the skyline loop
-Go out to dinner at Sweet Rice in JP

-I go for a morning run, I first cross the Emerald Necklace into Brookline to check out Larz Anderson Park. Then I go through the Arboretum and the Bussey Brook Meadow to the Forest Hills Cemetery. I visit the burial places of Revolutionary War General Joseph Warren, Poet E.E. Cummings, Abolitionist William Llyod Garrison and Nobel Laureate Playwright Eugene O'Neil.
-Then I go to the Sam Adams Brewery and go for a toutasting where I try the Boston Lager, Oktoberfest, and Pumpkin Ale
-Then take 39 bus to the Back Bay and walk down Newbury St and check out all of the shops
-Get a burrito at the Back Bay Trader Joes and then walk to the Boston Common where the ‘Freedom Fest’ is taking place, there is a lot of smoke which I cannot handle so I walk around
-I check out the ‘Friends’ couch set and then take the Silver Line from Tuft Medical Center to Dudley Square
-I get a shredded beef sandwich at Joe’s which is really big just what I needed
-Then I take the 28 bus to the orange line back to JP
-At night I take 39 bus to Copley and take Green Line B train to Boston University East and I go see the Mendoza Line Comedy show at the Dugout Cafe

-I wake up and take bus to the South end and check out the SoWa open market, I check out the food stalls, outdoor crafts market, indoor vintage market and artist studios
-I then grab some food at the South End Whole Foods and then take Orange Line/Orange line shuttle back to JP
-Then go for an afternoon run through the Noanet Woodland and catch the nice view of downtown Boston and forest from the top of the lookout

-Wake up before dawn, and take Orange Line to the Blue Line at Government Center and take the Blue Line to the Airport
-Check out the skyline from the terminal one last time and then fly back to CVG
submitted by redsox92 to boston [link] [comments]

Never try to keep up with the Joneses, especially when they’re Geologists…

That reminds me of a story.
I was out flying around the globe again, pursuing that fine filthy lucre. From the Middle East to Amsterdam then on to Moscow. Just another day in the life…
Arrived in Moscow and spent a few days being run from pillar to post looking over a certain large oil company’s assets trying to determine if it was a lost cause or if something could be salvaged from the wreckage they presented.
This was admittedly a while back, and the situation has improved greatly. I’d like to think I had a little something to do with the recovery and remediation there.
It yielded a healthy supply of contractual work as well as some fairly lucrative contracts.
Back and forth to Russia, on a fairly continual 28/28 basis. 28 days in-country, 28 days at home; rise, rinse, repeat. Often, on days off, I’d take short term contracts in the Far East on the way back, as long as I was out and about. Not only did I fly the same airlines every time, but the same flights over and again, at the same time, same airports, etc.
Suffice to say, I got to know certain flight crews, airport folks, hotel managers, and taxi drivers quite well. I was on contract door-to-door, so everything I did was compensated from the time I left my humble home until I returned. It turned me into a very good tipper; as you can get more with a kind word and $US50 than with just a kind word.
After two years of this global rebound, I am well known in every bar, pub, gin-mill and tavern from Malta to Macau to Moscow. I had also struck up friendships with many barkeeps in the airport bars along the various flight paths.
I left Moscow one bright, sunny spring day to only have the weather turn into an absolute shitstorm by the time we hit Amsterdam. It was a grim landing, but being the seasoned world traveler, I took it all in stride. If flying Aeroflot from 1987 to 1995 hadn’t killed me, I was feeling well-nigh bulletproof.
Amsterdam was in a state of ultimate chaos. I had connecting flights but knew there was no way I’d be making any of them due to the inclement weather. My bags were already checked through to my destination, so all I had was my small carry-on with the absolute essentials for survival: my two emergency flasks, box of cigars, spare lighters, beef jerky, and iPods. With that, I could hold out almost indefinitely, as long as the airport lounges remained open.
Knowing Schiphol Airport rather well, I decided to just wait out the storms, not even bothering to try and book a suite at the adjacent Hyatt Hotel. There were still flights arriving, but none going out.
It was becoming more and more a madhouse, populated with less-than-frequent flyers who we having a collective meltdown about missing their flights.
“Force Majeure, baby!” I said, tipping my tumbler towards the thundery tumult.
I decided to secure a comfortable post up on Mahogany Ridge and settle in for a long wait. I was in one of the ubiquitous geodesic drink emporia Schiphol had at the time. I was enjoying a good cigar, a cold draft Oranjeboom, and 100 ml of Russkaya on a fairly regular basis.
After a short while, a band of younger nondescript European travelers showed up and commandeered the table right behind me. It was impossible not to overhear the wailing, whining, and kvetching about the weather and how it had the temerity to disrupt their travel plans.
“Well,” I mused, “That happens. Best not to get your panties in a bunch and just try to make the best of a weird situation.”
But they were having none of that.
Sob, moan, bitch. One would think the weather was being cantankerous just to inconvenience them personally. Sorry, snowflakes, but we’re all in this together.
I ordered another round and sat back trying to decipher the Russian newspaper I liberated from Sheremetyevo International Airport earlier that morning.
For some odd reason, I became a person of interest to these whiny Europeans. Could have been the field boots, my Oilwell Firefighting jacket, Cyrillic newspaper, or the double corona cigars, I was under the cynosure of these characters from that point onward.
I ordered another round and one of the band of whiners came up and began grilling me about all manner of air travel minutiae. They mentioned I was one of the few people around not collectively losing his shit about missed connections.
“Yeah”, I replied after a healthy draught of Russkaya, “The more you travel and the older you get, the more you tolerate things that are completely out of your control.”
“OK, sure”, he replies, “But we’re going to miss our connecting flights…sob, boo hoo…”
“So?” I retort, “It’s not like your destination is going anywhere. It’ll still be there later when you do arrive all safe and sound.”
This wasn’t the answer he was looking for.
“Maybe”, he snorts back, “But we can’t just sit around the bar waiting…”
“Why not?” I ask, “Not a whole else left to do once you get enough of the airport casino. Besides, sitting and relaxing here has always worked for me. Less stress. Chill a bit, you’ll live longer.”
He harrumphs and returns to his like-minded troop of twarves.
Evidently, they saw some wisdom in my words. Every time I ordered a round of drinks, they did the same.
This was a patently bad idea.
Somehow, my advice to them was twisted and transmogrified into some sort of challenge.
One they were destined to lose.
It was like a tractor pull competition between a D10 Caterpillar dozer and a 1969 Volkswagen.
I know my limits. I’ve never met them, but I do know they exist. I also know to drink loads of water and eat something now and again during an extended delay. Besides that, being a geologist and therefore one of the planet’s few ethanol-fueled carbon-based lifeforms, hailing from Baja Canada, and one who’s spent years and years working in Russia, I was the original triple-threat. The cards were definitely not stacked in their favor.
I didn’t ask for any sort of competition, nor would I shy from one when the gauntlet is thrown down. I even went so far as to offer to buy a round or two for them when they fell behind.
I kept an eye on the departure board and noticed, some hours later, that flights were beginning to leave once again. More surprising, my flight was about to start boarding in an hour or so. Even more surprising, is that the Eurowhiners were taking the same flight.
Well, 45 minutes to go. Time for a final round.
I hear my flight being called, so I settle my tab, tip the nice bartender for all her attention, and wander off toward my flight. I stopped by the Euro table and mentioned our flight was being called, and they might want to rouse the two or three snorers as time was growing short.
I move with great deliberation. I never run, even at gunpoint. Some might even say I move somewhat slowly. Perhaps, but always with grim determination and fixity of purpose.
I was soon overtaken by the group of Europeans from the bar, and they’re tripping, sliding, and being generally annoying; perhaps due to their heroic intake of cocktails back at geodesic ground zero.
I arrive behind them and have my passport, boarding card, and ticket stub ready to present.
They did not and were making a rather noisy spectacle of having to find their pertinent papers.
I just wait and wait quietly. I fly business and know my seat will still be there no matter what. They were flying coach and being generally as raucous and disagreeable as a noisy group could muster.
They finally get aboard after a lot of bad noise, and I greet Rachel, the airline ticket-taker.
“Hello, Dr. Rock.” She greets me, “Usual seat?”
“Oh, yes. Finally. Some weather you all have here.” I comment.
“It’s been a fun 48 hours”, she relates.
I stow my gear above seat 4A in Business and settle back for the long haul flight.
I am offered, and accept, a pre-flight Vodka and Bitter Lemon; in fact, I didn’t even need to ask. Jennifer of the cabin crew recognized me. I had given her a Russian watch for her husband some rotations back and she was always appreciative.
So, we’re waiting on the last of the plane’s stragglers when a regular hullaballoo breaks out in the rear of the plane. Evidently some people were all drunk and disorderly and were now being shuttled off the aircraft.
It was my comrades from the geodesic bar. Evidently, they were a bit over the limit for the carrier and being noisy, disruptive, and generally assholes. They were asked, rather unceremoniously, to deplane.
As they were being ushered off the aircraft, they stumble through Business Class and glimpse me sitting in 4A with a healthy cocktail in my hand.
“Why are you throwing us off the plane? He’s” as they point unsteadily at me, “had more to drink than us.”
“Quite possible”, I said, “But I’m not the ones who insisted on keeping up with my progress.
Jennifer looks at the snozzled Eurotypes.
“You tried to go one and one up against Dr. Rock? My God! Let me call the ambulance for you immediately!” she said with mock alarm.
Once they were ejected from the plane and the door secured, Jennifer asked if I’d like a taxiing drink.
“Oh, yes.” I said, “This time, a double please.”
submitted by Rocknocker to Rocknocker [link] [comments]

Visitor's Guide to Detroit Red Wings hockey at Little Caesers Arena 2019-2020

Welcome to the 2019-2020 Detroit Red Wings season. This is the third version of this guide to help out visitors looking for some information from locals about Little Caesers Arena (LCA) and surrounding area in Detroit. I hope you find it helpful. Suggestions welcome!
submitted by spoonyfork to DetroitRedWings [link] [comments]

PSA: First time going to Vegas this weekend? Here are some tips that helped me along the way!

I am sure there are a few people from this sub who will be attending Las Vegas for the first time this weekend for Double or Nothing, and most of you may even be over 21. That being said, I wanted to make some mention of a couple things I have learned over my time staying on the strip. I'm 36, my wife and I have been to Vegas over 15 times, each time staying on the Strip. Here are some pointers.
If you have any additional questions or wish to expand on something, please let me know.
I can't wait to be a part of this with all of you.

EDIT: Spelling cause I suck.
submitted by Roembowski to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

Finn Bomber Rider, BB-HATE, Holdo deliberate look and Katherine Kennedy thought Canto Blight didnt feel like Star Wars- some backstory from BTS The Last Jedi Artbook!

I got The Last Jedi Artbook last year for my birthday. Read half of it and now just got around to reading the other half as anniversary for The Last Jedi. Very interesting. Here is a list of what I found most interesting and addresses certain issues constantly brought up.

-For those that may not know Lucas original idea was Luke being a hermit and depressed.

- Originally Finn was the bomber at the start of The Last Jedi with Rose's Sister and just survived but saw her sacrifice. Rose's sister when dying in Finn's hands would leave a blood print on his face/chest like what the First Order Trooper did at the start of Force Awakens. A deliberately intended by Rian Johnson mirror. So the black Gunner on the bomber we see at the start of TLJ was originally going to be Finn. The reason Rian Johnson changed is that he felt if Finn found out that Paige was her Sister then he would either be the jerk that didn't tell her he knew her sister, with her when she died or the whole movie would come to stop for a sister death scene which he felt got disrupt the flow. Thus it was then changed by Rian Johnson. Also, the Dreadnaught wasn't the original target-- in the early draft, it was a Star Destroyer that was Fuel Carrier.

- The Vertical Bombers were based on B-Wings but also with Toys in mind. IT was also one of the artist's ideas not Rian Johnson - who thought it would be a cool toy if the bombs fell out vertically. I have seen this as a common complaint of not making sense. Well, it wasn't even Rian Johnson's idea.

- Rian Johnson was very into a bomber movie and Vertical Warfare book so really wanted a bomber sequence. He showed every party involved with Star Wars movies of varying degree that explained what thematically and emotionally he was going for. So all of the Lucasfilm people knew EXACTLY what RJ was doing and gave the go ahead.

- Katherine Kennedy when she first saw the Canto Blight artwork said it didn't feel like Star Wars, this then led to the artists redesigning elements and bringing out Ralph McQuarrie artwork to convince her (as well as tried to put Bespin influence into the setting)

- Rogue One was essentially shot back to back with The Last Jedi is mentioned in the book. Also how they had to rush to get concept artists because the ones that been used on Force Awakens had been transferred to Rogue One and if they didn't get three concept artists they couldn't keep the schedule with TLJ. Essentially they needed new art team for The Last Jedi because all the Force Awakens Art team had been transferred to Rogue One-- or large chunks of them had been.

- Phasma was designed in 5 days after Katherine Kennedy loved it but JJ Abrams saw no need for the design. JJ Abrams is quoted as saying that he didn't like it because Kylo Ren wasn't meant to be part of the Stormtroopers but leading them so wanted something else. They literally had no idea of what her character was just visuals. It consistent in both Artbooks that they dont hire writers and story crafters but artists who then with visuals drive story routes. Think they could do with more writers then artists though.

- Rian Johnson wasn't sure about First Order Storm Troopers costumes, he didn't feel like they were threatening enough so he wanted a redesign/tweak. This led to artist increasing the brow and tweaking the stormtroopers armour- also changing the colour from a pale white into more grey-white but this essentially led to them completely destroying all Force Awaken Storm Trooper costumes

- Rian Johnson was not interested in Kylo Ren's helmet being in the movie. The other artists thought it was cool and how so many kids were wearing it but Rian Johnson wanted to give all the possible space for Adam Driver to act his pants off because he felt that the story for Adam Driver was that important for the character so he wanted nothing hidden by the mask. Essentially he was adamantly wanting no hindrance for Adam Driver acting.

- Snoke's Gold outfit was not Rian Johnson idea but another artist-- also the red backdrop for his throne room was designed on the theme of theatrical. Rian Johnson wanted Snoke to be more about theatre. Artists also used The Red Room from Twin Peaks and the red backdrop colour scheme came from an old Ralph McQuarrie artwork. This was artwork for The Return of the Jedi which is Vader, Luke and Palpatine meeting underneath Coruscant near its core so lava, hellfire all around them. So Snoke's Gold Outfit right down to his slippers was designed by Artists, not Rian Johnson. They even had a really tall actor sitting on the throne to maintain convincing eyeline as well as Andy Serkis. The Snoke actor got to wear hand made gown and slipper versions of Snoke's outfit.

- DJ for those that don't know now is specifically stated as standing for Don't Join. It was inspired by an old punk band poster Rian Johnson saw and the prison he in was just a drunk tank connected to the Casino. He is also meant to be an alternative route for Finn. RJ says this was due to Finn in the Force Awakens was all about protecting whoever was in front of him but what DJ and Rose with Finn arc in TLJ were meant to bring to the front the notion for Finn of not just protecting who is in front, who you care for but having a cause of protection.

- Canto Blight was meant to be no low life or criminals like Jabba The Hut or Mos Eisley. It just meant to be incredibly wealthy and rich - highest of the high cream crop of the universe. Kings, Queens and Warlords

- The Code Breaker storyline was meant to be Rose and Finn helping him steal another object of a Warlord. He was undercover as a piano player and then when the mission fails he gets abducted by the authorities (physically, like they have a ship bringing him up in a tractor beam) and then Rose and Finn chucked in the drunk tank of the Casino. So the reason why the Codebreaker got cut is that his story was a dead end.

- Rose was Blonde and White, so this idea that Rose was changed for SJW or PC isn't true. It means that Kelly Marie Tran proved herself in the auditions that they completely changed her character

- Luke Exile was all about his Guilt over Kylo Ren/Ben and his failure, his last night encounter with Ben and Luke felt that as long as the Sith and Jedi exist you will always have a Darth Vader or Emperor so he wanted Sith and Jedi to die, as in their religion die out and he thought this would happen by his exile and becoming a hermit. This was directly from Johnson himself. So for me, Luke's exile made sense due to experience with trauma and depression but a lot of people say how Luke would never pull a sabre on Kylo/Ben but Johnson point was that very act was also a core part of his exiling.

- All the Jedi Temple stuff with Rey, the architecture is all related to Hindu imagery and Taoism. In the artbook, they literally have the Yin and Yang mosaic formed with a sabre wielder. So Taoism was literally the core along with Ying and Yang imagery and message with the Jedi Temple Rey is in.

- The Story Group, Dave Filoni, Brain Trusts of Lucasfilms, JJ Abrams all knew what Rian Johnson was doing with the story. Rian Johnson script was least edited out of all the Star Wars scripts with only different drafts with tweaks but the story and what he was doing with the story never changed because all parties and organs of Lucasfilms supported it. So Dave Filoni knew what was going on as did Hidalgo and Story group.

- Rian Johnson had personal meeting with Rick Carter Co-Production along with lead artists for the TLJ who went through every aspect of his story, every aspect of the art and then Rian Johnson and other lead artists for TLJ went through with Pablo Hidalgo and Story Group the Star Wars library and complete archive, every decision Rian Johnson made with the story in TLJ went through EVERY part of the Lucasfilm inner circle and he read lots of the Lore and archives on the lore and artwork books, went through it all for ideas for his story. Because Lucasfilm essentially had a massive library and vault/archive of all things Star Wars. SO LET THIS BE CLEARLY STATED TLJ was not just his project, he DID not drive everything. So the people that say Rian Johnson Killed Star Wars are incorrectly attributing a multiple person process to one man.

- Some of the Bombs dropped on First Order at the start had messages from the resistance on them including "Han says Hi"

- Holdo was originally going to be in a Grey Military Outfit but Rian Johnson wanted her outfit to look more feminine and balletic. Deliberately being different to what you would expect from a military general-- so people that complain about how she looks- that look she has was deliberately done to break the expectations of what she would be (iron grey general butting heads with Poe) and he wanted her to deliberately stand out so much.

- The Evil First Order BB-8 was designed to look more imperial and evil and the artists' nickname/name for it was BB-HATE

- The Resistance Hanger was deliberately designed to be small and low, so it could contain the blast and was a better way to funnel the blast towards Poe by rounding off the walls

- C3PO costume was redesigned so it took Anthony Daniels 8 minutes to get into whilst previously for Force Awakens it took much longer. This was partly due to Rian Johnson wanting to go back to a more classical look.

- Poe watching the resistance be blown up was deliberately to frame it so he is watching everything fall apart all around him and he is losing everything in that moment.

- Lots of the Sets in TLJ are multipurpose sets-- Snoke's Throne Room was also used as the set for Resistance base at the end

- Character Arcs - Finn arc was him and Poe on Canto Blight but then Johnson felt it was boring, no tension between the two. So he wanted to bring in someone that could collide with Finn more. Someone that could challenge him and push him. Rose essentially then fills this role as (Johnson puts it) the angel of Finn's shoulder whilst DJ is the devil. Rose was designed to serve Finn's arc like how Holdo and Leia were to serve Poe's arc and how Kylo and Luke serve Rey's Arc.

- Gareth Edwards when doing his Cameo made a joke that the battle on Crait looked like Rogue One (which the artists said to him- no it didn't [laughs] is in this segment so they were all having fun)

- Artists Idea for the utter wreck of ships at the end in the battle of Crait for the Resistance essentially the artists say it was meant to be a ying-yang thing with the First Order who have these highly advanced and sleek and working tech against resistances completely garbage vehicles. So with all their designing they had this whole ying-yang approach

- First Order Walkers in Crait were deliberately designed to have anti-tow cable because Rian Johnson wanted them to have developed walkers and tech that countered tow cables. So you have the old walkers and then these bigger walkers that were meant to be gorillas in armour. It was based on historical thinking of how Germans and Russians would build bigger tanks to fight each other.

- Kylo Ren's fighter was based partly on his shuttle but meant to be an evolution of Tie Fighters

- A giant walker or "aircraft carrier of walkers" that would be dropped on the planet which would then unleash smaller walkers and all these tie fighters was also considering in the end fight when it was still above a thin reflect lake (which then became a salt plain)

- The mini death star cannon was inspired by huge historical guns designed by Germans etc.

- The land going red on Crait was meant to be a PG-13 way of doing blood spilling in war, that the actual land starts to reflect the blood loss of the battle. The land actually bleeds for the dead basically-- in imagery.

- All of them thought fans would adore the film because they wanted to do what they remembered as children with Star Wars, all that excitement and wonder but also wanted to set the stage for something new, a new world.

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